The appearance of streptococci in the throat means the onset of an infectious inflammatory process. Call such a malaise can streptococci different types, and affects the body as an adult and a child. Streptococcal infection has a wide symptomatology, is treated by the basic traditional method and auxiliary folk methods. In the article, we'll look at the features of the disease: we'll find out its types and symptoms, find out how and what to treat.

  • 1 Content Description
    • 1.1 reasons
    • 1.2 Symptoms
    • 1.3 more signs
  • 2 Types
    • 2.1 Hemolytic
    • 2.2 or non-hemolytic zelenyaschy
    • 2.3 Pyogenic
  • 3 Treatment of adult
    • 3.1 Traditional Therapies
    • 3.2 Traditional methods
      • 3.2.1 Methods
  • 4 Treatment of children
    • 4.1 Medication therapy
    • 4.2 Folk methods
  • 5 Danger of infection
  • 6 Recommendations


treatment of streptococci in the throat

This infection is caused byto understand from its name, streptococci.

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This is a positive bacterium that generates, mainly, throat diseases: tonsillitis, pharyngitis or a combination of tonsillopharyngitis. Less common is laryngitis.

Streptococcal infections occur more often during cold winter time. The least familiar with this problem are babies up to six months, and the most vulnerable part of the population are children from six to fourteen years old. Adults, too, are ill, mainly during the season of cold epidemics.

Reasons for

The main cause of streptococcal infection in the body - malaise of the common cold. Postponed ARVI, complicated or not completely cured, become the "ancestors" of colonies of streptococcal bacteria in the throat.

In addition, in adults, the infection can be caused by bad habits, especially - smoking. Corrosive cigarette smoke irritates the mucous throat, worsening its immunity, making it more sensitive and susceptible to various microbes.

On video - treatment of streptococci in the throat:

The following factors provoke the development of streptococcus infection:

  • Heartburn .This is due to the ingestion of acidic gastric juice into the pharynx.
  • State of lack of immunity .It can arise because of a serious illness, during the postoperative period, or be a consequence of an unhealthy lifestyle.
  • Chemotherapy and prolonged intake of some potent drugs also significantly weaken the defenses of the body.

It is especially difficult to get rid of streptococci in the throat if a person "hooked" them in the hospital. The fact is that these bacteria are already immune to many types of antibiotics, so curing such an infection will be much more difficult. strep throat

Sometimes a pregnant woman can become a carrier of hemolytic streptococcus, and at the time of giving birth to a child, infect this infection with it. In addition, a child can get bacteria at an older age, having infected them from someone from the household. Children who are born prematurely, or if the childbirths have had complications, are especially affected.

Children and adults of any age can get streptococci airborne if nearby sneezes or coughs the vector of infection. In addition, sometimes the infection is facilitated by the use of common things, toys, utensils, household items.

Symptoms of

What are the symptoms of streptococcal infection in the throat.

It should be noted that the incubation period lasts from one to four days. Symptoms may vary depending on the age of the patient. In children, the development of the disease usually proceeds violently, in adults it is slower and more smoothly.

Usually, the disease begins with a mild ailment: lethargy, a sensation of a slight chill, a fever.

than to treat streptococcus in the throat

Nursing children become capricious, lethargy and drowsiness are replaced by bouts of anxiety and irritability. Kids refuse to eat. In any case, the body temperature rises. Sometimes it can reach 39-40 degrees .Such a pronounced heat is usually characteristic of children 3-10 years old.

Rhinitis is also inherent in this disease. And the allocation will be an unusual greenish-yellow color. Sometimes streptococci cause nausea and vomiting.

It is especially difficult to have with babies: older children can at least find out what exactly is bothering them.

More signs of

An increase in cervical lymph nodes is a characteristic sign of the presence of streptococci in the throat. In the throat appear perspiration, pain, a feeling of dryness. Lethargy, drowsiness and apathy are also a symptom of infection. A mild cough also often accompanies the disease. nausea

Visual examination of the throat clearly demonstrates its redness, there may be ulcers on the surface of the tonsils. If the purulent infection develops, the state of health becomes worse.

The development of adult strep throat infection in the throat includes all of the listed signs, except, perhaps - crying and capriciousness.

Most often with this disease an adult complains about:

  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • temperature;
  • sore throat and swelling;
  • lack of appetite;
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

If the disease occurs with complications, streptococci from the throat can enter other respiratory organs, causing infection and them.

So, sometimes streptococcal infection leads to rhinitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, adenitis. Also, these diseases can occur with the wrong treatment of streptococcal throat infection

than to treat the red throat in an adult And that's how to treat the red throat in an adult and what treatment is the most effective, will help understand this article.

For those who want to learn about what to treat the red throat for a child of 5 years, it is worthwhile to follow the link and read the contents of this article.

Also it will be interesting to learn how to get rid of snot in the throat: http: // kak-izbavitsya-ot-soplej-v-gorle.html

And that's why slime accumulates in the throat and what means, including medicines, do itmost quickly, will help to understand this article.

Types of

Consider what kinds of streptococci most often hit the throat.


