Rules for carrying out a day of unloading on kefir

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  1. Why kefir?
  2. What will be the result?
  3. Basic rules of
  4. What can be the diet?
  5. Contraindications

As they say, there is no limit to perfection, and such a concept as an ideal can not be concluded within strict limits. And at the same time, not all of us consider our figure to be ideal: there are always several centimeters that deprive us of rest and sleep. What to do? The answer is simple - to spend a day of unloading on kefir. This is not a mono-diet, but just a short "vacation" for our body as a whole and the digestive system in particular. This method is distinguished by its simplicity, as well as the availability and use of the main product, and the result will be very tangible.

Looking for a product for a fasting day? Pay attention to kefir!

Why kefir?

Kefir is included in the list of healthy food products and its useful properties can be talked for a long time. Plus, it is inexpensive and affordable for everyone, which makes fasting days based on it very attractive. Kefir must be bought at the nearest store and used immediately without any additional treatment. It is convenient to take it with you if you go for a walk. In short, with minimal financial investments, you get the most convenient product.

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Kefir unloading day is quite comfortable and in terms of well-being, besides it is not necessary to use only the main product: kefir is universal and perfectly "sounds" with other dietary ingredients. The main thing is to lose weight with pleasure, not torturing yourself with strict restrictions, but at the same time observe the measure.

With kefir you can cleanse the body and bring your figure closer to the ideal parameters of

. In its composition, kefir contains about 20 kinds of bacteria and kefir fungi, the work of which positively affects the functioning of our gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to them, the microflora is normalized, which could suffer after taking antibiotics, the occurrence of a feeling of heaviness in the stomach is prevented and normal evacuation of the intestine occurs. In addition, kefir is easily absorbed by the body and has an insignificant caloric content: fatty - 56 kcal per 100 g, fat-free - 32 kcal per 100 g. Thus, it is possible to say goodbye with superfluous kilograms pretty quickly.

Important! Try to buy kefir with a short shelf life, because this is where active kefir fungi and useful bacteria will take care of your bowel health!

To make yogurt extremely useful, choose only fresh product

Another plus in favor of kefir, as the main product for fasting days, is that it is not necessary to choose skim for slimming. And if already now you are afraid of a nearing feeling of hunger, do not panic, get fatty yogurt. The fact is that its main function is to stimulate metabolic processes that will start the work of the whole organism. The active substances will begin to interact in any case, and the calories will be "extinguished" as a result of the purification process.

What will be the result?

Practicing from time to time a discharge day on kefir, you can get the following results:

  • The body will be cleaned, and, consequently, the overall condition will improve noticeably. You will feel light, cheerful and burst of energy.
  • Extra kilograms will be "destroyed", but this will happen not because of fat burning, but because of the diuretic effect of the fermented milk product. Kefir well removes excess water and the remains of food that killed the intestines.

    Note! When observing all the rules, such a fasting day allows you to get rid of 1 kg of weight!

  • Work of the intestine will come back to normal, and bile ducts and liver will work much better.
  • The use of kefir positively affects the standing of the cardiovascular system. It provides prevention of atherosclerosis and normalizes blood pressure.
  • As a result of cleansing the body, the skin condition improves, the complexion becomes even, pigmented spots disappear.
If kefir days are carried out regularly, then it is possible to provide reliable protection of the body against the adverse effects of the environment

Unloading days on kefir are the most comfortable for losing weight, since the main product performs several important functions:

  • metabolism starts quite quickly;
  • it has a pleasant taste, but because drinking it during the day is easy;
  • has an easy diuretic effect and a laxative effect;
  • kefir quickly quenches the feeling of hunger, so it removes irritability.

Take note! Kefir in the field of medicine is considered a very good antidepressant, and therefore it is often recommended to use to enhance the emotional background for various diseases!

Kefir clears the body and lifts the mood

Basic rules of the

So, you decided to spend a kefir fasting day for weight loss. For this it is necessary: ​​

  • Kefir, which will become the main product for the near future. At the same time, remember the minimum shelf life. Fatiness choose according to your own taste, if you wish, fatty and fat-free yogurt can be alternated throughout the day.
  • For one day you need to drink about 1-1.5 liters of kefir. With a strong feeling of hunger, the volume can be increased, but no more than up to 2 liters.
  • If you combine kefir with other products, then before you consume them, pay attention to the total caloric value for the whole day. It should not exceed 700 kcal.

