No adults or children are immune from acute inflammation of the lymphadenoid tissue. The disease is called angina or acute tonsillitis and has an infectious-allergic nature. Therefore, they can get infected. And this can happen during contact with the carrier of the pathogen. At the same time, infection occurs not only when the disease manifests itself clearly, but also during the incubation period. Knowing the specifics of the course of this period will help avoid infection.

How to do a compress with a sore throat to a child, you can learn from the article.

Contents of

  • 1 What affects the duration of
  • 2
  • 3
  • 3 Purulent( follicular and lacunar)
  • 4 Herpetic
  • 5 Monocyte
  • 6 Phlegmonous( lingual tonsil)
  • 7 Difference in timing in children and adults

What affects the duration of

incubation period of sore throat

The pronounced symptoms of the disease do not appearimmediately. First, the pathogen enters the body and begins to multiply actively. At this point, immunity can cope with the problem and then the disease may never go into the active phase. But if the body can not defeat the invasion, and the situation is aggravated by hypothermia, avitaminosis or other negative factors, then acute inflammation of the palatine tonsils, which is often called angina, begins.

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The article reviews Azithromycin in angina.

The duration and duration of the incubation period depends on:

  • of the causative agent of the disease( most often it is β-hemolytic streptococcus, but can also cause sore throats, fungi, pneumococci, E. coli);
  • general condition of the body;
  • presence of unfavorable environmental factors;
  • of the type of angina and the nature of the disease;
  • presence of foci of chronic infection in the body.

In the photo - types of sore throat: types of sore throat

Some pathogens of angina can be found in the body. This is relevant for patients suffering from chronic sinusitis, tonsillitis, periodontitis, adenoiditis. With such changes in the environment as cooling, high humidity or, conversely, the dryness of the air and its dustiness, viruses or bacteria begin to attack the weakened organism.

The article indicates whether it is possible to heat the throat with angina.

The course of acute tonsillitis is also affected by bad habits, eating habits and personal hygiene. A person faces millions of viruses and infections every day. But the body will be a convenient haven for them only if there is a shortage of vitamins, or other negative factors will manifest themselves.

The duration of the incubation period for angina is from 12 hours to 12 days in children, and from 1 day to 2 weeks in adults. During this time, microorganisms have time to settle down, as indicated by the first signs of the disease. It is a misconception that acute tonsillitis is contagious only during the active phase. You can get infected from an infected person at any time:

  • during the incubation period;
  • during the period of symptoms;
  • during medication.

Catarrhal form

catarrhal angina

During the incubation period, patients complain of dryness and sore throat. If the disease begins to progress, the symptoms are joined by pain during swallowing movements, a rise in temperature. In adults, it can be mild, and young children suffer greatly from this symptom. They can even start vomiting.

The disease begins rapidly and ends as quickly. It is enough 3-5 days for the passage of all phases of this type of sore throat. With proper treatment, the healing process can be accelerated.

The article reviews the furacilin in angina.

Purulent( follicular and lacunar)

The general term "purulent angina" refers to various manifestations of acute tonsillitis. These include:

  • follicular;
  • lacunar.

The disease is characterized by the appearance of pus on the tonsils and usually proceeds hard, with a significant increase in temperature.

This type of acute tonsillitis begins suddenly. There is a disease in the form of chills and high fever. In children, it can go up to 40º C. In the throat, pains increase, they can give in the ear. There is general weakness, weakness, patients suffering from pain and other unpleasant sensations in the limbs.

In the article it is indicated whether it is possible to drink Flemoxin Solutab with angina.

The first symptoms usually appear within a day after infection. With strong immunity, this period can be prolonged. If a person has recently suffered any serious illness, then such symptoms of intoxication as pain in the limbs and lower back may be absent. In this case, changes in the pharynx become pronounced.

In follicular angina, in addition to redness and pharyngeal edema, changes in tissue structures are observed. On the tonsils, white dots become clearly visible. These are suppurated follicles. This symptom is fundamental in the diagnosis of follicular sore throat.

In the photo - purulent angina:

purulent sore throat

The lacunar form of angina during the incubation period is manifested first by a raid on the lacunae of the tonsils. The lymph nodes in the jaw region increase and become painful. After the expiration of the incubation period, the pus on the tonsils becomes well marked and the disease becomes acute.

What is the dose of Amoxicillin in angina will be the norm, indicated in the article.

Purulent angina is very contagious. If the carrier appears in the home of the causative agent of this disease, then all members of the family may be ill. Timely diagnosis and treatment will help avoid mass infections.

Herpes( herpes)

The development of this disease affects the Coxsackie virus. The incubation period of herpes sore throat can last up to 2 weeks. Usually the virus can show itself faster. In most cases, it takes 3-6 days.

herpes sore throat

In the photo - herpes sore throat

During this time it is developed on the tonsils, the back wall of the pharynx and the soft palate. Upon completion of the incubation period, specific vesicles with serous contents appear on these organs. If during this period the course of the disease is complicated by a bacterial infection, then a purulent raid may appear.

How to use streptocid powder for angina is available from the article.

The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets and is very contagious. More often children suffer from it. Usually, herpetic angina is diagnosed in children under 3 years of age.


This disease affects more young people aged 12 to 30 years. Patients complain of sore throat, sudden chills and fever to 40º C. After the incubation period, and sometimes much later, during the acute course, there is an increase in the cervical and submandibular lymph nodes.

Monocyte angina

In the picture - the symptoms of monocytic sore throat

At the beginning of the manifestation of the disease are similar to the symptoms of catarrhal or follicular angina, but soon there are point or filmy yellow-gray plaques. They last quite a long time. The swelling disappears after 2-3 weeks after the end of the incubation period and the appearance of the first signs of the disease.

How the treatment of phlegmonous tonsillitis occurs, you can learn from this article.

Phlegmonous( lingual tonsil)

The disease is always characterized by high fever. It is less common than other types of angina. Patients complain of pain in the throat, there is swelling and swelling of the lingual tonsil. If a yellowish plaque appears, the angina can be confused with lacunar. Quinsy

The first sign of the disease is the redness at the root of the tongue. Then the inflammatory process passes to other organs. The incubation period of this sore throat is short, and ranges from 12 hours to 1-2 days.

Can I smoke with angina, it becomes clear after reading the article.

Difference in timing between children and adults

The incubation period of angina depends on the body's immune system. At children it is not yet fully formed. Viruses and bacteria are sufficient for several hours in order to create the colonies necessary for the development of the disease.

The body of adults actively fights with the causative agents of acute tonsillitis. The incubation period for them is, as a rule, not less than 12 hours. Most often it is a period of 1 to 2 days. It increases in people with strong immunity.

What symptoms of strep throat can be, you can find from the article.

During the incubation period, virtually no symptoms are present. But man is the source of infection. If you consider that the disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, the only effective way to fight it is prevention. Proper nutrition, exercise and adherence to basic rules of hygiene will help strengthen the body and give it the strength to resist microorganisms that cause angina.