Psychosomatic causes of varicose veins

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varicosity psychosomatics In our time, the diagnosis of "varicose veins" does not cause much anxiety and worry. Most patients do not take any measures to treat varicose veins until they "smell fried".

But this disease is not as harmless as it might seem at first glance, and requires close attention.

Of course, if you compare varicose veins with other, more life-threatening diseases, such as oncology or leukemia, the damage to the body is much less. But this does not eliminate the need for treatment, because the neglected form of varicose veins is very dangerous.

Having heard the diagnosis of "varicose veins", immediately there is an association with dilated veins in the leg region, but the veins are present not only on the accessible eyes, but also on the hidden parts of the body.

If the external disease is not difficult to detect, then problems with the veins of internal organs are difficult to diagnose. There is varicose veins due to the impact of not only physical, but also often psychological factors.

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Awareness of the peculiarities of this disease, its symptoms and etiology will help not only to get rid of the disease efficiently and quickly, but also to minimize the risk of violation.

Cold, wind and mucus - varicose provokers

Eastern medicine treats this ailment as a consequence of the omission of Cold in the lower part of the body. Under cold is meant ayurveda varicosity lack of blood circulation. This concept combines Mucus and Wind.

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A large amount of Slime leads to thickening and the viscosity of the blood, which makes it difficult to circulate through the vessels. At the same time, an excess of wind causes fragility and a loss of elasticity in the tissue of the vessels. In order to prevent the occurrence of cold, Ayurveda recommends high physical activity, proper nutrition, special exercises.

Modern traditional medicine treats varicose veins as the opening of the valves and, consequently, their expansion. Reduction of the heart muscle and muscles of the body as a whole performs the function of transporting blood through the veins.

In order to ensure an effective blood supply to the entire body, it takes a lot of muscle effort. The structure of the veins is arranged in such a way that it makes it a little easier to process this process.

Due to the specific complex structure and the presence of valves that regulate the flow of blood, the veins quickly and qualitatively provide blood flow. If problems arise in the work of such natural dampers or the structure of venous tissue, the blood flow loses its intensity, the cells of the body are not saturated with the necessary substances in the required volume. As a result, varicose veins develop and the health deteriorates significantly.

Varicose manifestations on the legs are very noticeable:

  • veins are well visible through the skin, have a blue, dark red or purple hue;
  • change in skin pigmentation at the ankles and lower legs;
  • appearance of seizures;
  • appearance of thickening of veins;
  • tenderness of affected areas.

pain in the legs with varicose veins In the tissues of the internal organs, these signs are not visible, so it is much more difficult to determine the problem.

To correctly diagnose the disease and prescribe an effective treatment scheme will help specialist - phlebologist, using for this purpose dopplerographic study of blood vessels.

The possibilities of modern medical technology make it possible to examine not only limb sites, but also the tissues of internal organs.

Reasons for physiological and psychological

Varicose veins appear due to physiological and psychological disorders in the body. For physiological reasons are:

  • the presence of hereditary predisposition;
  • pathology of venous valves;
  • occurrence of obesity;
  • taking a vertical position of the body for a long time;
  • great physical activity;
  • gestation period.

The human body is a well-coordinated mechanism. Problems in the operation of one of the systems inevitably lead to failures in others. No exception and the occurrence of varicose veins.

But, in addition to physiological factors, deviations of a psychological nature are recognized as an important stimulant of the development of the disease. It has long been known that all the reactions and processes in the body are controlled by the human brain. In turn, the brain is guided by consciousness.

This justifies the statement that the causes of all diseases are in the head and are psychosomatic. This means that the development of a disorder stimulates inner feelings or exposure to stressful situations.

Varicosis in eastern medicine is considered a psychosomatic disease, that is, the prevailing factors of its appearance are recognized psychological problems. prostration

Varicose veins are characterized by such psychological symptoms as:

  • long stay in severe conditions for the psyche;
  • state of overexertion and a constant sense of fatigue;
  • power failure;
  • stagnation, lack of goals in life.

Disharmony of the state of the psyche can make you get bogged down in problems and turmoil, stop fighting and move with the flow, not showing enthusiasm. Man ceases to see all the beauty and uniqueness of life, he does not strive for self-improvement. It is likely that the physiological condition will be adjusted to this mode and will respond with a variety of diseases, one of which is varicose veins.

If a person does not like his job or if there are problems at home, unconsciously he does not want to go where he is uncomfortable, which means that a direct projection of the problem to his feet takes place.

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For the treatment and prevention of varicose veins and hemorrhoids, our readers use the method first voiced by Malysheva. Having carefully studied it, we decided to offer it to your attention. Opinion of doctors. .. "

Thus, psychologically, a person programs an ailment associated with this zone. You can rotate endlessly in this closed circle, afraid of changing something in life, and you can start acting right now.

painful veins The process of blood circulation symbolizes the constant movement and progress, any manifestations of stagnation psychologically can cause serious violations in the bodies responsible for the transportation of blood. Particularly susceptible to psychosomatic underlying causes of the vein. They lose elasticity, the pathology of the venous valves is manifested.

In addition to unaesthetic appearance, patients with varicose veins have discomfort and often painful sensations, accompanied by itching, redness, rash, rapid fatigue of the legs.

So, to its external manifestations the disease is due, first of all, to the presence of psychosomatic dysfunction. Most often, people suffering from varicose veins, find themselves in all of the above problems of the psychological plan.

Cure and prevent

Naturally, the treatment of the disease requires complex measures. It is not necessary to engage in self-medication, it is best to use confidence and strength with the help of specialists.

Of course, you can limit the use of modern drugs, in excess provided by pharmacological companies, and get a temporary effect. Traditional medicine also offers a huge selection of remedies, thanks to which it is possible to remove external signs of varicose veins.

But much more effective is the parallel application of external therapy methods and getting rid of the psychosomatic causes of varicose veins.

To part with the bored and not bringing pleasure of work, to lead an active and healthy lifestyle, to solve family troubles, to cultivate and devote time to the all-round development of a person is much easier than to experiment with various drugs and drugs, getting temporary relief and aggravating health problems.

People who are constantly in the process of developing and finding new goals and tasks, do not suffer from varicose veins. They are confident in themselves, their health and their strengths and the state of health answers them the same. In the head of a successful, active person, there is no place for diseases, which means that they have no place in the body either.

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  • Apr 10, 2018
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