    Note! If the daily norm of calories in an ordinary diet is about 1400 calories, then on a day of reloading it will necessarily decrease by half!

  • It is forbidden to eat salt and sugar throughout the day. If you want to sweeten the drink, then you can add a small amount of natural honey.
  • Since kefir removes liquid from the body, it is advisable to fill its deficiency on this day. Broth of dogrose, herbal tea, mineral water - all this can be drunk in unlimited quantities.
Herbal teas will prevent dehydration and will bring additional benefits to

What can be the diet?

There are quite a few variants of unloading days on kefir. This product can be combined with fruits, berries, vegetables, cereals and even spices. But the rules of use will vary somewhat. Let's look at the most popular kefir days.

Only kefir

If you stayed on the classic version, then the rules are simple:

  • get the necessary amount of the main product;
  • in the morning we drink one cup of drink;
  • further, throughout the day we consume a glass of our fermented milk product with an interval of 3 hours.

Thus, throughout the day you will need to drink about 6 glasses with a capacity of 200 ml.

Kefir day is recommended once a week.

With Bran

The unloading day on bran and kefir gives a more vivid positive effect. It is known that bran contains a large amount of fiber, vitamins and a long range of micro- and macroelements. All these substances fill our body with energy, and dietary fibers relieve the sensation of hunger.

The mode of such a fasting day is as follows: for the whole day you will have three meals, each of which includes 2 tablespoons of bran, you drink it with a glass of water. At the same time throughout the day you also drink kefir, dividing its total volume into 6 parts.

Note! The unloading day on kefir with bran can be practiced once in 10 days.

Bran for a long time provide a feeling of satiety and help kefir to cleanse the intestines from toxins and toxins

With apples

Unloading day on kefir and apples is the best variation on the topic of losing weight. Of course, it is better to use seasonal fruits, which will be filled with vitamins and biologically active substances.

So, how to spend such a day? There can be two options:

  • To drink a glass of yogurt, after an hour to eat 2 apples, after another hour - a glass of yogurt. And so on until the evening.

    Recommendation! Products should be alternated, they can not be confused in one reception!

  • Apples in the amount of 2 kg bake in the oven and divide them into 5 receptions. A liter of kefir is also divided, but only into six parts. We alternate products throughout the day with an interval of 1.5 hours.
Fresh fruits and sour-milk products - this combination is considered one of the best for a fasting day

Variants of unloading days on apples you can find in the article:

With cinnamon

Cinnamonis known for its powerful stimulating properties. It not only activates the metabolic processes taking place in our body, but also takes an active part in the cleavage of adipose tissue. In addition, this spice gives energy and contributes to the improvement of the general condition. Therefore, unloading days on kefir with cinnamon give tremendous results.

So, let's start the cocktail. For 200 ml of kefir, add half a teaspoon of cinnamon and mix. If desired, you can put a small pinch of chili and ginger in powder. In a day you need to drink about 1.5 liters of such a drink. In this case, its taste can be varied at its own discretion, adding more chili or ginger.

"Hot" cocktail of kefir and cinnamon will quickly relieve your body, accelerate metabolism and dull the feeling of hunger.

. On the ryazhenka

. Unloading day on a bikini will be a real gift for all connoisseurs of this drink. Like kefir, it positively influences the digestive processes and brings great benefit to those who suffer from frequent disorders.

For one day you will need 2 liters of ryazhenka, which you divide into 6 receptions. In general, the pattern of consumption of this sour-milk product is no different from the rules for kefir day. In breaks, you also have the full right to drink green tea and other herbal infusions in unlimited quantities.

Ryazhenka is nutritious and is quite capable of substituting kefir for itself, becoming the main product of the day of discharge

Contraindications of

The use of a day of unloading on kefir is obvious, but in spite of this, there are cases in which this drink can cause harm. It is extremely undesirable to carry out such activities during menstruation, because during this period the body is too weak. Kefir days are not recommended for adolescents, which is associated with an increased demand for biologically active substances - the body is growing and for development it needs a maximum of vitamins and minerals, and abstinence, even a short-term, can damage.

Categorical contraindications include:

  • intolerance to dairy products;
  • gastritis in acute form;
  • stomach ulcer and other gastrointestinal diseases.

And do not forget to take into account the characteristics of your body, so, with increased sensitivity to sour-milk products, it is worth choosing 3-day kefir, with a tendency to constipation - one-day.

  • May 04, 2018
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