Nasal congestion in a child is a problem familiar to many parents, not by hearsay. Mom sees that the beloved child is hard to breathe and is ready to do anything to ease his suffering. Sometimes nasal congestion is accompanied by the discharge of mucus from the nose, and sometimes - not. And this causes concern among parents: one thing is a common runny nose, and quite another - stuffiness for unknown reasons. Why is your baby breathing badly? .At the same time to choose a remedy for nasal congestion for children and what to treat, how to cure is the main task.


  • 1 How to wash a child with a nose
  • 2 If the snot turns green
  • 3 Folk remedies
  • 4 If a cold is due to an allergy
  • 5 When only the operation

helps What a child to rinse his nose

nose flushing

How quickly to remove and clean the nasal congestion? The most common cause of nasal congestion is, of course, a common cold, accompanied by inflammation of the nasal mucosa.

instagram viewer
In the medical language this condition is called "acute rhinitis". Nasal mucosa is the first outpost on the way of viruses into our body. Once they are activated in the nose, the nasal mucosa immediately swells and abundant mucus appears. First - transparent, then - yellow-green and more dense. Accordingly, the child has nasal congestion. All this is a normal reaction of the body to the entry of foreign microbes.

However, that acute rhinitis does not give complications and does not flow into sinus or sinusitis, and also does not contribute to the appearance of acute otitis, it is necessary to help the child cope with snot. But how?

If the baby is less than 2 years old, we advise first to suck his snot with a tube of baby drops in the nose of Otrivin or a regular rubber pear, this method is suitable for a child up to a year. Otrivin for kids

Then rinse the nose with salt water - the solution can be prepared by yourself. To do this, half a teaspoon of sea salt( not cooked stone!) Salt diluted in a glass of water. Or you can use ready-made pharmacy solutions - for example, Aqualar or Aquamaris. Here you can read how often you can rinse your nose with Aqualor. For young children it is best to use drops for washing, in children from 2-3 years you can use sprays. And so repeat from five to seven times a day. Scyler for washing the nose of a mouse

In principle, this treatment can be limited. However, at night, when the child can not sleep due to stuffy nose, it is worth sipping the vasoconstrictor medications - rhinofluucim or vibrocil. In the afternoon, these means should not be misused, since in large numbers they can negatively affect the nasal mucosa.

Do not recommend these drugs to prescribe to children on their own - it's best to consult a doctor.

Rhinoflumacil, according to the instructions, is most often prescribed to children if purulent-mucous discharge occurs from the nose. The drug can not be used for more than 7 days. It is prescribed for children older than two years. Here you can see the price of the drops of Rhinofluucimil. But the vibrating disc is suitable even for newborns. Rinoflumacil for Toddlers

If the snot has become green

If the stuffiness of the nose and snot does not pass in the child for more than a week, and the white-yellow discharge gradually turns yellow-green, some washings here are not limited. There is a risk that the runny nose has become bacterial, and this can lead to complications - inflammation of the nasal sinuses. How to get rid of such zalozhennosti?

In this case, children are usually prescribed topical antibiotics - for example, isofrene or polidex. The composition of the spray and drops of isofra is the antibiotic Framicetin. Also it is recommended for sinusitis, sinusitis and pharyngitis. isofra for toddlers

Nasal drops with antibiotic Polideksa has a more complex action: in its composition it contains just two antibiotics, polymyxin and neomycin, as well as vasoconstrictor and antiallergic drug. Therefore, polidex is prescribed for those children who have had or are experiencing various allergic reactions. However, the drug should not be used in children under two years of age, whereas Isofra is allowed from year to year. Polydex for babies

Newborns( as well as infants 2-3-4-5-6-7 months and older) who have runny nose and stuffy nose, Russian pediatricians often appoint a purely domestic drug - protargol.

It is a solution of silver, which has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. The medicine is quite effective, but many mothers are concerned with it with fear, and they have certain reasons for this. After all, silver is a heavy metal and has the ability to accumulate in the body. protargol

Protargol abroad is not used abroad. Who knows what diseases the "silver" medicine can then lead to? I do not want to experiment with my child, so protargol should be used very carefully. It is desirable - only according to the doctor's prescription.

By the way, the protargol has a number of inconveniences, which also alienated a lot of parents from him. Protargol can be bought only in the prescription departments of pharmacies - this is the first. The drug has a dark color and does not wash from the clothes - this is the second. A good alternative to the protargol are the eye drops Albucid - they are good for the rhinitis caused by bacteria and can be used in children from birth.

On the video about the nasal congestion in the child tells Komarovsky:

Folk remedies

A good adjuvant for treating colds, accompanied by cough and cold at the same time, are inhalations with a nebulizer - a modern inhaler. Unlike drops and sprays, it allows to increase the time of action of the drug on the nasal mucosa. Also, due to the flow of air, the drug quickly reaches the outermost parts of the nose, including the sinuses. Especially good are such inhalations in case the snot is thick and there are a lot of crusts in the nose - under the influence of steam, the mucus is liquefied and is quickly excreted from the body. The link details the treatment of the common cold with a nebulizer. nebulizer for child

For inhalations, you can use:

  • alcohol tinctures of propolis, alcoholic tinctures of propolis
  • calendula,
  • chlorophyllipt,
  • interferon
  • tonzylgon. tonsillon

However, they must be diluted with saline solution!

