One of the popular remedies used to treat sinusitis on this day is Rinoflumacil. It is a carefully selected combination of active ingredients in the preparation that promotes the fact that Rinoflumucil in genyantritis is simply an indispensable tool.


  • 1 Properties
  • 2 Effective use
  • 3 Side effects
  • 4 Contraindications
  • 5 Price
  • 6 Reviews
  • 7 Video

Properties of the drug

Rinoflumucil for genyantema

Renoflumacil is one of the most effective tools in the fight against sinusitis

What is the treatment of maxillary sinusitis in a child of 4 years and with the use of which medications, it becomes clearfrom the content of this article.

The medical product of Rinofluimucil is aimed at the treatment of sinusitis. It also helps prevent the development of the disease, all its complications. Complications of the disease can be sinusitis. It is equally important that with the help of Rinofluimacil all passages to the maxillary sinuses are cleared.

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After reading this article, you can understand how many are treated with genyantritis with antibiotics and what exactly.

Rinoflumacil promotes that all purulent plugs dissolve in a very short time.

Effective use of

rhinofluucim instructions for use price review The drug is treated with the contents of acetylcysteine ​​in it, as well as with the help of tuamine-heptane. These components, which are the main components in its composition, are responsible for the reduction of certain edema in some glandular formations.

If you are treated with a drug such as Rinofluimucil, it is worth bearing in mind that it is very important to know in parallel with the doctor how to treat a beginning sinusitis and in other ways. Since you can not rely on this drug and only take it, you can not. Yes, he is strong, but he alone can not completely affect the bacteria of the disease.

If the disease has already begun to develop, cure it only at the expense of Rhinofluucil is not always possible.

This product is available exclusively as a spray. Apply it should be intranasal. To be treated with a remedy called "Rinofluimucil" is available to all adults and children, but only if the children are three years old. If one of the parents decided to treat the child with such a remedy, it is worthwhile to do this in consultation with the doctor.

What are the symptoms of sinusitis in a child of 6 years will become clear when this article is read.

nasal drops of rhinoflumycil

Renoflumacil can be used for no more than 7 days.

Apply the drug Rinofluimucil to both nares. But you need to know the dose, because for each person it is selected individually. For example, it is recommended to use spray three or four times a day for adults. Injection for one approach into one nostril must be done twice. With regard to children, it is necessary to apply also three to four times a day, but the injection into one nostril must be done only once.

How to quickly treat sinus in the home, you can understand reading this article.

Treatment with Rinoflumacil should not occur more than a week. Otherwise, it is possible to get used to one of the components of this drug. Only a doctor can prescribe Rinofluimucil for more than a week.

After the spray bottle has been opened, it should be used no more than 20 days. After this period, the vial can be discarded. This is justified by the fact that the medicine will not be usable.

Side effects of

rhinoflamycil instruction price If a person who has been prescribed to be treated with the drug Rinofluimucil, has been treated for more than a week or has not followed the necessary dosage, there are possible side effects:

  • Cardiovascular system : tachycardia, excessive heartbeat, hypertension;
  • From the central nervous system : tremor and excessive excitement;
  • On the part of the respiratory system : drying of the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth;
  • On the part of the genitourinary system : the delay in the release of urine and other diseases that are associated with the bladder.

How to use the nasal spray with maxillary sinusitis and in what dosages, will help to understand the content of the article.


Treatment of sinusitis can not be performed with the drug Rinofluimucil if the patient suffers from a disease such as thyrotoxicosis and closed charcoal glaucoma. If a patient on sinusitis has a certain allergic reaction to this drug, it is also not recommended to use it. It is necessary to carefully take medications simultaneously with Rhinofluucil. It is always necessary to consult with your doctor.

How to treat a genyantritis in a child 3 years, but so that would not do much harm.

Rinoflumacil for sinusitis - instructions for use

Pregnant women should not use rinofluimucil

. To use this remedy, it is necessary to treat as closely as possible those people who suffer from a certain type of asthma, angina pectoris and especially arterial hypertension. It is undesirable to use the drug for women during pregnancy. To apply Rinoflumucil during pregnancy is possible only if the doctor agreed with the future mother.

How the treatment of catarrhal sinusitis using folk remedies can be understood from the article.

It is worth paying more attention to the use of this remedy in the treatment of illness in children. Children under three years of age are not recommended to use the product. It is only possible, if agreed with your child's doctor, to use it. Self-medication here can not be dealt with categorically.

After reading the article it becomes clear whether it is possible to do inhalation with sinusitis or this procedure should not be done.


The cost of the drug Rinofluimucil in Russia is about 230 rubles.


drops from a genyantritis rhinofluimucil reviews Evgeniya, 26, Ekaterinburg : "I bought the drug Rinofluimucil for the treatment of sinusitis. I believe that this tool has both advantages and disadvantages. To the merits, of course, I will take the properties that contribute to the early elimination of mucus in the nasal apertures. To disadvantages I would like to attribute a high price. Although it is worth noting that the price is fully consistent with quality. I also do not like the fact that the storage of this drug is too short, only 20 days after its discovery. But it helps just fine! "

Tatiana, 38, Chelyabinsk :" I did not find any drawbacks of the drug. I do not mind the price and other minor shortcomings in the form of a short shelf life. I was previously treated only with antibiotics, but I decided to try drops once. And, strangely enough, they helped me well. Now I will use them more often, I am sorry that I did not know about such a tool before. "

Andrei, 42, :" This remedy is the cure, and not just removes the first signs of sinusitis, like many similar drugs. And I do not throw away the remedy, I successfully use it also at the next runny nose. "


Watch a video about effective ways to combat sinusitis:

Thus, Rinoflumucil is able to remove swelling, to facilitate nasal breathing, and as a result to cure the rhinitis, clearing the sinuses of the nose, and to prevent the development of complications of sinusitis.