Parsley for hair - the solution of all problems with locks folk methods

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  1. Proven methods of our ancestors
  2. About the benefits of greenery
  3. Beauty recipes for beautiful locks from parsley
Natural beauty recipes should know all the girls

Let's talk about women - this is always an interesting topic, and it does not go away either from the ladies themselves or from the lipsof their surrounding men. The beauty of the fair sex, no matter how its parameters are measured at all times, for many people it is the face and hair. Because they look like a woman, her life is shaping up in many respects - well, it was so customary that appearance plays an important role, and in modern society it's even megastastic. A beautiful floor spends a lot of energy, time, money, to match fashionable trends. But for some reason, girls always forget that it is possible to be beautiful with the help of simple folk methods, which we often talk about. And today the article was no exception and the topic - parsley for hair.

That's interesting! In ancient times, parsley was considered a lot of time only by a beautiful ornamental plant, the Greeks decorated its gardens, temples, flower beds. The name in those days it had "mountain celery", as it grew in nature on rocks.

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Proven methods of our ancestors

Yes, the beauty of face and hair is now particularly relevant. Only here everything is arranged so that we began to think that expensive things, products, cosmetics can make us fashionable, healthy and beautiful. Marketers know how to work. But how did our ancestors lived, and after all about the Slavic beauty knew in many corners of our planet, many legends and legends are composed. They did not have everything that now surrounds us, and it is not necessary, because everything is at hand.

Parsley comes from the wild places
Folk methods offer us as before, centuries-old recipes. They are based on plant raw materials most often, and it is a storehouse of useful substances. Such methods and home cosmetics do not cause allergies, you do not need to have much time and money to buy them. Your desire, recorded in a secret exercise book of beauty methods and a few actions, and you are fine, as if you are now being filmed on the cover of the magazine. Well, we turn to parsley for the hair.

On the benefits of green

If we talk about the benefits of parsley for hair, then this is the whole spectrum. Decoctions, infusions of both greenery, and together with other components can solve all the problems:

  • hair fall out, afraid that the ringlets will thin out? Folk methods help you. In parsley a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, it is the leader in the content of vitamin C, group B, A, E, PP, it contains folic acid, as well as essential oils. All these components will help to forget about the problems, since the hair will be strong, like the bulbs themselves;
  • take care of your child's health, do not know how to make your daughter's hair more dense? Again you are helped by methods from the people, they are safe and effective;
  • dandruff causes a lot of complexes? Again, there are recipes with parsley for the hair, and you will learn about them;
  • curls suffer every day from cosmetics and linings? They just need a sip of a natural fresh vegetable decoction, you will feel the lightness of the hair, you will see a natural shine, they will become less injured.
Hair very like masks and decoctions on herbs

In a word, parsley is a very useful product of nature. The beauty of it and that it is available to everyone, you can grow it even on your windowsill, stock up in the form of dry grass. It can be used completely - from roots to greens and seeds.

Warning! You should understand that the path to beauty is not fast, if you have, for example, dyed hair, dry tips, then one procedure will not make them alive. Just take for a good habit of using every day simple, folk methods. Parsley is not only suitable for hair, but also for healing, and for home cosmetics.

Beauty recipes for beautiful parsley chunks


These recipes will return beauty to your hair


  • If the scalp is dry, it hurts dandruff, hair is cut and tired of the linings, then the mask with castor oil will become your helper. For her we will not take greens, but the seeds of parsley. Spoon the tea seeds to grind in a coffee grinder, then combine them with 2-3 spoons of castor oil. The mask should be rubbed into the roots of the hair, and the remainder distributed along the length. If you have such a small amount, then increase the amount of seeds and oil so that all the locks are enough. The procedure is better done in a day, you can also pour a spoonful of tea alcohol into the mask to stimulate blood flow.
  • Another version of the oil mask - take again the parsley seeds, mix them, put them in a plastic glass, then pour into it a vegetable natural unrefined oil. Braid the pigtail, lower it into a glass, then fasten it with the help of pins, studs or clamps. This is a very good recipe for dry, damaged, discolored hair. You will see how the oil will absorb quickly and without residue, and the curls will improve.
  • Crush the bunch - 100-120 grams in the bowl of the blender, squeeze juice through the gauze, add a spoonful of honey and olive oil into it, you can castor. Composition rub into the roots for half an hour. Excellent nutrition for scalp.

    Tip! Always do an easy massage, comb your hair against their growth. So, you will stimulate blood flow, hair will grow faster and look much better.

  • A spoonful of seeds, pour into them two spoons of onion juice, you can and more, most importantly, then rinse thoroughly. Here you can add red pepper on the tip of the knife to stimulate blood, apply to the roots of the hair for 15 minutes.
  • Juice from a bunch of parsley to mix together 2-3 yolks of beaten eggs, a spoon of natural unrefined oil. Apply the mask for half an hour on all types of hair for strengthening and healing.

Herbal Decoction


  • Decoction of parsley for hair very well helps to strengthen hair bulbs that protects from falling out. Also, your locks will be clean longer, they will have a healthy shine. Decoction is easy to prepare - pour 50 grams of fresh or dry greens with boiling water, then bring to a boil, simmer 10-15 minutes and wash your hair every time after washing. It is possible to dip a cotton cloth in such natural means and wrap all the hair so that they absorb the broth along the entire length.
  • Spoon table chamomile pharmacy, a spoonful of dry parsley pour a liter of water and allow to pour for 15 minutes. After cooling into the broth, add juice of half a lemon, use for rinsing. Hair will shine and pleasantly smell of citrus, dandruff will pass.
  • Root parsley should be crushed with a knife, pour 1.5 cups of water, boil for 10-15 minutes. Can be used as a spray, overflow into the vial.
  • Make a decoction of parsley for the hair - two spoons of grass per liter of water. After that, pour out 30 ml of it, while still the broth is warm, add 15 grams of gelatin, 10 grams of base oil. If your hair is fat as well as the scalp, then take jojoba oil or almond oil, if dry, then use karite.

Tip! When choosing oils, do not look at those, they are very cheap. Most likely, there will be a minimum in the composition of the main component, the rest will be in the form of additives, which will not give the desired result.


It's very easy to cook them, all you need is herbs and boiling water. You can do absolutely any composition, take a spoonful of parsley, chamomile, sage. Excellent helps nettle, burdock, its root, calendula. Pour the herbs all together or, what you have, with parsley, insist under the lid for 15 minutes and rinse your hair every day or when you wash. For the best effect and aroma that can come from your hair, you can drip 3-5 drops of your favorite essential oil - roses, lavender, ylang-ylang, lemon balm, mint, into each broth or infusion.

Tip! Infusion on parsley for the hair can be taken inside. To do this, pour a teaspoon of warm water with a spoonful of green tea seeds, after which the infusion costs 8-9 hours and is drunk on two tablespoons by day.

Masks you can do every other day, decoctions and infusions for rinsing apply every day, if you wash your head so often. This useful habit will open for you the amazing possibilities of simple, folk methods. Herbs are filled with useful substances, which are often not found in the usual cosmetics. Take care of your hair, face and body, then you will always be beautiful.

  • May 04, 2018
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