How to spend a fasting day on apples?

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  1. Why apples?
  2. Options for apple days
  3. What should I remember?
  4. Results of

Some fasting days are more effective than many fashionable diets. Practicing them once a week, you can keep your weight in the normal way, and the body while not experiencing stress. These include a fasting day on apples. His recipe is very useful and safe. In the case of such a one-day mono-diet everything is simple: we follow the rules regarding the diet, and the extra kilograms go away irrevocably.

By the way, apple days are often recommended for modern nutritionists, especially when it is necessary to lose weight.

Why apples?

As you know, apples are very useful and have high nutritional value, and are considered one of the most suitable products for a fasting day. Why is that?

  • First, they contain special substances - pectins, which take an active part in the processing of fat, thus helping in the work of the liver. With their help, fat deposits quickly split and calmly removed from the body without increasing feelings of hunger.
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  • Secondly, despite its low caloric content, apples give us a huge portion of energy. At the same time the process of digestion is somewhat slowed down, which allows you to retain a sense of satiety for a long time.
  • Thirdly, apples can significantly improve the performance of the whole gastrointestinal tract, as they have a mild laxative effect and prevent constipation.
    Also this fruit stimulates metabolism in the body and helps to remove toxins and toxins accumulated in the intestine and vessels
  • Fourthly, apples are rich in fiber, which takes care of microflora, and vitamins and minerals present in their composition accelerate the process of regeneration of damagedtissues and rejuvenate cells. Thus, the apple unloading day contributes not only to losing weight, but also prolongs youth. Fifth, blocks can help in the treatment of certain chronic diseases. For example, they significantly ease the course of hypertension and atherosclerosis, with complex therapy, these fruits contribute to the dissolution of gallstones and, of course, persistent constipation - their apples are eliminated gently and quickly. In addition, such days can be of significant benefit to the body in diseases of the kidneys, muscles, heart and joints.

Note! With the regular holding of apple days and including them in the diet after, you not only bring your figure closer to ideal indicators, but also improve your health!

Variations of apple days

Unloading day on apples can be carried out in several ways. In the absence of any problems with the stomach and with full confidence in your willpower, you can practice a rigid mono-diet based only on fresh fruits. And in order to well clean the intestines, the apples are baked beforehand. In those cases when the feeling of hunger attacks constantly, the main product is combined with kefir or cottage cheese.

But it is advisable to prepare for any apple day. In this case, it will show maximum efficiency and will be comfortable enough.

Important! Unfortunately, many people make a mistake before a day off - they eat a lot, wishing thus, to avoid a painful feeling of hunger the next day. But in fact - this is the worst thing that can come to mind, because the body, instead of rest, for quite a long time will have to work hard to get rid of all the effects of overeating!

So, if an apple unloading day is planned for tomorrow, today the menu should look like this:

  • breakfast - weak tea, a slice of whole wheat flour, a slice of hard cheese and an apple;
  • snack - vegetable or fruit salad;
  • dinner - light vegetable soup with chicken meat, salad of fresh herbs and vegetables, juice;
  • snack - natural yogurt or kefir with low fat content;
  • dinner - vegetable casserole, not strong tea or fruit juice.

Fresh apples

The simplest version of an apple day:

  • per day will need about 1.7 kg of apples sweet or sweet and sour;
  • divide all the fruits into 6 portions;
  • use one serving every 2.5 hours;
  • during the day we drink mineral water without gas - about 2 liters.
At the same time, you can eat apples whole and pre-wipe on a grater. In the second case, it will be possible to "stretch" the portion somewhat and to dull the hunger more effectively

Baked apples

In fact, the unloading day on baked apples is carried out in exactly the same way as in the first variant, but only the mass of the product is determined in fresh form. The recipe for the execution is as follows:

  • fruits carefully mine, cut each into two halves and release them from the seeds;
  • in the resulting deepening pour a little natural honey, sprinkled with cinnamon;
  • on a baking tray pour a little water, lay out halves of apples and send it to the oven;
  • bake for about a quarter of an hour until the fruit becomes soft.

Do not forget to drink a lot. It can be both non-carbonated mineral water and green tea.

With sour-milk products

If you are not sure about the durability of your "bastions" in front of the refrigerator, then in this case it is desirable to pay attention to one of the combined options:

  • apples with kefir - for 1.5 kg of fruit 1 l of 1% kefir;
  • apples with cottage cheese - for 1 kg of fruit 650 grams of cottage cheese.

We divide the products into 5-6 portions and consume them at regular intervals.

With this menu, the hunger is noticeably less

What should I remember?

  1. Some people prefer to eat apples along with bones, because they are considered useful. This is true, but only with one amendment - during the apple day it is necessary to eat quite a lot of fruit and such a portion of the bones can provoke nausea or stomach upset.
  2. For a mono-diet it's better to use homemade apples, then they can not be peeled. Purchased fruit is desirable to clean, as a bright beautiful peel can contain nitrates.
  3. Compliance with the drinking regime is mandatory! Drink should be at least 1.5 liters of pure water or infusion of herbs.
  4. It's not necessary to plan an apple day on the day off. You can eat raw apples at work.

    Note! However, there should not be any serious events on this day. Remember the diuretic and mild laxative effect of this mono-diet!

  5. In order to avoid pain in the stomach, it is desirable to choose apples not sour, but sweet varieties and at the same bake them. Thus, the fiber will not be so rough and will not irritate the stomach. In this case, their nutritional value, apples will not lose and multiply the amount of pectin, which is especially useful for dysbiosis and constipation.
  6. Frequent use of fresh apples can cause thinning of the enamel, which leads to problems with the teeth. To prevent this from happening after each serving, rinse your mouth with water.
  7. During the period of exacerbation of diseases of the stomach and intestines, it is highly recommended to conduct apple unloading days.

Results of

By practicing a fasting day on apples, you will not get a quick result, but the weight lost will not return. And this is a significant plus, since with sudden changes in body weight, the body usually experiences stress.

And in the case of apple monoethic, the course of metabolism changes gradually, and the skin in problem areas does not sag

On average, one such day allows you to get rid of 0.4 kg of excess weight, but not always. The body of each person is individual, and therefore some can detect the "loss" of a kilogram, others - only 200 g. However, in any case, the body weight will gradually decrease and do not have to adhere to a prolonged extreme diet. In fact, you do not for a long time give up your favorite products and on other days you have every right to adhere to a normal balanced menu.

Nutritionists are advised to practice a fasting day on apples no more than once a week, as this is enough to unload the body and normal weight loss. However, do not forget to keep track of your condition. On this day it is advisable to visit the sauna or simply take a hot bath - similar procedures contribute to better elimination of toxins and toxins.

And in order to keep the result, the next day you must avoid heavy food. The most suitable are proteins, for example, eggs, poultry, fish, legumes, nuts and seeds.

  • May 04, 2018
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