Causes, diagnosis and treatment of somatic diseases

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In the modern world, the development of many diseases occurs, according to psychologists and scientists, because of psychological trauma, experiences, various negative beliefs and thoughts. Quite often there are situations when there are no physiological prerequisites for the appearance of the disease, but the disease progresses. In this case, they start talking about somatic disorders. So what is it?

  • List of
  • Reasons for
  • Symptoms of
  • Appetite disorder
  • Sleep disorder
  • Pain syndrome
  • Sexual function disorders
  • Risk factor assessment
  • How to treat
  • In children

Somatic diseases are called bodily diseases, as opposed to psychiatric pathologies. This group includes pathologies that are caused by disturbances in the work of internal systems and organs or external influences that are not related to a person's mental activity.

List of

Somatic manifestations lead to the appearance of symptoms of many diseases, the nature of which is affected by the predisposition of the individual.

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Common medical pathologies include the following diseases:

  • Gastric and duodenal ulcer .The main cause of this disease is increased nervousness. Overexertion causes an increase in acidity and, as a result, the appearance of an ulcer.
  • Neurodermatitis ( skin disease) - appears due to depression, the disease is accompanied by skin imperfections, nervousness, severe itching.
  • Bronchial asthma - can be caused by strong feelings. Affecting the heart, stress causes an attack of suffocation.
  • Ulcerative colitis - Nervous disorders and stresses are related to the frequent causes of the disease.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis - most often appears due to mental disorders, nervous overexertion, resulting in symptoms of joint disease.
  • Essential( chronic) hypertension - appears due to overload of nervous activity.

Less common physical diseases contribute to the development of:

  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Ischemic myocardial disease.
  • Somatoform behavior disorders.
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Reasons for

The basis of somatic personality disorders is the body's response to stressful situations that provoke disruption of the internal organs.

The reason for the development of such states is the emotional stress caused by:

  • conflicts;
  • increased nervousness;
  • with anger;
  • discontent;
  • with an alarm;
  • with fear.
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Symptoms of

It is quite difficult to recognize the somatization, often in such a state the patient complains of pain in the body, but as a result of the examination there are no reasons for the appearance of symptoms. The most common symptoms of somatic diseases are:

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Disorder of appetite

Similar disorders may look like a complete lack of appetite, and an increased sense of hunger. Often their cause is depression, stress. Most neuroses are accompanied by loss of appetite. Some diseases are manifested in a complex in one person. For example, bulimia and anorexia.

If a patient suffers from anorexia nervosa, he may refuse to eat, sometimes feel disgust for her, while the body's need for food will remain. Bulimia is characterized by uncontrolled consumption of large amounts of food and can be the cause of obesity. In some cases, pathology leads to loss of body weight. This happens when a person, feeling dislike for himself because of a neurosis, begins to drink laxatives and induce vomiting.

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Sleep disorder

One of the most common symptoms of a mental disorder is insomnia. Basically, it appears because of inner experiences. In this case, the patient can not fall asleep, trying to make the right decision and find a way out of a difficult situation. In the morning a person wakes up irritable and tired. Insomnia is often observed with neuroses.

Neurasthenia is characterized by the sensitivity of sleep: the person is asleep, but even a small sound awakens him, after which he can not fall asleep.

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Pain syndrome

In somatic disorders, the patient complains of painful sensations in the organ that is the most vulnerable for him.

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Depression is often accompanied by unpleasant, piercing sensations in the heart, to which anxiety and fear may attach.

Headache, which is of psychogenic origin, may appear due to the tension of the neck muscles. Hysteria or auto-suggestion also lead to headaches.

Some stressful situations provoke the occurrence of severe pain in the back of the head, the patient feels the pain giving away in the shoulders. Such conditions often harass anxious-hypochondriacs.

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Sexual function disorders

There are several libido disorders. These include: excessively elevated or decreased sexual desire, pain during intercourse, lack of orgasm.

These disorders are caused by psychological factors, including prolonged abstinence, low self-esteem, lack of a constant partner, fear, unconscious fastidiousness.
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Assessment of risk factors

Most often, somatic diseases develop in adolescence and rarely in those over 30. In most cases, disorders occur in women, and the risk of their occurrence is higher for those who have a family history of a similar pathology, drug or drugdependence, personal violations of an antisocial nature.

