Antibiotics - benefit and harm, side effects, consequences of use. The influence of antibiotics on the human body and the child

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Sometimes the use of antibiotics leads to serious violations in the work of organs and systems. To prevent this from happening, it is important to know in which situations you should refrain from taking antibiotics or ask the doctor to choose the most sparing drug.

Content of

  • Antibiotics - benefit and harm, side effects of
  • Video: Antibiotics benefit and harm
  • How do antibiotics affect and act on viruses and inflammation?
  • How do antibiotics affect and act on the heart?
  • How do antibiotics affect the intestinal microflora, the digestion of proteins?
  • How does antibiotics affect conception, spermogram, pregnancy, fetus?
  • Video: The Effect of Antibiotics on the Spermogram Index
  • How do antibiotics affect breast milk?
  • How do antibiotics affect blood and urine tests?
  • How do antibiotics affect hormones?
  • How do antibiotics affect menstruation?
  • How do antibiotics affect potency?
  • How do antibiotics affect immunity?
  • How do antibiotics affect pressure?
  • instagram viewer
  • How do antibiotics affect the stomach, pancreas?
  • How do antibiotics affect the liver, kidneys?
  • How do antibiotics affect the nervous system?
  • How does antibiotics affect hearing?
  • How do antibiotics affect teeth?
  • How do antibiotics affect hemoglobin?
  • How long does it take to remove antibiotics from the body?
  • How to clean and restore the body after antibiotics?
  • Video: What will happen after antibiotics?

Antibiotics are the drugs that can not be avoided in the fight against dangerous bacterial diseases. But in some cases, taking antibiotics can harm your health, causing serious violations in the body.

Antibiotic( antibioticum) in Latin means "against life."

The first antibiotic( penicillin), obtained from mold, had a narrow spectrum of action and was safe for human health. However, modern antibiotics of the new generation kill all bacteria without exception, which are in the body, including useful ones. After their intake, the microflora is disrupted, and the immunity is greatly weakened.

To prevent antibiotics from aggravating the patient's condition, it is important not only to observe the correct dosage, but also to have an idea of ​​the possible consequences of the treatment.


Antibiotics - benefits and harms, side effects

Antibiotic drugs are effective in:

  • treatment of infectious diseases of the nasopharynx
  • severe skin diseases( furunculosis, hydradenitis) and mucous membranes
  • bronchitis and pneumonia
  • infections of the genitourinary system
  • severe poisoning

Often antibioticsapply mindlessly and uncontrollably. Benefits from such "treatment" will not, but you can harm the body. Absolutely ineffective antibacterial drugs in the treatment of viral diseases. For example, using them for ARVI treatment, influenza only adds stress to the body and makes recovery difficult.

Antibiotics - benefit and harm

Antibiotic side effects:

  • dysbacteriosis
  • allergic manifestations
  • toxic effect on liver, kidneys, ENT organs
  • development of microbial resistance to antibiotic action
  • organism intoxication resulting from death of microbes
  • immunity formation disorder
  • high probabilityrepeated disease after termination of treatment with antibiotics

IMPORTANT: Prolonged use of antibiotics will necessarily have side effects, gthe main one of which is damage to the intestinal microflora.

Allergy to an antibiotic in a child

Video: Antibiotics benefit and harm

How do antibiotics affect and act on viruses and inflammation?

The virus is a protein construct containing inside the nucleic acid. Viral envelope proteins serve as a defense for the preservation of hereditary gene information. During reproduction, viruses reproduce their copies, also provided with parental genes. To successfully multiply, viruses have to wade into healthy cells.

If you try to work with an antibiotic on a virus-infected cell, nothing will happen to the virus, because the action of antibiotics is directed exclusively at preventing the formation of the cell wall or suppressing the biosynthesis of the protein. Since neither the cell walls, nor the ribosomes of the viruses, the antibiotic will be absolutely useless.

In other words, the structure of viruses differs from the structure of bacteria sensitive to antibiotics, therefore special antiviral drugs are used to suppress the work of viral proteins and interrupt their vital activity.

IMPORTANT: Often doctors prescribe antibiotics in the treatment of viral diseases. It is done to overcome the bacterial complication arising on the background of a viral disease.

Antibiotics are useless in viral diseases

How does antibiotics affect and act on the heart?

It is a mistake to think that taking antibiotics does not affect the state of the cardiovascular system. Proof of this are the results of an experiment conducted by Danish scientists in 1997 - 2011.During this time, the researchers processed the results of treatment more than 5 million people.

For experience, volunteers aged 40 to 74 years 7 days received antibiotics, often used to treat bronchitis, pneumonia and infections of the ENT organs. As a result of the experiment, it was found that taking antibiotics such as roxithromycin and clarithromycin increases the risk of cardiac arrest by 75%.

