The first signs and symptoms of cerebral stroke in women and men: first aid. Signs of an approaching brain stroke in women and men older than 30, 40, 50 years, young and elderly

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Acute abnormality of the cerebral circulation, which in medical circles is called a stroke, is an extremely dangerous situation. It can even lead to death. That is why it is important to give the injured person help immediately after the first signs of this pathology are manifested. We will tell about them in this article.

Contents of

  • How to identify a stroke in a man and a woman at home?
  • Signs and symptoms of stroke - what to do: first aid
  • First signs of stroke in women and men young and after 30 years
  • The first signs of stroke in women and men after 40 years
  • The first signs of stroke in women and men after 50 years
  • The first signs of a strokein elderly women and men
  • Signs of extensive, acute, rapid stroke in women and men
  • First signs of a micro-stroke in women and men
  • Signs of a leg suffered
  • Video. What is a stroke?

How to identify a stroke in a man and a woman at home?

Statistics show that brain cells are more often affected in men than in women. But, and representatives of the beautiful half of humanity also run the risk of suffering from acute circulatory disorders in the brain. And the more a person's age, the greater the risk of a stroke.

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There are several signs that indicate the onset of a stroke. And if you notice them in time, you can manage to help a person and minimize the risk of this pathology.

The main precursors of the stroke are:

  • A sharp headache that appears without any reason to explain
  • Because of sudden dizziness, coordination of movements is impaired
  • Sharp vision impairment with one or two eyes
  • Numbness of one side of the body( the part of the face, tongue, arm, legand part of the trunk)
  • Absent intelligible speech
  • Impaired orientation and lost consciousness

These precursors of a stroke can appear abruptly and disappear after a while. In case of repetition, the person should be urgently sent to the hospital. It is better to immediately call an ambulance.

Signs and symptoms of a stroke - what to do: first aid

Infographics: Symptoms of defeat

Before the arrival of specialists, the patient needs to be put to bed. At the same time, turn his head on his side. Try not to move it before the arrival of doctors. If a person is nervous, then try to calm him down.

With the above symptoms, a well-washed towel, laid on the patient's head, is a good help. It can be replaced by a pact with ice.

If at the first signs of a stroke a person has high blood pressure, then it should be brought back to normal with the help of special medications.

Open the windows in the room where the patient is located to access fresh air.

The first signs of a stroke in women and men young and after 30 years

A few years ago, a stroke of people about 30 years of age was rare, but today more and more young generation suffers from this serious problem. Young people are not inclined to associate a sudden dizziness with serious problems. And often, do not go to the doctor, after the first signs of a stroke. What makes this problem even more dangerous is for representatives of the younger generation.

Modern medicine can not say exactly what the stroke of young people is associated with. However, you can be sure that the use of alcohol, drugs and a short time to sleep, are one of the most important factors in the development of cardiovascular diseases and impaired cerebral circulation.

Also to the causes of stroke in young people include:

  • Arterial injuries( especially carotid)
  • Blood clotting disorder
  • Infectious complications
  • Taking hormonal drugs( in girls)
  • Heredity
  • Often eating harmful food

The main signs of a stroke in people of 30 years of age do not differ from the signs of this problem in the older generation. These include: short-term numbness in the facial muscles, severe headache, worsening of one of the eyes, etc.

The first signs of a stroke in women and men after 40 years

Patient at a reception with a neurologist

Forty years is a critical age for the onset of this problem in the body. It is at this age that poor ecology, hard physical work and excess weight make itself felt. And bad habits, like smoking and excessive drinking, are the catalysts for this problem.

The main signs of a stroke at the age of 40 are:

  • General weakness
  • Numbness of the extremities
  • Severe headaches and dizziness
  • Violation of speech functions
  • Articulation and gesticulation violation
  • Heat flushing
  • Vomiting and nausea

The first signs of a stroke in women and men after 50years

At the age of 50 the risk of the phenomenon described in this article is quite large. At this time, the blood vessels and arteries do not pass blood so well, because of which the blood supply of the brain deteriorates. The onset of a stroke may herald the following symptoms:

  • Loss of consciousness. This is the most unpleasant sign of this problem. A person does not have time to understand anything and just loses consciousness. With this symptom of a stroke the patient should be immediately taken to a hospital, where specialists can help him recover.
  • Dizziness and loss of orientation. If you notice a frequent occurrence of dizziness, then you need to urgently go to a polyclinic for examination. After all, if you do it on time, you can avoid the serious consequences of a stroke.
  • Headache. A common headache is one of the sure signs of a future stroke. The headache is of a different nature, so it is better not to wait until it recedes, but urgently to seek professional help.
  • Weakness in the extremities. The lack of blood circulation, which is "noticed" by weakness in the limbs, is also a frequent sign of an early stroke. And this syndrome is one of the main "tips" for a doctor who diagnoses the disease.

