With the onset of cold weather, many adults and children begin to develop colds. This is due to the damage to the body caused by pathogenic microbes. As a result of such pathology, a person has a sore throat, perspiration. To eliminate them, you need to use proven and effective drugs in the form of sprays. Here you can read about the possible causes of perspiration and pain in the throat.


  • 1 Popular medicines
    • 1.1 Geksoral
    • 1.2 Strepsils
    • 1.3 Bioparox
    • 1.4 Ingalipt
    • 1.5 Tantum Verde
    • 1.6 Ambulance
  • 2 efficient preparation of a sore throat for

children Popular medicines

Many people choose to spray from coughingon this principle - the more expensive, the better. But this statement is not always true. As practice shows, sometimes people buy expensive spray, but they can not get a quick effect. In fact, the choice of the spray should be done taking into account the cause and symptoms of the common cold.

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Only if these recommendations are followed, can the process of healing be accelerated and do not harm the body. If it is difficult for you to choose a spray for your throat, then entrust it to your doctor.


Throat Spray Hexoral is one of the most frequently prescribed drugs. Hexetidine plays the role of an active component. Thanks to him, he manages to deal quickly and with quality with various fungi that affect the mucous throat. It is advisable to use the medicine 2 times a day after having had lunch. Cough Spray


Many people are familiar with this drug in the form of sugar candies. But today Strepsils is also produced in the form of a spray. It allows you to eliminate pain in the throat, pershenia and discomfort.

It is advisable to use people whose body was affected by infectious and inflammatory ailments of the pharynx of the mouth, accompanied by painful symptoms. Strepsils Cough Spray

This medication is approved for adults and small patients. The number of injections a day is 6. To implement therapy is allowed no more than 5 days, otherwise you can get the opposite effect and earn complications.


The main component is a polypeptide antibacterial component, which is characterized by the presence of an anti-inflammatory effect. It is for this reason that the drug should not be used Bioparox spray to relieve redness and perspiration in the throat. But a doctor can prescribe such a drug, since there are a number of side effects. It is often appointed Bioparox in purulent angina. Cough Spray Bioparox

This spray has two main features. He does not concentrate in the blood, but has only a local effect. In addition, there is no addiction in fungi and infection. Before direct use, rinse the throat with warm water, and rub the nozzle with alcohol.


This drug is one of the most famous and effective sprays among buyers. The reason for such popularity is associated with the rapid elimination of pain syndrome. All components of the drug actively fight infection. The average price of the drug is 70 rubles. Ingalipt Cough Spray for Children and Adults

But this spray can not be administered to children under 3 years of age, otherwise it can lead to spasm of the larynx. To prevent this from happening, choose a drug with a softer effect for your children. Ingalipt's composition is rich in mint oil, eucalyptus and thymol. They are all very effective and safe. In addition, the elements of the drug quickly eliminate pain in the throat.

how to cook figs in milk from a cough

Read how to cook figs in milk from a cough.

Here are the reasons why lays the ears without a cold.

Approximate prices for tablets from the common cold CoriSea: http: //prolor.ru/n/ lechenie-n / tabletki-ot-nasmorka.html.

Tantum Verde

This medicine occurs in Italy. Serves it for the treatment of ENT diseases. This spray has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and local anesthetic effect. The role of the active component is benzidiamine. Also the composition of the god on vegetable components, one of which is the menthol flavor. It is thanks to him that he can achieve a pleasant smell and taste. Tantum Verde

When the throat is drugged with a drug, it is possible to quickly eliminate the symptoms of respiratory illnesses, even when accompanied by severe inflammation. In the treatment of Tantum Verde, the following effect can be achieved:

  • cough suppressants are eliminated;
  • leaves the redness of the throat caused by the inflammatory process;
  • leaves puffiness.

Tantum Verde is also actively used for sore throats in young children.


This spray contains propolis. In addition to eliminating pain in the throat, it is used to treat many pathologies. With the help of a spray, you can overcome pain and sore throat, runny nose, sore throat, sores and insect bites. It is best to use a medication to eliminate infection in the mouth and throat. Cough Spray

Spray treatment can take place with mild pain and perspiration, as well as with angina. It can be used to treat colds in children. As for other methods, then read about the treatment of barking cough in adults.

Effective drug for sore throat for children

For children under 3 years of age, it is not recommended to use any sprays when treating a sore throat. But as practice shows, doctors still prescribe to children from the age of 2 such medications, taking into account the severity of the disease. Children up to a year or two do not prescribe sprays at all.

The most inexpensive and effective spray remains Ingalipt , which was considered earlier. It can be used for children older than 3 years. The same list includes the Hecospital and Tantum Verde. Ingalypt Cough Spray

The next drug is Pharyngocept. It is used not only to eliminate pain in the throat, but also in the treatment of unproductive cough. Such therapy allows very quickly to overcome inflammation. Its active components have a moisturizing effect on the mucous membrane of the throat and throat, 3-4 injections a day should be done. The therapeutic course should not exceed 14 days.

Do not use Pharyngocept in infants, and to achieve the maximum result, spray the medicine on the affected area.

Algowen deserves special attention. This product contains only natural ingredients. These include honey, ginger, sage. They all have a complex effect in the treatment of dry cough, as well as pain and persecution. The positive effect is already noticeable after several injections. As a result of such treatment, one can forget about dryness and choking in the throat. The drug has a moisturizing effect on the mucosa.

After 2-3 days from such a symptom as a sore throat, there will be nothing left. But to achieve this effect, it is necessary to strictly follow the doctor's instructions.

Sore throat is an unpleasant symptom of a cold that causes discomfort to the patient's life. It is quite possible to overcome it with the help of a spray. But they must be used correctly, knowing the exact dosage and method of use. Here you can read about the treatment of dry cough in a child 3 years old.