Tracheitis is an inflammatory process that affects the trachea. There is an ailment due to the penetration into the body of viruses, bacteria, fungi and chemical factors. In the adult population, the causes of the development of the pathological process are associated with chronic ailments of the respiratory tract. There are tracheitis in two clinical forms - acute and chronic. It is the second form that is considered the most dangerous, since its symptoms are hidden.


  • 1 Treatment
  • 2 Treatment in adults
    • 2.1 Medications
    • 2.2 Inhalations
  • 3 Treatment in children
    • 3.1 Inhalations
    • 3.2 Medications


The acute form of the pathology occurs due to a short period of malaise. But if you do not start therapy in time, then the process becomes chronic. In this case, chronic tracheitis can occur in two stages - exacerbation and remission. For the stage of remission, symptoms such as a runny nose, pain when swallowing.

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The clinical picture of the pathology is determined taking into account the causative agent of the disease. With the flu, the symptoms of tracheitis come to the fore. The patient has an unproductive cough, severe poisoning symptoms, high fever, brittle body.

In chronic tracheitis, the development of which is affected by parainfluenza, there are symptoms such as hoarseness, dysphoria, coughing barking.

On video-chronic tracheitis:

But the tracheitis of bacterial character has symptoms of a protracted nature that arise against the background of untreated ARVI:

  1. Cough in the disease is unproductive. Sputum is not secreted or appears in small quantities. Viral mucus has a light tint, it is transparent. Bacterial secret is purulent, yellow. With the flu in it, you can find bloody veins. chronic tracheitis
  2. Cough is criminal, especially when a person tries to get a new portion of air .Cough intensifies at night, when the patient lies. But in the morning, the accumulated mucus adds a moist character to the cough.
  3. In chronic tracheitis, there may be a swelling in the throat, a feeling of sadness behind the sternum.
  4. Temperature readings can take a value of 38 degrees .At the same time, the temperature can be this or increase.

Treatment in adults

In the treatment of chronic tracheitis in adults, it is necessary to take medications and home remedies, with which you can reduce symptoms and prolong remission.


The main symptom of chronic tracheitis remains cough. Therefore, the developed treatment regimen must necessarily contain antitussive medications. If the course of pathology is uncomplicated, then drugs can be used for immunomodulation, inhalation. Today one of the most effective is Bioparox. This is an aerosol that is used to irrigate the throat. If there is an exacerbation of the pathology, the doctor may prescribe antipyretic and antiviral drugs.


bioparox for the treatment of trachea:

In adults, medical treatment of chronic tracheitis includes such medicines:

  • Arbidol;


  • Remantadin( how to use the remedial tablets Remantadine, will help to understand this article);


  • Interferon( and here is how to use children's drops Interferon, very detailed in this article);

    interferon in ampoules

  • Amizon;
  • Drugs containing ibuprofen or paracetamol.

If there is a dry cough that is debilitating, then it is worth taking antitussive medications and mucolytic syrups based on licorice and althea. At home, you can use mustard and rubbing warming ointments.

antibiotics for tracheitis and laryngitis Which antibiotics for tracheitis and laryngitis should be taken first, and how to choose them correctly, will help to understand the information from this article.

For those who want to understand how to cure a tracheitis in a child, it is worthwhile to go to this link and read the contents of this article.

How to do inhalation with tracheitis in children, and what medication should be used, is described in this article: http: // ingalyacii-pri-traxeite.html

You may also be interested in knowing how extensive the list of antibiotics is worth usingwith tracheitis.


In chronic tracheitis, it is possible to carry out inhalations at home. They will have a disinfecting effect. To prepare the solution, you can use the juice of onions and garlic, diluted with 0.25% solution of novocaine.

inhalation for chronic tracheitis

inhalation for chronic tracheitis

It is possible to carry out inhalations with the help of ordinary potatoes. Boil it in a uniform, bend over a container, take shelter in a towel and stay there for 15 minutes. What inhalations for the prevention of colds nebulizer children should be used in the first place, will help to understand this article.

Treatment in children

Therapy of the chronic form of tracheitis in small patients should have a complex effect, since many functions of the body are violated.


inhalation for children

inhalation for children

This method of therapy is highly effective. It is advisable to carry out inhalations immediately after the period of exacerbation has come, without delaying.

For the preparation of solutions, such herbs can be used:

  • Licorice root;liquorice root
  • Breast collection;
  • Dried eucalyptus leaves;
  • Dried mint;
  • Dried Sage;
  • Pine buds;
  • Ether of coniferous species;
  • Soda.

But to treat the disease in this way in very young children is difficult. Then you can try the following options:

  1. Breast beds can be bathed in the bathroom with herbal decoctions and essential oils .The baby will be warmed, and the baby can inhale the useful steam.
  2. Do not lower the baby in the water, just stay with him in the bathroom, which evaporates the liquid. For these purposes, you need to add aether or broth to a container with hot water in a little bit of concentrated concentration.
  3. An older child can breathe over the steam without the use of a towel.
  4. The kid with 3 years already can breathe independently above ultrasonic or steam inhaler.


Antibacterial drugs may be used to treat the chronic form of tracheitis. But they should be appointed only by a pediatrician.

The most effective one is

  1. Clarithromycin .Receive it to lead on 20-40 mg per 1 kg of weight.


  2. Fezzriaxone .This drug is effective for many bacteria. It is used for 2 weeks. Take 20-70 mg per 1 kg of weight. Do not take children who are allergic to penicillin.

    fetzriaxone in ampoules

  3. Cefotaxime .It is active against many bacteria. Applied in the format of injections for children over 12 years. But what is better is Cefotaxime or Ceftriaxone in genyantritis, and how to make a choice is described in this article.


In addition to antibacterial drugs, combined medications with an expectorant and antiseptic effect are used.

The most effective are:

  1. Abakal .Produced in the form of ampoules and tablets. You can apply not only to children, but also to adults.
    Abacthala tablets

    tablets abaktal

  2. Amoxiclav .This is a combined preparation, which contains amoxicillin and clavuanic acid. Can be used by children under 14 years of age. But how effective is the antibiotic Amoxiclav in angina, and how to apply it correctly in this case, is described in this article.

    amoxiclav in tablets

  3. Biklotim .These are lozenges, which have an antibacterial effect and relieve inflammation, irritation of the epithelium of the trachea. They are very tasty and at the same time quite effective.


The chronic form of tracheitis is a pathology that can affect both adults and children. The cause of development lies in untreated acute tracheitis. In chronic form, the most common symptom is cough. In the treatment of the disease, it is important to use medications and home methods that will help to ease the condition of the patient and prolong remission.