IMPORTANT: In the course of the experiment, it turned out that penicillin is the least dangerous for the heart. Doctors should pay attention to this fact and, if possible, choose this medication for treatment.
In addition, antibiotics slightly increase the electrical activity of the heart, which can trigger the occurrence of arrhythmia.

Antibiotics can have a negative effect on the heart

How does antibiotics affect the intestinal microflora, the digestion of proteins?

Antibiotics restrain the growth of intestinal microflora, gradually destroying it. These drugs are hostile to the bacteria of the intestine and at the same time are resistant to their influence. Thus, taking antibiotics is a step towards suppressing the vital activity of useful microbes and their death.

After completion of treatment inside the intestine for a short time, sterility is formed. But very soon in an environment formed by antibacterial drugs, mushrooms and parasites settle.

Normal microflora can not be restored immediately due to a "hole" in immunity.
Against this background, new diseases often break out, normal functioning of systems, organs and tissues is disrupted.

All macronutrients, including proteins, are digested in the upper part of the small intestine. In this case, a small number of proteins enter the large intestine undigested. Here, unsplit proteins decompose to amino acids using microbes inhabiting the large intestine.

As a result of the breakdown of proteins in the large intestine, compounds dangerous to human health can form. Their number is so small that with normal microflora they do not have time to cause harm.

However, prolonged intake of antibiotics can reduce the variety of microbioma, which will make it difficult to digest proteins and slow the withdrawal of harmful compounds from the intestine.

To preserve the maximum variety of microbioma during antibiotic intake, probiotics and prebiotics should enter the digestive tract.

Taking antibiotics disrupts the digestive tract

How does antibiotics affect conception, spermogram, pregnancy, fetus?

The intake of antibacterial drugs somewhat reduces, but does not exclude, the probability of pregnancy. If the organism of the father or mother at the time of conception has been affected by strong antibiotics, most likely, a miscarriage will occur.

The greatest danger from antibiotics for the fetus is up to 13 weeks, the most negative term is 3 to 6 weeks. During this period, the child's organs are formed, and the impact of potent antibacterial drugs will provoke the development of pathologies in the fetus.

The intake of antibiotics is the cause of suppression of spermatogenesis. Male fertility is reduced for a long time, if the intake of antibacterial drugs occurs at an early stage of spermatogenesis.

Video: Influence of antibiotics on the spermogram

. Against the backdrop of antibiotics, spermatozoa in most cases are damaged and lose mobility. These defects lead to spontaneous miscarriage in the event that such spermathematozoids took part in fertilization.

So that after the reception of antibiotics the quality of the sperm is restored and the spryomogram returned to normal, it takes about 3 months. It is through this time that pregnancy can be planned. If the conception occurred earlier and the development of the embryo proceeds without pathologies and abnormalities, then sperm is OK.

Antibiotics are not advisable during pregnancy

How do antibiotics affect breast milk?

If during a breastfeeding a woman needs antibiotic therapy, then you should not abandon this type of treatment. All antibiotics can be conditionally divided into 2 groups:

  • allowed during lactation
  • forbidden during lactation

The first group includes:

  • Penicillins( Augmentin, Ospamox, etc.) - penetrate into breast milk in small concentrations, but can cause allergic reactions andcause the liquid stool of the child and mother.
  • Macrolides( Erythromycin, Clarithromycin) - penetrate well into breast milk, but do not have a negative effect on the child's condition.
  • Cefolasporins( Cefradine, Ceftriaxone) - in milk penetrate in negligible small doses, the growth and development of the child is not affected.
Many antibiotics are prohibited during lactation

To antibiotics banned during breastfeeding, include:

  • Sulfonamides - disrupt the exchange of bilirubin in the body of the baby, which can cause jaundice.
  • Lincomycin - penetrates into milk in large quantities, disrupts the work of the baby's intestines.
  • Tetracyclines penetrate the milk, destroy tooth enamel and bones of the baby.
  • Aminoglycosides are highly toxic, adversely affecting the condition of the child's hearing and kidneys.
  • Fluoroquinolones - penetrate into milk in unsafe for the health of the child quantities, disrupt the normal development of cartilaginous tissue.
  • Clindomycin - causes the development of colitis.

If the nursing mother has antibiotics of the second group, there can be no question of breastfeeding during the treatment period.

When taking medications from the first group during lactation, the following rules should be observed:

  • inform the treating doctor that the baby is breastfeeding
  • do not change the prescribed dose of the medication yourself
  • take the medication immediately after breastfeeding

IMPORTANT: To ensure the stockbreast milk for the period of treatment, decant its excess after each feeding and store it in the freezer. After the termination of a course of antibiotics it will be possible to completely restore lactation.