In addition, susceptible people and those who are engaged in mental work or permanently in a state of stress are subject to somatic diseases.

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How to treat

Treatment of somatic diseases is carried out both out-patient and in a hospital. Stay in a stationary environment is shown at the stage of acute manifestation of psychomatosis, after which the recovery period begins. Important importance is given to working with the patient, which will ease the neuropsychiatric factors of the development of the disease.

From medicines, preference is given to those that are needed to treat the emerging disease. In parallel with taking medications, psychotherapeutic therapy is carried out in order to influence the mechanism of the development of the disease and the factors provoking it. To calm down, antidepressants or tranquilizers are prescribed.

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The use of folk remedies is considered as a supplement to the main methods of treatment. Most often, the doctor prescribes herbal extracts and herbs that will help in the treatment of a particular disease that has arisen( for example, cabbage juice in stomach ulcers, calendula decoction in hypertension).

Note the list of antidepressants that can be purchased at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription
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In children

The most common condition of a somatic disorder that can create difficultiesfor emotional, mental and physical development of the child, is neuropathy. This is a serious violation of congenital etiology, that is, appeared during intrauterine development or during childbirth.

The causes of neuropathy can be:

  • Prolonged toxicosis in the mother.
  • Pathological development of pregnancy, which leads to the threat of miscarriage.
  • Stresses of the future mother in the period of expectation of the child. The signs of childhood neuropathy are:
    • Emotional instability - a propensity to restlessness, emotional disorders, irritable weakness, rapid appearance of affects.
    • Sleep disorder in the form of nocturnal fears, difficulty falling asleep, refusal to sleep during the day.
    • Vegetative dystonia ( a disorder of the nervous system that regulates the work of internal organs).It is expressed in various disorders in the work of internal organs: dizziness, difficulty breathing, gastrointestinal disorders, nausea, etc. At school and preschool age, children with difficulties in adapting to a children's institution often have somatic reactions in the form of pressure fluctuations, headaches,vomiting, etc.
    • Metabolic disorders, a tendency to allergic reactions with different manifestations, increased sensitivity to infections. Scientists suggest that the allergy in boys and a decreased appetite are associated with the internal tension and emotional dissatisfaction of the mother with family life during the period of bearing the child.
    • Minimal cerebral weakness. Appears in the child's heightened sensitivity to external influences: bright light, noise, stuffiness, transportation, weather changes.
    • General somatic disorder, reduction of body's immune forces. The child is often ill with SARS, acute respiratory infections, gastrointestinal diseases, respiratory system diseases, etc. At the same time, the disease can begin with a strong emotional experience, associated, for example, with separation from loved ones, difficulties in adapting to a pre-school institution. In the development of this state, a significant role is played by the general condition of the mother during pregnancy, especially poor emotional well-being, sleep disturbance, severe overwork.
    • Psychomotor disorders of ( stammering, tics, involuntary urination during night and daytime sleep).Similar violations with age often disappear and have only seasonal dependence, exacerbating in autumn and spring.

    The first signs of neuropathy are diagnosed already in the first year of the child's life, they manifest themselves:

    • frequent regurgitation;
    • restless sleep;
    • temperature fluctuations;
    • rolls with weeping.
    Neuropathy is only a basic pathogenic factor, against which there may be a decrease in the overall activity of the child, including the psychic. As a result, psychophysical maturation slows down, which negatively affects mental development, adaptation to social realities, personality change( the child can become completely dependent on others, lose interest in life, and so on).

    With the timely organization of recreational, restorative activities, including a favorable psychological atmosphere, over time, signs of neuropathy decrease and disappear. In the case of unfavorable circumstances, pathology becomes the soil for the development of chronic somatic diseases, psycho-organic syndrome.


    Everything is written as if about my child, ill, suffering all the time, we are regular clients of the neurology department, but no doctor will tell me how to live with it and avoid the consequences, at least the reasons are clear, but it's not easier.

  • Apr 12, 2018
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