Stroke at age 50 can cause diseases such as:

  • Hypertension
  • Diabetes diabetes
  • Heart diseases

First signs of a stroke in elderly women and men

Rehabilitation of elderly patients

Stroke in 30 and 60 year olds may differ. And the differences are, first of all, the course of the disease. The thing is that the brain tissue in older age is more affected by a stroke than in a young one. Because of what, the elderly person has a great risk of a fatal outcome with a stroke. And it is almost impossible for an elderly person to recover completely after the defeat of brain cells. That is why, it is important for people after 55-60 years to pay as much attention to their health as possible.

The most common cause of stroke in old age is the atherosclerosis of the vessels. Plaques, formed on the inner side of the vessels, impede the movement of blood. Atherosclerosis can also cause the appearance of blood clots. And if one of them gets into the brain, it can cause a stroke.

For the following signs of a stroke, an elderly person should urgently consult a specialist:

  • Numbness of one side of the body
  • Visual impairment of two or one eye
  • Frequent dizziness
  • Appearance of indistinct speech
  • Appearance of vomiting
  • Pressure increase
  • Appearance of rapid heart beat
  • Movement disorder
  • Problems withmemory

Signs of extensive, acute, rapid stroke in women and men

Stroke has several classifications. By the degree of defeat, this disease can have extensive and focal( local) type. In focal stroke, parts of the brain are affected. Extensive stroke includes lesions at several sites of the brain.

The main signs and symptoms of a large stroke are:

  • Loss of consciousness for a long time( coma)
  • No response to external stimuli
  • Severe headaches
  • Loss of vision
  • Memory dips up to full amnesia

The acute form of a stroke can be recognized only in a specialized clinic. At this time, the speed and volume of cerebral blood flow decreases to a minimum. In this case, the patient has the above external signs of a stroke.

With an early stroke, signs of brain damage are observed almost instantaneously. To avoid a fatal outcome, the patient must be urgently hospitalized.

First signs of micro-stroke in women and men

Microinsult: lesions of brain regions

Microinsult is the necrosis of brain tissue due to constriction of a small vessel or its clogging with a thrombus. At the same time, brain damage occurs minimally, but dead tissue can not recover. Unlike a normal stroke, a small stroke of the brain is affected by a micro stroke. But, and such a "minor" defeat can lead to serious consequences.

The danger of such brain damage is that a person can not immediately detect signs of illness and seek help. At the same time, a microstroke can become a signal to a more dangerous problem. To learn that the patient has suffered a microstroke can be done by pathoanatomical research.

Micro-insulin is more often tolerated by meteodependent people, as well as by those who regularly undergo heavy loads and are in a state of frequent stress.

The danger of this brain damage is also that when the thrombus is clogged, the cells that feed on it die off in 5-6 hours. When recovering the blood flow in the affected vessel, some of the cells can recover.

The main external signs of a micro stroke are:

  • Numbness of the face
  • Blood pressure elevation
  • Severe vertigo
  • Movement coordination disorder
  • Hypersensitivity to bright light

At a micro stroke can be observed as all the signs from this list, and only 2-3 of them.

Symptoms of a Stroke of a Stroke

Any illness carried on your legs can lead to very dangerous consequences. Especially the one that affects the brain. Rupture and blockage of blood vessels can lead to disruption of brain cells. As a result, they can be damaged and even killed. Therefore, with the first signs of a stroke, immediate professional help is needed.

Symptoms of a stroke on the legs are almost identical to those of a micro stroke.

Disease transferred to the legs

A stroke carried on the legs is a negligent attitude to one's health. With a favorable outcome, a person may not notice signs of illness. Or notice, but pretends that nothing serious has happened. But, after the defeat of the brain to undergo examination is extremely necessary. Even if there is a micro-insult that does not seem to have serious consequences, it does not mean that the brain is working properly. Moreover, such a defeat can signal that a more serious problem may soon occur.

Statistically, more than half of the micro strokes lead to brain damage to the brain within 3 days. This means that you can not tolerate this problem on your feet, and immediately go for medical help. After all, then there are all chances to avoid a serious problem in the future.

Video. What is a stroke?

  • May 03, 2018
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