Sometimes a person can experience such an alarming and extremely unpleasant symptom, as a feeling of strangulation in the throat. The sensation that the "throat is strangling" brings severe discomfort, and may also be a symptom of some serious diseases. With this problem, one should not joke: it requires careful examination, the establishment of an accurate diagnosis, and appropriate treatment.

In the article we will consider what causes cause a feeling of choking in the throat area, and how to get rid of such an unpleasant sensation by medicines and folk methods.


  • 1 Causes of

    Symptoms of

    • 1 Symptoms of
    • 3 Treatment of
      • 3.1 Medical treatment of
    • 4 Folk remedies
    • 5 Prevention of

    Causes of

    throat stifles

    The immediate culprit of this unpleasant symptom is most often a pathology leading to a narrowing of the laryngeal lumen and swelling of the pharyngeal mucosa. As a result, the soft tissues of the mucosa increase in size, thus causing a sensation of suffocation. But sometimes the reason can be much more serious - up to malignant neoplasms, which, increasing in size, pressure on the respiratory system.

    instagram viewer

    It is important to establish the correct cause of .And it can be done only by a doctor who has the appropriate qualifications and necessary equipment. So, what are the common causes of this phenomenon.

    • The development of inflammatory infections of in the acute phase may well cause this symptom. Including it can be such well-known and common diseases as angina and bronchitis.
    • Arthritis of the neck joint also sometimes causes a sensation of suffocation in the throat.
    • Pinching of the nerve processes of as a result of osteochondrosis, hernia or other pathologies is quite able to cause an unpleasant symptom.
    • Thyroid abnormalities is one of the most common causes of this symptom.
    • Injury of the cervical region is an infrequent, but very real, reason for the strangulation in the throat.
    • Tumors: is both benign and pathological. In this case, the neoplasm, expanding, presses on the respiratory system, thus causing a feeling that there is not enough air. breathing problems
    • Some diseases of the respiratory system , too, may well provoke the development of this symptom.
    • Swelling of the mucosa is a fairly common cause of this pathology. This swelling can occur due to the common cold infection, and because of much more serious pathologies.
    • Allergy. It is also quite probable and common cause of an attack of choking in the throat. Allergies in this case are caused by "volatile" allergens, pathogens that fly in the air, and get into the body by inhaling them: pollen of plants, villi from wool, dust, etc. Allergic attack of choking is very dangerous, as it often occurs because of, the so-called Quincke edema, which can even lead to death. In the latter case, the mucous membrane becomes so swollen and swollen, blocking the throat, which completely excludes the possibility of breathing. How to determine if an allergy or cold has appeared will help to understand this information.

    The video hurts the throat as if strangling:

    • Diphtheria is an infectious disease, among the main symptoms of which is the sensation of suffocation in the throat. The microbe that causes this disease can affect other organs, but it is dangerous when it hits the throat. Overlapping the films with a throat, the diphtheria stick prevents normal breathing, leading to the appearance of suffocation. If you do not take action, then strangulation will happen and in fact. diphtheria
    • Sometimes, stress can lead to a feeling of suffocation .Some people hardly endure excitement, they too sharply perceive various examinations, interviews, public appearances. From such experiences in this category of people may well come a short, but quite obvious, a feeling of suffocation, a lump in the throat. However, as soon as the "threat" has passed, the unpleasant symptom goes by itself.
    • A foreign body can cause a direct physical cause of suffocation. Often this causes a shortage of air in small children, who sometimes swallow small pieces of toys. This situation carries a danger not only for health, but for the life of the baby. It is urgent to call an ambulance so that doctors can remove a foreign object from the respiratory throat. Otherwise, such an incident can end badly. foreign body in the throat
    • Sometimes the sensation of suffocation in the throat area can be caused by wearing too tight, squeezing the collar. A tight tie can also cause an unpleasant symptom. In this case, it is better to avoid such outfits, or wear them in a freer version.

    Symptoms of

    A feeling of suffocation in the throat area is rare when it comes alone. Most often it is accompanied by other symptoms, sometimes - no less unpleasant. What are these additional symptoms, we learn.

    During a conversation there is a persistent feeling of discomfort. It is difficult for a person to talk, there is a feeling that something in the throat hinders this.

    The appearance of a sensation of a lump in the throat. And this "lump" prevents not only talk, but also makes it difficult to swallow, prevents breathing.

    On the video, a sensation of a lump in the throat:

    When swallowed, painful sensations appear. Sometimes this leads the patient even to a complete refusal to eat due to too uncomfortable sensations during this process. Especially dangerous is this failure for children, as it leads to weakness and rapid weight loss in the child.

    There may be a heaviness in the occipital part of the head, a headache, and even loss of consciousness. The last symptom is expressed if there are abnormalities in the circulatory system.