This variety of bacteria settles on the mucous membranes of a person and his skin. If such bacteria are wound up in the throat, then they can not manifest themselves for a long time, but cause the disease only if immunity is weakened. hemolytic streptococcus in the throat

Hemolytic streptococcus causes:

  • scarlet fever;
  • sore throat;
  • pneumonia;
  • pharyngitis and other diseases.

Often this type of bacteria is found in pregnant women. In this case, the infection threatens and the baby, who can pick up the infection, passing the birth canal.

Non-hemolytic or green

green streptococcus in throat

This variety of harmful microbes settles in the oral cavity, and sometimes up to 60% of its microflora.

In addition to the throat, a green streptococcus also lodges in the intestines, getting into it with food mass.

This variety of microbes causes bacterial endocarditis, caries, and other diseases.


Streptococci of this species are "based" in the throat, from which they can get into the skin, into the intestines, and into other organs. This is the most dangerous variety of microbes. The mortality rate, if the disease has acquired a severe form, as a result of infection with pyogenic streptococcus - 25%.pyogenic streptococcus in the throat

This bacterium causes:

  • sore throat;
  • pharyngitis;
  • scarlet fever;
  • erysipelas and other skin lesions.

The incubation period for infection with this type of streptococcus is the shortest - 1-3 days.

Treatment of adults

Traditional therapy

The usual way to treat streptococcal infection in the throat is antibiotics. It is best to use a wide range of drugs that are able to cope with various types of bacteria. The most commonly used penicillin group of antibiotics: Ampicillin, Amoxiclav( and what should be the dosage of Amoxiclav to adults with angina, this article will help to understand), Flemoklav. If you are allergic to penicillin, antibiotics of other forms are prescribed: Suprax( and here's how to use Suprax for tracheitis in a child, described in this article), Cephalexin, Azithromycin( which reports on the use of Azithromycin in angina exist and how they are positive will help understand this article) orErythromycin.



In addition to antibiotics in the treatment should be used:

  • antipyretic;
  • large amount of liquid;
  • rinsing and gargling;
  • antiseptic and antibacterial agents;
  • inhalation and vasoconstrictor drugs.

Folk methods

Attention: it is possible to apply home methods of treatment only as an addition to the basic one. Correctly chosen folk methods will ease the course of the disease, and accelerate recovery: remove inflammation, increase immunity, and reduce infection.


A warm rosehip drink with raspberries excellently improves the level of immunity.

Boiling water, the willow bark is used as an antiseptic for gargling.

Chewing propolis removes the inflammatory process, as this bee product has pronounced antibacterial properties.

Treatment of children

Medication therapy

Children are also prescribed antibiotics. In this case, the penicillin and erythromycin agents are used:

  • bicillin;

    Bicillin for Injection

  • ampicillin;


  • erythromycin.


In addition, children are assigned:

  • frequent and abundant warm drink for elimination of toxins;
  • throat rinsing with antiseptic solutions;
  • irrigation with anti-inflammatory spicules;
  • reception of vitamin C will raise immunity.

Folk methods

raspberry for the throat

Drinking fortified decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs, berries and leaves give a good effect, speeding up recovery. Especially useful for children are raspberries, dog-rose and cranberries.

For the gargles of the throat are suitable broths of chamomile and eucalyptus. A solution of propolis can also be used successfully for this purpose. These drugs have a pronounced antiseptic and astringent effect, helping to quickly eliminate bacteria in the throat.

It is useful for children to dissolve in the oral cavity honey. But how to use milk, soda, oil and honey from cough, will help to understand this article.

Danger of infection

We learn, than the started streptococcal infection threatens.

The appearance of otitis may be possible( but what ear drops are most effective in otitis media is described in detail in this article).Sinusitis with sinusitis is also a common complication of the course of the disease. Sometimes even a purulent abscess can develop in the throat.

Pneumonia or bronchitis is the result of incorrect or untimely treatment of streptococcal infection in the throat.

If at the stage of occurrence of these "first-level" complications treatment has not started or has gone the wrong way, the following complications may develop:

  • glomerulonephritis( severe kidney disease);
  • myocarditis( heart disease);
  • acute rheumatism;
  • osteomyelitis( bone disease);
  • meningitis.

In addition to the above, it is possible to develop necrotizing lung disease, pleurisy, even sepsis. If a newborn is born with a lack of weight, complications due to strep infection sometimes end in a lethal outcome.


What useful advice will help in the treatment of this infection.

Be sure to take antibiotics even in the absence of the disease, if you have diabetes or weakened immune defenses. If the age is older than 65 years, this requirement is also mandatory. than to treat streptococcus in the throat of an adult

Oral hygiene will reduce the risk of the disease. Do not overcool, drink in winter cold liquids. If there was an acute respiratory viral infection, it is best to comply with bed rest and take the course of treatment to the end in order to avoid complications.

Categorically it is not recommended to be treated only by folk methods. These drugs should be used only as an adjunct to traditional therapy. It is recommended to quit smoking.

If symptoms of streptococcal infection occur in the throat, consult a doctor immediately, and then follow all the expert's recommendations.

We examined the features of streptococcal infection in the throat. Be sure to visit your doctor if you notice any of the abovementioned anxiety symptoms in yourself or your child. Early diagnosis and timely treatment will help to cope faster with the disease, and prevent its complications.