Some types of antibiotics can be used during breastfeeding

How does antibiotics affect the analysis of blood and urine? Almost all antibiotics are excreted by the kidneys. Therefore, if their work changes even insignificantly, signs of intoxication with a high probability appear in the body.

Aminoglycosides and tetracyclines can damage renal tissue. Especially great risk in the case of combining drugs of these groups with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory or hormonal agents. Then in the analysis of urine the parameters of erythrocytes and leukocytes will be overestimated, which indicates the presence of an inflammatory process of the genitourinary system.

IMPORTANT: Some antibiotics can change the color of urine( rifampicin makes it bright orange, and nitroxoline - rich yellow) and promote the formation of kidney stones. During and after administration of sulfonamides, ciprofloxacin and nitroxoline in the urine, epithelial cells, erythrocytes and protein are found.

The intake of broad-spectrum antibiotics may cause the absence of urobilinogen in the urine.
On the results of a general blood test, antibiotics can not significantly affect. The only thing that should be paid attention is the index of ESR and the leukocyte formula. Probably, these data will be somewhat distorted.

How do antibiotics affect blood and urine tests?

How do antibiotics affect hormones?

Some medications may affect hormones, but antibiotics do not. Before taking tests for hormones or doing any treatment, you need to warn your doctor about taking an antibacterial drug. But, definitely, the hormonal background does not change from antibiotics of any group.

How does antibiotics affect menstruation?

Antibiotics do not affect the menstrual cycle. It is quite easy to explain this. The menstrual cycle has two phases. In the first phase in the ovary ripen follicles under the influence of the pituitary gland. At the same time, the endometrium under the action of estrogens grows in the uterus. The second phase is characterized by the release of the luteotropic hormone in the pituitary gland and the appearance of a mature egg.

In addition to hormones on the process of maturation of the egg, nothing can affect. Since hormones do not change from the action of antibacterial drugs, the menstrual cycle will not be affected by their intake.

How do antibiotics affect menstruation?

How do antibiotics affect potency?

Serious antibiotics can adversely affect male potency. But if after taking antibacterial drugs a man observes a decrease in sexual desire, an erection disorder that causes unwillingness to have sex, then you should not worry much. After a short time after the end of treatment, sexual life will return to normal.

IMPORTANT: Despite the fact that the potency is restored almost immediately after the end of taking antibiotics, it will be necessary to delay pregnancy planning. Qualitative sperm composition will be restored only 3 months after the end of treatment.

Antibiotics adversely affect the potency of

How does antibiotics affect immunity?

Antibiotics kill all indiscriminately bacteria - both harmful and useful, inhabiting the intestines and maintaining balance in the body. As a result, a serious malfunction occurs in the immune system.

Uncontrolled growth of yeast fungi disrupts the intestine - allergic reactions to food, increased intestinal permeability, diarrhea, abdominal pain after eating. Women often develop a thrush against the background of taking strong antibiotics. At the same time, general deterioration of health, lethargy and poor appetite are normal phenomena.

IMPORTANT: Immunity will suffer the more strongly the longer it is affected by an antibiotic. In this case, the method of administration of the preparation does not matter.

To somewhat mitigate the impact of immunity, it is recommended to strictly observe the dosage of antibiotic and take prescribed by the doctor probiotics and vitamins.

Antibiotics Weaken the Immunity of

How Do Antibiotics Affect Pressure?

If the patient strictly observes the prescriptions of the doctor, he will not notice any serious changes during the intake of antibiotics in his body. However, even a slight deviation from the rules for taking antibacterial drugs can lead to serious consequences.

So the pressure can rise sharply, and in the work of the cardiovascular system there will be failures, if during the treatment with an antibiotic the patient used an alcoholic drink or independently added any medication.

If the patient notes that every intake of an antibiotic is accompanied by a change in blood pressure, he should inform the doctor about it. Perhaps the prescribed treatment regimen needs correction.

Antibiotic does not affect blood pressure if the patient complies with the dosage and administration of

How does antibiotics affect the stomach, pancreas?

The pancreas and stomach are the most sensitive organs to antibiotics. Disorders in their work are due to a decrease in the protective resident flora and an increase in the number of pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, a number of complex chemical reactions occur in the gastrointestinal tract, impossible in the case of normal functioning of the organs.

IMPORTANT: Signs of a negative change in the GIT after taking antibiotics are stomach pains, flatulence, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, and diarrhea. To minimize the risk of these side effects, prescribe probiotics.

How do antibiotics affect the liver, kidneys?

The liver is a kind of filter in the body. If the liver is absolutely healthy, for some time it can easily withstand the increased load, neutralizing toxic substances. But if the liver function is violated, antibiotic therapy must necessarily be accompanied by the use of hepatoprotectors( Urosan, Gepabene, Karsil).

Kidneys is an organ that cleanses blood from harmful substances and maintains an acid-base balance in the body. With healthy kidneys, short reception of antibiotics will not have a negative effect.

