Treatment of acute tonsillitis, more commonly known as angina, is an extremely important task. Untimely going to the doctor and transferring the disease "on your feet" can cause serious consequences that will not go unheeded for human health. That is why in such a "war", all means are good and to fight with angina can be various methods.

Is it possible to rinse the nose with chlorhexidine to a child, indicated in this article.

The usual treatment plan for tonsillitis includes antibacterial or antiviral drugs, inhalations, antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs and multivitamins. Good rinsing and throat irrigation with special antiseptics are good. To such groups of medicines also belongs the medical preparation "chlorhexidine".


  • 1 Usage
  • 2 Use in case of disease
    • 2.1 Can I use it to treat children
  • 3 Reviews


chlorhexidine with angina

"Chlorhexidine" is an antiseptic for external use. It is available in the form of a cream, gel and patches, as well as in a concentrated liquid for the preparation of a solution for disinfection.

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Indications for use:

  • Hygienic treatment of the hands of the surgeon and medical personnel before surgery.
  • Treatment of the skin of the operating or injection areas.
  • Disinfection of medical instruments.
  • Hygienic hand treatment for food and catering workers.
  • Disinfection of wounds and cuts.
  • Treatment of dental diseases.
  • Rinse throat with ENT diseases, from sore throat.

The composition contains alcohol and chlorine, which can cause dry skin, allergic reactions and individual intolerance, so the product has a number of contraindications( surprisingly little for such disinfectants).

On the video - rinse throat with chlorhexidine in angina:


  • Allergic reactions.
  • Child's age( no data available).
  • Sensitivity to component components.
  • Dermatological problems and skin diseases.
  • Pregnancy and lactation( no data).

Do not use the product on damaged areas of the skin, in case of contact with mucous membranes - immediately flush with plenty of running water. During pregnancy and lactation, it is not recommended to use it because of the lack of safety data for the formulation. For the same reason, the remedy is used in childhood only in exceptional cases. chlorhexidine angina rinse

The drug is applied externally, but in some cases, for example, in the treatment of angina, the following method is possible. When treating acute tonsillitis on the recommendation of a doctor, it is possible to rinse the throat with a weak solution of "chlorhexidine".

Use of for

The drug is available in the form of a spray dosage form, which has a pronounced disinfectant and antibacterial effect and can be used as an additional agent in the treatment of acute tonsillitis( angina).

how to cure badger cough How to treat a badger badger cough is indicated in this article.

Than to treat a cough in a child in 3 years, you can learn from the article.

Runny nose cough is laid down ears, what can you do here: http: // lechenie-u / zalozhilo-uxo-pri-nasmorke-chto-delat.html

How to use chlorhexidine for rinsing:

  1. For gargling, it is sufficient to use a dosage of 0.05%, a stronger concentration can lead to burns of the mucous membranes of the mouth, therefore, for these purposes is not recommended.
  2. Before the procedure, it is necessary to clean the teeth, thoroughly rinse the mouth, remove all food residues, if necessary using dental floss.
  3. A tablespoon of the product should be placed in the mouth and thoroughly rinsed with a throat, avoiding accidental swallowing.
  4. Repeat 2-3 times, then rinse the mouth with clean water.
  5. After the procedure, it is not advisable to take food or drink liquids for two hours. chlorhexidine instructions for use in angina

In case of getting the drug into the stomach, it is necessary to take activated charcoal or other absorbent means, and in some cases even gastric lavage( for sufficiently large volumes).

Is it possible to use

to treat children? There is no medical indication for the use of "chlorhexidine" in childhood. The absence of data automatically classifies the drug as unresolved, but in some cases the doctor can still prescribe treatment of angina in a child with additional treatment of the oral cavity with "chlorhexidine." The question arises whether it is possible to gargle with chlorhexidine in angina, as mentioned above, only for the intended purposedoctor.

causes of cough in the morning in an adult What can be the causes of coughing in the morning in an adult, you can learn from the article.

Why cough with green expectoration in adults occurs most specified in this article.

For what reason an adult cough arises before vomiting, is indicated here: http: // bolezni-g /kashel/ do-rvoty-u-vzroslogo.html

For what reason a dry cough does not clear away, is indicated in this article.

If the child is old enough to handle the rinse without problems, there is no problem, except that the dosage will be less( a teaspoon instead of a dining room). For young children, it is better to perform the treatment of the throat and affected areas of the tonsils with a cotton swab wetted with a remedy. Usually, children are extremely reluctant to go for such procedures because of the unpleasant taste and smell of the drug.

In cases of severe angina, it is advisable to repeat the procedure up to three times a day. If the course of the disease is normal, you can limit yourself to two sessions. chlorhexidine from sore throat

"Chlorhexidine" - a universal disinfectant, extremely effective and affordable. In the home medicine cabinet, he certainly will have an honorable place. Rapid processing of cuts and scratches, disinfection of wounds for early healing - must come in handy in case of emergency. The use of "chlorhexidine" for mouthwash with angina and dental problems will help to quickly defeat the disease and get rid of some problems in the oral cavity. This drug has proved itself well and has a lot of positive feedback in use.


  • Vladimir, 38 years old: " I know this drug for a long time and often use it as a local antiseptic. In our medicine cabinet it is appreciated along with the classic set: peroxide, iodine, zelenka. About that it is possible to treat quinsy with rinses with chlorhexidine has learned relatively recently, when last year he fell ill with angina in severe form. I had to spend a week in the hospital, where I was advised this way. Just want to note that the pleasure of such rinses, to put it mildly, is below average. With the habit of even a little teeth ache a bit, but the result is just magical. At least, if you compare with traditional folk methods and decoctions. Now I know for sure, the better to gargle with such diseases, but I will use only in extreme cases - I do not like the taste very much. "
  • Alla, 42 years old: " Chlorhexidine has been used for a long time, my husband often suffers from cold illnesses and almost the only thing that helps immediately and most effectively is this drug. It was also used as a rinse with dental problems, and for children - never, so I did not know that it can be used in childhood. "
  • Veronica, 24 years old: " I use chlorhexidine as a cheap antiseptic, but it will also come in handy for gargling. Sensations, of course, unpleasant if it gets on the tongue - the sensitivity is temporarily lost and, in general, such bitterness is in the mouth. .. As for efficiency, it will easily outperform many expensive advertised drugs, usually after the first rinse, the pain in the throat practically passes. For children, probably, not too suitable means, and adults sometimes such hypochondriac happen.