There will be no more wrinkles under the eyes, If the herbal tincture is in front of you!

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Table of Contents:

  1. Reasons for the formation of facial wrinkles
  2. Proper nutrition and healthy lifestyles
  3. Exercises for the eyes
  4. Home remedies
  5. Masks
  6. Ice and lotions
  7. Home massage

It is known that wrinkles are inevitable, but everyone is trying to delay their appearance as long as possible. Insufficient production of collagen - a special strong and elastic protein - is the main reason for the appearance of firm folds on the skin. How to remove wrinkles under the eyes? The answer to this question can be obtained if you find out the causes of the violation or slowdown of the synthesis of new collagen fibers.

Reasons for the formation of facial wrinkles

The first wrinkles appear around the eyes and under them, on the forehead, the bridge of the nose. The process of the formation of facial wrinkles begins on average from the age of thirty, when the amount of collagen in the skin decreases. The epidermis gradually thinens, the natural regeneration of the skin slows down, it can not fully retain moisture and loses its elasticity.

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Around the eyes, the skin is very tender and delicate, there are few sebaceous glands in it, which are designed for sufficient and timely moistening. But it is here that under the influence of natural causes, the skin often stretches, which leads to the appearance of early small wrinkles. They eventually coalesce and turn into corners of the eyes into so-called "crow's feet".
Wrinkles under the eyes are dynamic and static. The former remain on the face constantly, are not smoothed out and appear as a result of regular contractions of the muscles of the eyes. The latter arise from the natural aging processes that occur in the skin.
The causes of wrinkle formation are very diverse:

  • Some chronic pathologies can lead to the appearance of fine wrinkles under the eyes. These include: heart disease, kidney disease, metabolic disorders.
  • Another cause is a hormonal failure, which is caused by a decrease in estrogen levels. This is how age wrinkles form.
  • Environmental factors: sun, wind, rain, snow dry skin, which contributes to the appearance of the first skin defects.
  • Irrational nutrition and diseases of the digestive system.
  • Wrong way of life.
  • Bad habits - smoking and alcohol.
  • Stress, lack of sleep, overwork can contribute to the appearance of deep wrinkles at a young age.
  • Intense facial expressions, increased emotionality, excessively violent expression of feelings.
  • Increased eye strain causes the need to constantly blink and frown your brows, which leads to the formation of facial wrinkles.
  • A high pillow is the culprit of premature wrinkles, since the head is poorly supplied with blood and receives less oxygen and nutrients.

Anti-wrinkle treatment around the eyes

Proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle

How to remove wrinkles around eyes with food? To do this, it is necessary to include in the daily diet products rich in collagen.
These include the following:

  • Sea kale is the source of collagen and iodine. In addition to preventing wrinkles, sea kale improves memory and attention.
  • Turkey meat contains not only collagen, but also carnosine, which allows collagen to retain its properties for a long time.
  • Marine fish is a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  • Fresh tomatoes, carrots, cabbage, beets, parsley and dill are excellent antioxidants.
  • For the production of collagen, vitamin C is needed, which is found in large quantities in sweet peppers, citrus, dogrose, kiwi, blueberries.

Blueberries are also able to strengthen the capillaries of the eyes, increase the flow of blood to the retina and make the vision much sharper. This allows you to squint less and, therefore, eliminates wrinkles under the eyes.
Lifestyle also plays an important role in the process of eliminating wrinkles under the eyes and preventing their appearance.

Key recommendations:

  • It is necessary to drink at least eight glasses of water per day to prevent dehydration.
  • Complete sleep is an indispensable condition for a healthy lifestyle. Sleep should be at least seven to eight hours a day. This is due to the production of growth hormone, which can prevent thinning of the skin and give it elasticity.
  • Smoking deprives the skin of essential nutrients for health, and alcohol leads to increased frequency of urination and dehydration of the skin. It is necessary to quit smoking and abuse alcoholic beverages.
  • For half an hour before going out to the street, apply a sunscreen with a protection level of at least 30, and in direct sunlight, wear sun glasses and a hat that can protect the face.

Exercises for the eyes

There are several simple exercises that you can easily perform at home and that will help you to calmly perceive the sunlight and do not blink again:

  • Walking in the evenings or early in the morning before sunset without sunglasses.
  • Standing on the edge of the shadow with closed eyes, turn right and left corners of the body so that it appears under the sun, and then in the shade. To look at it it is necessary downwards.
  • During twists of the trunk, the eyelids are opened and they look down too.

    Warning! During training, you can not look at the sun, as it is dangerous to burn the retina.

