Strawberry growing at home all year round

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  • Preparation of conditions and peculiarities of growing
  • Selection of
  • variety Substrate preparation
  • Planting
  • Strawberry planting - video
  • Strawberry care
  • How to pollinate?
  • Tips for beginners

Delicious and juicy strawberry berry is a treat for many people. Gardeners easily grow it in their own plots. The variety of varieties and methods of reproduction, the possibility of collecting several crops at once made this culture very popular in our regions. In this article, we will talk about growing strawberries at home. After all, you can eat berries from the garden only in the summer, and in the colder months you have to be content with imported strawberries, which are not cheap. The only way out is to try to grow yourself.

Preparation of conditions and peculiarities of growing

It is not enough to choose the right sort and way of growing. It is necessary to create a culture suitable conditions. If they do not exist, the seedlings will become weak, they will not be able to grow well and bear fruit. With the help of seedlings, grow bushes at home in the following ways:

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  • in boxes;
  • in flower pots;
  • in packages.

Is it possible to grow strawberries in an apartment, and which method is better to choose? It all depends on the purpose of landing. If you want to use the berry for sale, spacious boxes or plastic bags will do. However, they occupy a place, so in a small apartment to grow berries will be problematic. If conditions allow, you can after a while get a big harvest and at home.

You can grow strawberries for yourself in ordinary flower pots. To achieve in this case a significant number of fruits will not work. But it will not be necessary to spend a lot of time on leaving.

Any growing method requires suitable conditions. It is necessary to maintain not only the temperature, but also certain lighting, as well as other parameters. If all the conditions are met, the seedlings will delight their owners with juicy berries.


Strawberries love light very much. This applies to the dacha spacious areas, and small apartments. The light day must last at least 14 hours. Since this is not always possible, it is recommended to arrange additional lighting sources. At the same time, the light of the lamp should be natural and very close to the natural solar lamp.

Strawberries require good air circulation. It is not difficult to do this: it is enough to open the windowpane periodically.

With temperature everything is even simpler. Usually in urban apartments in winter heat, the thermometer does not fall below 18 degrees. The bushes will grow well at temperatures up to 20 degrees. This is an ideal condition for growing a plant in an apartment. If suddenly it became hot in the room, you should open the window. This will ensure the circulation of air.

It's hard to get a good harvest without the right substrate. As a primer, it is better to use a mixture of peat and perlite. Buy such a soil can be in a special store.

If the same is not on sale, a more simple mixture with fertilizers will do. But the quality is worse. For strawberries, it is better to choose the first option.

You can buy ready-made seedlings or try to grow seedlings from seeds. It is better, of course, to choose the ready one, this will save time. However, this method will cost more. Getting a harvest from seeds will require effort and time, but it will be cheaper.

Selection of variety

The great variety of homemade strawberry varieties is divided into two main types: bush and ampel. Also, the berries are patchwork and one-time fruiting. The first allows you to harvest all year round. Her berries differ slightly in taste, color and shape.

Many people who want to grow strawberries at home prefer it to the repair grade.

With good conditions and care bushes can bear fruit all year round. In this case, they are less dependent on light.

For the apartment is perfectly suitable remontant ampelny grade. It does not require bright lighting. Bushes can start to please berries in 60 days. A good yield and unpretentiousness are the popular varieties "Geneva", "Home delicacy", "Queen Elizabeth".The latter can be grown and in the suburban area.

Substrate preparation

It is better to buy such a mixture in the store. Suitable universal, suitable for fruits and vegetables. But you can prepare the soil yourself. To do this, take humus, forest soil, sand. All mix well. The earth should not be too poor.

The primer should be loose and damp. These are important conditions that affect the yield and condition of the seedlings. The substrate should not be covered with a crust, because it will complicate the process of air access to the roots. Gardeners are advised not to take land for planting from the garden: it can be damaged by a nematode. If there are no other options, it is better to plant the land before planting. It needs to be steamed, that it will kill all the pests, and then water it with a solution of potassium permanganate.

After careful processing of the soil, you can start planting. The plant does not tolerate stagnation of moisture, it affects the roots badly. Therefore, it is necessary to pour a crushed brick or small expanded clay into the bottom of the pot. Now the seedlings can be placed in the soil.


How to plant strawberries at home? First, you should choose the shoots. Seedlings do not need to be bought, they can be taken from the garden. Many repair varieties are well established and grow on the windowsill.

