Seasonal colds are often accompanied by a painful and prolonged cough, which is not easy to overcome. Effective, and, most importantly, an unusually simple and tasty home remedy - figs with milk, will help to say goodbye quickly with a pesky cough and promote a speedy recovery. This is one of the popular ways to get rid of cough. If you are concerned about other respiratory illnesses, then you will find from the links folk remedies for nasal congestion, folk remedies for the common cold and colds.


  • 1 Properties
    • 1
      • Recipe Recipe No.1
      • 2.2 Recipe No.2
      • 2.3 Recipe No.3
    • 3 Features of application
    • 4 Reviews


figs with milk from a cough recipe

The usefulness of this fruit has been known for a long time, and the active use in folk medicine of the East has smoothly passed to us, proving its effectiveness and safety.

Useful properties of figs:

  • Antipyretic.
  • Helps prevent sputum production.
  • Nutritious product quickly restores strength.
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These unique features of fig fruits can easily be explained, if only list the chemical composition of the fruit. This and a lot of vitamins, especially group C, so necessary for a successful fight against the common cold. These are useful microelements: potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus and others. Without these incredibly important elements, the normal vital activity of any organism is impossible, as well as the fight against catarrhal and simply seasonal weakened states. It happens that the cough does not last long. Here you will find additional treatments.

The video tells about the useful properties of figs with milk from cough:


For cough treatment, there are several effective and time-tested recipes. The main ingredient is a fig, you can use it both fresh and dried, which greatly facilitates the search for the necessary ingredients.

This remedy also perfectly helps with loss of voice and various degrees of laryngitis. Regular reception will help get rid of the characteristic cough of the smoker, and also simply strengthen and vitaminize the body during the demi-season.

Gargling with a decoction of figs helps relieve pain and inflammation in the sore throat and serves as an additional treatment for diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Recipe №1

Take one fig and a half cup of milk. The main condition: milk should be as fresh and high as possible( ideally home, you can shop, but with a minimum shelf life).The more fat milk, the better it will soften the throat and pass a cough more easily. Figs can be taken fresh, dried or dried, this does not affect the effectiveness of the broth. figs with milk from cough recipe 1

The algorithm for preparing the mixture is very simple: the milk with the fig is boiled over low heat to reduce its volume by about a third. After that, it is better to wrap the container in a blanket or a towel so that the broth is slightly infused.

The prepared mixture is perfectly stored in a clean container in the refrigerator. When cooled, the broth may thicken a little, this is quite normal, indicating the correct preparation of the mixture. Before use, the mixture should be slightly warmed to a comfortable temperature.

Is it possible to gargle with chlorhexidine in angina

Can I rinse my throat with chlorhexidine in a sore throat?

Learn how to treat dry barking cough.

Reviews on the ammonium anise drops from cough: http: // nashatyrno-anisovye-kapli-ot-kashlya.html.

Recipe No.2

Sometimes, for people with lactose intolerance, a recipe without milk is recommended, it is less effective, but can also be used to treat a cough. To do this, about 8 pieces of medium-sized dried figs pour a glass of water and boil for at least half an hour on low heat. After that, the broth is diluted with another glass of water and sugar. All boil until the sugar is completely dissolved. For taste and greater utility at the end of cooking, lemon juice and a little fresh grated ginger or a dry mixture can be added to the mixture. This broth also has a warming effect due to ginger. boiled figs from cough

Recipe # 3

This remedy is more recommended for avid smokers for additional cleansing of the bronchi and lungs. To do this, about 10 fresh fruits are crushed in a meat grinder and mixed with a small amount of honey. As a result, a viscous paste with a homogeneous structure should be obtained.

Take the drug better on an empty stomach on a tablespoon, thoroughly chewing and washing down a glass of milk. After a month of regular intake, there is considerable progress in mitigating the "coughing of a smoker" and alleviating chest pain. figs and honey from cough

Also such a mixture is a kind of course of vitaminization and will perfectly replace the reception of pharmacy multivitamins. In the absence of allergies to honey, it is perfect for children as a restorative.

Features of application

The course of treatment will be strictly individual, a one-time intake should not exceed a glass of the finished mixture. It is best to drink it before eating, while the fruits are also eaten. Daily intake - three times a day. For children under 7, it is better to give half a glass, keeping the frequency of reception.

Safety and efficiency are the main trump cards of ginger milk. This broth is not forbidden during pregnancy and is even recommended as one of the most harmless home remedies. Good for ginger broth and just with laryngitis, softening and relieving sore throat.

The use of this drug in diabetes should be consistent with the doctor. Figs are famous for their high carbohydrate content, so the doctor can recommend another remedy.

Side effect of the fig can be a temporary disorder of the intestines, which each manifests itself individually. If you are experiencing this kind of reaction, perhaps this tool is not too suitable for you.

In the presence of allergic reactions of any degree of localization, it is more expedient to change the treatment plan. Allergy to figs is a rare occurrence, but no one is immune to this, so the first reception of the broth is better to do the minimum amount. After you make sure that the fruit is well tolerated by the body, you can safely continue the treatment.

You should not eat decoction for more than a month. If the cough by this time has not passed, an urgent examination is necessary to exclude other causes of the disease.

A fig with milk is an excellent home remedy for coughing and relieving inflammation and swelling in the throat. Thanks to milk, the ligaments are warmed and softened, and the fig fruits saturate the body with additional vitamins and microelements. Safety and practically no contraindications makes this remedy harmless and effective. One of the characteristics of the mixture will be its sweet taste, which will allow it to be used without problems for its children.

On the video - another recipe for figs with milk from cough:

Milk is often used as a component of cough remedies. Here you will find a recipe of milk with soda from a cough. Milk with butter from cough and milk with badger fat from cough are also often used.


  • Mariyana, 24: "I learned about this facility relatively recently, but I already checked its effectiveness. It helped very well from the sore throat and loss of voice. Inexpensive and very effective tool, now I advise all my friends. A big plus is a very pleasant taste, I think such a medicine and children will like it. "
  • Natalia, 36 years old My daughter treated only the fig broth in her childhood, especially since she was eating well enough already. Often I make a vitamin mixture with a fig, which we use the whole family throughout the whole winter. The main advantage is that you can always buy ingredients, for example, I buy dried figs for stock, if necessary, at hand, but milk is all the more available to everyone.
  • Lena, 42 years old She recently suffered severe angina with bronchitis in the company. I had to even go to the hospital, but when I was discharged my cough did not go away, so the doctor advised this remedy. She said she perfectly cures even her family with this method, so she advises his patients. Initially, the attitude was somewhat skeptical, but regular use helped to significantly reduce the cough in two weeks. Until the end of treatment is still far away, probably, it will take two months to drink, but the effect already exists, so I will continue. The main plus for me is that such treatment is quite affordable for any income, in contrast to pharmacy drugs.