  • The middle fingers are placed under the eyes and, using the facial muscles, lift them. In this position, try to hold for three seconds, and then repeat the exercise ten times.

Home remedies

  1. Cucumber effectively fights against swelling and wrinkles around the eyes
    Aloe is a wonderful anti-wrinkle agent around the eyes that provides proper moisturizing of the skin, as the sebaceous glands in this area are very small. Fresh aloe juice, without diluting, is applied by soft movements of nameless fingers. An alternative to this remedy is a special gel based on aloe vera.
  2. Nourishing cream for wrinkles under the eyes can be prepared by yourself. To do this, mix in equal proportions vitamin E, sea buckthorn oil and cocoa. Apply the cream with pads of ring fingers to the eyelids and skin near the temples. After twenty minutes, the excess cream is removed gently with a soft cloth. Use it before going to bed every day.
  3. Flaxseed oil allows you to quickly get rid of wrinkles under the eyes, even in difficult cases.
  4. Get rid of wrinkles, improve the condition of the eyelids and prevent the loss of eyelashes can be with castor oil, which is applied to the skin around the eyes.
  5. Honey is the best folk remedy for wrinkles, which is used in cosmetology. Honey removes dead cells, dirt, bacteria, promotes the production of collagen, reducing the depth of wrinkles.


  1. Mask from wrinkles around the eyes with olive oil are very popular with women. It is applied to the problem zone for ten minutes, gently wetting the excess.
  2. Mask of olive oil with vitamins well nourishes and moisturizes the delicate skin under the eyes. Apply it every day for five minutes. Strengthen the effect of this mask can be, adding to it by drop the following essential oils: grapes, roses, peach.
  3. Mask of egg whites helps to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes. Separate the yolk from the protein, protein the face and leave the protein mask until completely dry. After this, you need to wash thoroughly.

    Recommendation: Egg mask is indicated only for people with oily skin, as it dries, shrinks and degreases it.

    In the presence of combination skin on the face, the mask is applied to the forehead, nose and chin, that is, to the greasy areas.
  4. To make a cucumber mask, crush two slices of cucumber thoroughly, mix with two teaspoons of natural yogurt, half a teaspoon of lemon juice and a capsule of multivitamins, bring the resulting mixture to a homogeneous mass, which is applied to the skin around the eyes.
  5. A rather effective mask for eyelids from wrinkles from fresh parsley greens. To make it, parsley is ground and applied to the upper and lower eyelids for about fifteen minutes. For all the medicinal properties of this popular greens and the preparations prepared on its basis, read in the article: Benefits of parsley broth and possible side effects.

Ice and lotions

Cosmetic ice can be made independently at home. To do this, use juices from vegetables, berries, fruits, green tea, coffee, decoction of medicinal herbs. Caffeine tightens and tones the skin. For the preparation of ice is suitable only natural coffee and green tea without flavorings and other additives.
Since the skin around the eyes is thin, does not have a fat layer, it is highly sensitive, then immediately before using cosmetic ice, a drop of olive oil or any other vegetable oil is applied to the skin. They lubricate the skin around the eyes, and then proceed to wipe the dice.
Ice from the outer corner of the eye to the inside for one minute.
Popular lotions against wrinkles around the eyes are lotions. They are made of tea, coffee, infusions and broths, fruit and vegetable juices. Under the influence of warm lotions, nutrients penetrate deep layers of the skin and, tightening the cell membranes, smooth wrinkles. The cotton disc is soaked in a warm decoction of chamomile and applied to the eyes for ten minutes.

Home massage

Self-massage - an excellent remedy for wrinkles, improving the nourishment of the skin around the eyes and allowing to reduce the expression of folds at home. First, the skin is recommended to clean, and then apply a nourishing cream, which should be warm.
Before a massage, it is necessary to wash your hands thoroughly and apply a couple drops of coconut oil to your fingertips. Massage is carried out by simple smooth movements. The eyelids during the procedure should be closed. With circular motions, a little pressing, massage the area under the eyes until the oil is completely absorbed.

Massage oil can be any: olive, grape, almond. It is rich in vitamins and antioxidants, which allows you to restore cells, prevent their damage and get rid of wrinkles.


  • Follow the index and middle finger from the base of the nose under the eyebrows to the outer corners of the eyes.
  • Easily pressing the pads of fingers, drumming on the skin in the area of ​​the temples.
  • The fingers are drawn under the lower eyelid from the outer corner of the eye to the inner corner of the eye and then backwards.
  • The index finger is held first under the lower eyelid in the direction of the temples, then from the temple to the nose.
  • The index finger moves in the form of an eight under and above the eyes, and then slightly drumming through the eyelid.
  • May 04, 2018
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