You need to prepare the bushes in the fall. They should be removed from the ground and placed in a separate container. The seedlings of are sprinkled with earth and kept in a cool place for 14 days. This provides strawberries peace. After that, the plants can be planted already in other containers. The root system should be in the ground by half.

Overly long roots in plants are cut off. To make the bushes better taken root, it is necessary to lower them into the previously prepared solution. For him, take a tablet of heteroauxin and 5 liters of water. Dissolve the tablet in water and place the roots there. This mixture can be watered seedlings and after planting.

Only qualitative seedlings should be selected. It is not recommended to buy it from unknown sellers. And certainly you should not order it on the Internet.

Seeds can be purchased instead of seedlings. Their cultivation will require persistence and patience, although now breeders have brought out new, more stable and unpretentious varieties.4 months after the emergence of seedlings, ovaries are formed.

In order for the seeds to germinate, a well-moistened earth should be used. Sowing seeds is not difficult: just sprinkle them with a layer of soil, and then just tamper and cover with a film. After emergence of shoots, this film is removed, and the pots are placed on southern warm windows.

Planting strawberries - video

After a while, leaves start to appear. Once they become large, a tiny seedling is transplanted into larger dishes. To hive growth fully and well fruited, you should choose a capacity of at least 3 liters.

Strawberry care

It's not enough to create suitable conditions and to choose the right grade. Without proper care, the strawberry will not bear fruit.

  • Putting pots or boxes with plants is better on southern windows. If there is not enough natural light, you should arrange an artificial one.
  • Strawberry needs to be watered well. But there should be no waterlogging. Too humid and moist soil has a disastrous effect on the condition of the root system. It is important not only to water, but also to spray bushes. It is important to maintain a balance, because too moist air and moist soil have a bad effect on the condition of the plant, and also promote the reproduction of fungus and pests.
  • Suitable temperature is within 20 degrees. Do not allow cooling. Sometimes the apartments turn off heating. In this case, it is worth using additional heat sources. For example, a heater.
  • Strawberry seedlings love different feeding. You should feed the bushes at least two times in one month. The stores sell fertilizer for strawberries. You can apply them or dispense with a universal fertilizer for all plants. Overfeed the plants do not need, otherwise everything will go into the leaves, and the fruit will not ripen.

When the bushes begin to grow well, a mustache is formed. So that they do not interfere, they should be tied up. For this, a nylon mesh is made on the window. Mustache is a great opportunity to reproduce strawberries and get seedlings. To thus multiply the berries, it is necessary to root the rosette, and then separate it from the uterine bush.

The first berries can be affected by a spider mite or gray rot. Therefore, it is necessary to closely monitor the state of the fruit in this period. If there are signs of anxiety, cook the garlic infusion and treat the plants with it. You need to take two fresh cloves of garlic, crush them, and then pour water and insist. After this, the infusion is filtered and sprinkled with bushes.

If you take care of the berries properly and create conditions for it, you will soon be able to enjoy the first harvest. Gardeners often grow homes for sale.

How to pollinate?

Pollination plays an important role in the formation of fruits. At home, a plant can not naturally pollinate, so you need to help it. You can do this in two ways.

  1. Using a fan. It is directed towards flowers. It is better to do this in the morning.
  2. Manually. To do this, take a soft brush for drawing and gently pollinate it with flowers. This occupation is tedious, requires patience and attention. But this method is more effective: each flower will be pollinated.

The choice of method depends on the desire. The first method is simple and convenient, does not take time. But whether all the flowers can be pollinated, it is not known. In the second case, the efficiency is higher.

Tips for beginners

Those who have already tried to grow strawberries on the windowsill share their advice:

  • It is more convenient to apply repair classes. With due care, they bear fruit all year round, and are unpretentious.
  • To get a good harvest from seeds, it is necessary to select them competently. The largest should be placed in the refrigerator, wrapping them in advance with a damp towel. This will harden the seeds, and they will germinate better.
  • The bushes should be planted early in the spring or in August-September.
  • The drainage layer protects against stagnant water.
  • Do not keep boxes, packages or pots of strawberries on a cold balcony.

To grow strawberries on a box is easy if you follow the rules of care and create the conditions for growth and fruiting. Only then will the berry rejoice in a good harvest.

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