However, diseases of the urinary system or prolonged use of antibiotics can cause changes in the processes of excretion and absorption of chemical elements, the development of pathological reactions.

IMPORTANT: Symptoms of antibiotics interfering with kidney function are pain in the lower back, changes in the amount and color of urine, and a rise in temperature.

Lower back pain testifies to kidney damage from taking antibiotics

How does antibiotics affect the nervous system?

To elucidate the effect of antibiotics on the nervous system, scientists at the Center for Molecular Medicine conducted a series of studies that revealed the following:

  • short-term antibiotic use does not affect the functioning and condition of the nervous system
  • The prolonged use of antibiotics not only destroys the intestinal bacteria but also slows down
  • cell productionof the brain, leading to a deterioration in the memory of
  • , the recovery of the nervous system is facilitated by the intake of immunomodulators and probiotics during the period of recoveryAs well as physical exercises
Long-term antibiotic use may worsen memory

How does antibiotics affect hearing?

It is proven that some antibiotics are able to collect in the fluid of the ears and cause pathological changes leading to weakening of rumors and deafness. These medications include:

  • streptomycin
  • kanamycin
  • neomycin
  • kanamycin
  • gentamicin
  • tobramycin
  • amikacin
  • netilmicin
  • sisomitsin
  • tetracyclines
  • erythromycin
  • azithromycin
  • vancomycin
  • polymyxin B
  • colistin
  • gramicidin
  • bacitracin
  • mupirocin

The fact that drugs have sideeffects in the form of a violation of the hearing, as described in the instructions to the medicine. However, they are widely used in therapeutic and pediatric practice.

Prolonged use of antibiotics adversely affects hearing organs

How do antibiotics affect teeth?

To find out the effect of antibacterial drugs on the condition of teeth, medical scientists from Finland conducted a series of experiments, which revealed that:

  • reception of penicillin and macrolide in children from 1 to 3 years increases the risk of their defects in tooth enamel
  • in school-age children receiving antibiotics in many cases leads to demineralization of the enamel
    most often demineralization occurs after taking antibiotics of the macrolide group( erythromycin, clarithromycin)
  • eacha new reception of antibacterial drugs increases the risk of development of defects in enamel
  • the result of frequent treatment of children with antibiotics becomes molar incisal hypomineralizationand caries
  • restoration of damaged teeth after a course of antibiotics is rapidly destroyed

The negative influence of antibiotics on tooth enamel of people over 14 years is not so pronounced, however, their prolonged use also can cause harm.

Tooth enamel is destroyed by the action of antibiotics

How does antibiotics affect hemoglobin?

Prolonged use of antibiotics lowers hemoglobin. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that the body tries to recover independently, spending for this purpose organic compounds of iron. Iron is necessary for the formation of leukocyte nuclei.

Accordingly, the more serious the treatment, the more antibiotics the functions of organs and systems are disrupted, the more iron will expend the body on recovery attempts.

The level of hemoglobin will quickly return to normal if you add garnet, beef and dried apricots to the menu. Also, medicinal iron-containing preparations, such as Ferrum Lek, Sorbifer, Totema and others, will help.

How do antibiotics affect hemoglobin?

How long does it take to remove antibiotics from the body?

The rate of excretion of antibiotic from the body affects its form, group and method of administration of .Many injectable drugs are excreted after 8-12 hours of after the last injection. Suspensions and tablets are active in the body for 12 to 24 hours of .Completely the body is restored only after 3 months after treatment.

IMPORTANT: The age and condition of the patient depends on how long the drug will be in the body. The withdrawal of antibiotics slows down in people suffering from liver, urinogenital, kidney, and also in young children.

To remove the antibiotic as soon as possible, it is necessary: ​​

  • drink plenty of water and herbal teas
  • restore liver function with medications
  • apply probiotics
  • eat enough fermented milk products
How long does it take to remove antibiotics from the body?

How to clean and restore the body after antibiotics?

After the end of taking antibiotics, you need to take care of the recovery of the body. If this is not done, the onset of a new disease is possible in the near future.

First of all, in order to exclude conditions favorable for the development of the pathogenic flora, a diet should be organized. To do this, it is necessary to remove confectionery and bakery products, sugar and potatoes from the diet. Milk is replaced by containing bifidobacteria sour-milk products. Adhere to this diet for about 3 months.

Together with dietary nutrition, the recovery of the body is facilitated by the intake of immunomodulating drugs, vitamin complexes and bacteriophages, which suppress the pathogenic flora.

To purify and restore the body after antibiotics, it is necessary to use probiotics

Only an integrated approach is able to give a lasting positive result in solving the problem of purification and recovery of the organism after antibiotics.

Video: What will happen after antibiotics?

  • Apr 20, 2018
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