Unloading day on oatmeal: tasty and healthy

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Everyone who wants to lose weight a little, nutritionists recommend once every seven days to spend a day of unloading on oatmeal. This product is very nutritious, and therefore one small portion of it can be quite well saturated, which allows you to unload without a painful sense of hunger.

Oatmeal days allow you to get rid of excess weight and cleanse the body

Why oatmeal?

Oatmeal is considered to be a source of good health and beauty. It is concentrated vitamins, minerals and valuable fiber. In addition, 100 g of the product contains about 350 kcal and so-called slow carbohydrates, which ensures a long-term absorption and a long feeling of satiety.

  • Dietary fiber and proteins contained in oatmeal, stimulate metabolic processes, improve their flow and provide a normal growth of muscle tissue.
  • Fiber itself is able to provide excellent work of the gastrointestinal tract. It gently cleanses it, improves digestion, helps to remove toxins and toxins and monitors the state of microflora.

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  • Group B vitamins are responsible for the state of the nervous system and have an anti-stress effect, as a result, the quality of sleep becomes noticeably better, and the effects of nervous overexertion acquire a relatively low intensity.
  • Oatmeal also contains the substance inositol, which helps reduce the amount of cholesterol, thus purifying blood, blood vessels and preventing the formation of cholesterol plaques.
Oatmeal - it's clean skin, healthy hair and strong nails

Note! English scientists based on the conducted experiments concluded that the use of oatmeal stimulates the work of the brain, gives courage and raises the mood!

Options for Oat Days

There are quite a few options for carrying out a fasting day on oatmeal. At first glance, this product may seem very boring and tasteless. But if you look into it, then oatmeal unloading can become quite interesting. We suggest you consider several of the most popular menus with this cereal.

Oatmeal porridge

This is a classic variant, which involves the use of oatmeal. The rules are simple:

  • pour a glass of flakes with two glasses of water and leave for half an hour;
  • after this time we put everything on the fire and cook until ready;
  • sugar or salt is completely excluded;
  • the dish is divided into 4-5 servings and consumed every 2-3 hours;
  • in a lot of drinks - purified water, mineral water without gases, unsweetened tea, broth of wild rose.
If the oatmeal has firmly entered your life, then such a diet, which must be observed for only one day, will not become a heavy burden

Oat soup

If oatmeal on the water seems to you too fresh, then you can prepare it in a slightly different way:

  • a liter of milk is brought to a boil;
  • pour a glass of oatmeal;
  • add a teaspoon of ground cinnamon;
  • is brought to readiness and divided into several equal portions.

We consume at regular intervals, during breaks we drink a lot of water or herbal decoctions.

Take note! In this version of the oatmeal, a small amount of skimmed yogurt is allowed - one or two cups!

Oat soup on milk is quite nutritious, and the cinnamon makes it also very fragrant

Oatmeal muesli

This version of a day of oatmeal is based on muesli. Moreover, the preparation in this case should be started the night before:

  • we will pour into a separate container 2.5 glasses of muesli;
  • add a little cinnamon and warm in the microwave for 30 seconds;
  • pour a glass of low-fat kefir or milk and leave in the refrigerator.

In the morning we take out the finished product, divide it into 4-5 servings and use it throughout the day.

Important! Instant muesli is not worth purchasing, since this product has undergone special treatment, after which only a minimum of useful substances remain. In addition, rapid muesli is not able to restore the metabolism and they can not provide the body with the optimal amount of energy, which will lead to a rapid loss of satiety!

Unloading on muesli - one of the most delicious oat days

Oatmeal with kefir

For those who wish to make their day of release on oatmeal the most varied, there is the following option. In addition to the main product on this day, the diet can include kefir, as well as some vegetables and fruits. The discharge is as follows:

  • sutra on an empty stomach drink a glass of kefir;
  • after half an hour we eat a portion of oatmeal;

    Tip! Oatmeal is better to steal the night before!

  • after 1.5-2 hours we drink another glass of kefir;
  • for lunch to oatmeal porridge add a green apple, banana, boiled pumpkin or a handful of fresh berries;
  • for dinner we eat oatmeal breads, a couple of green apples and wash down with unsweetened tea;
  • about 8 o'clock in the evening we drink a glass of kefir.

Note! For this menu it is better to buy whole oatmeal and cook it exclusively on water, without salt, sugar and other spices. Finished porridge should have a consistency of jelly!

On the same day, it is allowed to eat the oat broth prepared the night before: the grains purchased at the pharmacy, pour water, bring to a boil and cook for about half an hour, then cover and leave for the night. Sutra the ready broth is filtered and we drink warmly in half a glass before eating. And do not forget to use more fluids.

Similar dishes can not but rejoice at the fasting day


During one shipment day on oatmeal it is possible to get rid of 400-600 g. But remember that this indicator is conditional, as it will depend on the selected menu and features of your organism, in particular, on the rate of metabolic processes.

However, no matter how useful oatmeal porridge, abuse such unloading is highly undesirable - no more than once a week. And in order to prevent the emergence of problems with digestion, it is better to include this rump in the daily diet.

What should I remember?

  1. If during the unloading oatmeal day, the use of dairy and fermented milk products is allowed, then make sure that their fat content was minimal, ideally 0%.
  2. To maintain drinking regimen, never use carbonated and sweet drinks - in this case you will not be able to get rid of excess weight.
  3. Oatmeal has fat in its composition, and therefore, after a long storage, the product may acquire a bitter taste. To avoid this, flakes and rump should be kept in tightly closed containers and preferably not for long.
  4. Oatmeal is a very useful product, but despite this, it also has contraindications. These include intolerance and allergy to components that make up oats, as well as renal and heart failure.
  5. Another argument in favor of the fact that it is highly undesirable to practice oatmeal days very often refers to its composition: in this cereal there is phytic acid, with the accumulation of which there is an intensive leaching of calcium from the body.
  • May 04, 2018
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