Good in the fight against nasal congestion and folk remedies. For example, some herbal decoctions have a rather strong anti-inflammatory effect. This chamomile is a pharmacy, yarrow, calendula and sage. You can brew these herbs, insist and bury the baby 3-5 times a day in each nostril.

pharmaceutical camomile

Our grandmothers also knew about the miraculous effect on the body as a whole and the sick oropharynx and nose of the aloe juice. This plant stood on the windowsill of almost every apartment. Today, it was undeservedly forgotten about him, but in vain! Here is described the treatment of a cold with aloe juice in children. aloe juice

It will help with colds, coughing and bronchitis. To do this, from the leaves of aloe, best of all - taken from the very base, you need to squeeze the juice and dig into each nostril for three to five drops. And so - about five to seven times a day. However, it is better not to use this prescription in children under two years old - an allergy is possible.

In acute rhinitis, sinusitis and sinusitis, can also be used. Sinupret is a drop for oral administration, which consists exclusively of natural components. They improve mucus clearance, have an expectorant effect and help to cure a cold more quickly. As an auxiliary, Sinupret is prescribed for sinusitis, sinusitis, and frontal sinuses. However, with inflammation of the nasal sinuses without antibiotics, unfortunately, can not do. Yes, and put such a diagnosis can usually only an otolaryngologist after receiving an X-ray photograph. Sinupret

If the runny nose is due to an allergy to

The cause of nasal congestion may be an allergic rhinitis( also called hay fever).Usually it is accompanied by snot that does not lend itself to conventional treatment. As an allergen can occur animals, dust in the apartment, flowering plants, household chemicals and perfumes. To determine what specifically caused the allergy, it is quite problematic - you have to contact an allergist and make tests for various types of allergies.

What should I do? Temporary relief for allergic rhinitis will bring antihistamines and anti-allergic drops and sprays. Most often, children are recommended vibrocil and nazoneks.

Which drops to apply? Nazonex is suitable for the treatment of both seasonal and all-year-round rhinitis and can be used in children from two years of age. Nazonex

It contains the hormone mometasone, so before using it, it is necessary to consult a specialist. A good antiallergic and at the same time immunomodulating effect is possessed by children's drops in the nose Derinat is a new drug that many parents have already evaluated. Derinath

Facilitate the condition of patients with allergic rhinitis can use home devices that filter air. For example, air ionizers and air cleaners. In the heating season, the apartments are usually very dry air, which leads to the drying out of the nasal mucosa.

To ensure the optimum level of air humidity - and this is 50-60 percent, an air humidifier is needed. air humidifier in a child

The famous Ukrainian pediatrician Dr. Eugene Komarovsky considers this device necessary in any families where a newborn appears. He considers it to be the main means of preventing ARVI and other colds.

On video - a massage of sinuses of a nose at zalozhennosti:

When only operation

will help or assist There are situations when zalozhennost a nose at the child became chronic. Like and vydeleny a nose thus is not present, and the temperature does not rise. But it's very hard for a child to breathe. Such a state is quite dangerous because it leads to oxygen starvation - because of this, the child may be tormented by headaches, weakness, loss of smell, etc. Nasal congestion can be due to a variety of reasons - polyps in the nose, curvature of the nasal septum, adenoids and even a foreign body in the nose.

The video tells about the constant long nasal congestion in the child, if nothing helps, when the operation is possible:

. Parents are usually unable to determine the cause of nasal congestion - this can only be done by an otolaryngologist. Another possible reason is polyps in the nose of a child. Polyps in the nose are usually formed in adults, but can also occur in children after 10 years. They are rare in young children. Here are described the symptoms and treatment of polyps in the nose. Also read about the treatment of polyps in the nose with hydrogen peroxide. Small polyps usually do not operate, and larger ones must be removed on the surgical table. But the curvature of the nasal septum is usually corrected only after 18 years - if, of course, it is possible to wait until that age and the baby's nasal breathing still persists.

The issue of treatment of adenoids is also difficult and controversial. Today, doctors are not as fattened as before, they send all children to an operation to remove the overgrown pharyngeal tonsils. With the initial degrees of the disease, conservative treatment is prescribed. And only if it did not help, and the adenoids have greatly expanded, it is necessary to resort to surgery.

Nasal congestion is a symptom of a fairly large number of diseases of the nose. Usually, it appears against the background of the emergence of normal ARI - and then there are no special problems with relief of the patient's condition. But if the congestion of the nose is accompanied by a temperature, a green tinge of a snot, chronic discharge from the nose, then it is better to consult a doctor and begin a serious treatment.