    The feeling of numbness in the limbs is a symptom, also sometimes adjacent to a sense of strangulation. This symptom develops due to circulatory disorders or due to neurological causes.

    All additional symptoms can help the doctor to diagnose more quickly and accurately, start treatment. Therefore, voice at the reception of a specialist all the symptoms that concern you. And the doctor can already make a corresponding conclusion from them.


    The doctor should prescribe the treatment of this pathology. Most likely, the therapy will be aimed not at eliminating the choking itself, but at fighting the cause that caused it. Consider what recommendations for drug therapy and folk methods are appropriate in this case.

    Is it possible to heat the throat with pharyngitis And whether it is possible to heat a throat with pharyngitis and how much this means effectively, is told in this article.

    How throat rinsing with chlorhexidine in angina will help to understand this information.

    How does throat rinsing with furcilin occur in angina and how effective is this tool: http: // furacilin-pri-angine.html

    But what is the most effective way to gargle with a purulent sore throat and what is the most effective is described in this article.

    Medical treatment

    It is necessary to immediately warn that self-treatment in this case is completely excluded. The symptom is too serious to be removed by some simple means, and forget about the problem. This symptom may be hiding a rather serious pathology, it should be remembered.

    To a person who has had an attack of asthma, it is necessary to provide complete peace: both physical and emotional. He better lie, the light can be made semi-dark, removing all the annoying factors.

    If you lose consciousness, you need to bring a person to life by giving him a sniff of a cotton swab dipped in ammonia. After the patient comes to himself, you need to give him a drink of water.

    Effectively helps to eliminate the attack of choking respiratory gymnastics, providing for a short-term respiratory arrest. You should periodically hold your breath for a short time, then take a slow breath. Regular execution of such exercises will greatly facilitate the flow of suffocating attacks.

    If no measures produce a result, and the attack of suffocation does not stop, you can induce vomiting artificially by pressing a spoon on the root of the person's tongue.

    If suffocation is caused by the presence of a foreign body in the throat( toy parts, fish bone), only a surgical operation under general anesthesia can sometimes help.

    If the attack of suffocation is caused by some nervous shocks, you need to take sedatives, sedatives, in some cases - strong tranquilizers.

    In case of an attack of suffocation caused by an allergy, it is necessary to take antihistamines, which are prescribed by a doctor.

    The following tools are very popular now:

    • Diphenhydramine( but how to use powders from cold with Diphenhydramine will help to understand this article);


    • Tavegil;


    • Suprastinum with laryngitis in children.


    If the asthma is caused by bronchial asthma, you need to take the appropriate bronchodilators:

    • Teofedrine;


    • Ephedrine;


    • Antasman et al.

    Folk remedies

    Along with traditional treatment, some folk methods can be used to eliminate the symptom of choking in the throat. We will find out what home remedies can help in this.

    Drinking a sip of water during an attack will help restore a person's ability to breathe normally, and will bring him to "feel".Effective in this case will be the reception of special herbal decoctions. Especially useful is the tincture of valerian: it calms and removes muscle spasm.

    This plant, like passionflower, which has many useful properties, is also useful in this case. Decoction of its leaves and flowers can save a person from suffocating seizures. But how to use chamomile broth for a cold, will help understand this information.

    Attention: folk methods can only be used as an additional treatment. A basic therapy should be a traditional, appointed doctor.


    What can be done to prevent the appearance of such a symptom.

    A strong and fairly long sleep is a necessary condition for the health of the whole organism. Duration of sleep should not be less than eight hours - this is the optimal time for the organism to recover.

    In the daytime, alternate the physical and mental activity of the .Do not engage in long periods of the same type of activity - a moderate alternation allows you to work, not much tired and not overexerting. physical and mental activity Exclusion from life of bad habits, too, will do a good job, benefiting the whole body.

    It is necessary to adjust the diet, including in it more useful products, with a high content of vitamins and trace elements.

    Excessive stress and the expenditure of nerve cells on trifles, too, to nothing. As already mentioned above, sometimes such manifestations of the psyche can play a cruel joke, causing an attack of suffocation. But how to gargle with salt, soda, and iodine, will help understand this information.

    And, of course, you should always seek medical help if you have such a suffocating attack. The situation can be quite serious, and the sooner adequate measures are taken, the sooner the recovery and the disappearance of the anxiety symptom will come.

    We examined the causes of the appearance and ways of treating the choking in the throat. As you can see, this symptom has a fairly extensive list of all sorts of reasons, so to accurately establish your own, you need to go to the doctor for an appointment. The reason can be quite serious, so it is quite logical to start treating it as early as possible in order to prevent the development of complications and dangerous pathologies.