Long cabbage diet

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Cabbage diet for ten days

The ten-day cabbage diet has only one menu, which is repeated from day to day.

For breakfast, you should drink a cup of black coffee without sugar.

You need to eat cabbage with the addition of spoonfuls of unrefined vegetable oil and one egg. In the following days, the number of eggs can be increased( but add no more than one egg per day).

Dinner should consist of two hundred grams of low-fat meat or fish and, if desired, a glass of low-fat kefir.

In the intervals between meals, fresh cabbage can be eaten at any time and in any quantity;you can drink up to two liters of water a day.

Cabbage diet for a month

During the observance of the monthly cabbage diet, refuse to drink alcohol and limit the consumption of sugar. In addition, it is necessary to exclude easily digestible carbohydrates, salt, mayonnaise from the diet, and also mustard, black pepper and other spicy seasonings.

The diet menu

Day one.
The first breakfast is 150 g. Lettuce, which includes carrots, sauerkraut, green peas( canned) with a drop of vegetable oil, as well as a piece of boiled fish and unsweetened coffee.

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The second breakfast is 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, a slice of lean boiled meat and an apple.
Lunch - borsch of cabbage and stewed carrots, cooked on vegetable broth with apple compote.
Dinner - two boiled potatoes, a piece of boiled fish and a glass of unsweetened tea.

Day two.
First breakfast - 200 g of fresh cabbage salad with green peas, a drop of vegetable oil and onion, which can drink 100 ml of unsweetened coffee.
The second breakfast is a glass of low-fat kefir.
Lunch - 100 grams of meat stewed in sour cream with boiled carrots as a side dish, a glass of apple compote.
Dinner again consists of two boiled potatoes and a 100-gram piece of boiled fish, to which we add grapefruit or orange.

The third day.
First breakfast - one toast of white bread, a cold boiled egg and a cup of coffee or tea.
The second breakfast consists of 100 g buckwheat porridge with fruit.
For lunch, a piece of boiled chicken without fat with apple and orange.
Dine on this day with salad with sauerkraut with a drop of vegetable oil, which is washed down with a glass of compote. Day four.
The first breakfast consists of breadcrumbs and a glass of kefir.
The second breakfast - a salad of cucumbers or carrots with a drop of any vegetable oil.
For lunch - 150g.salad from sauerkraut, green peas and onions in the amount of 150 grams with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil.
Supper with vegetable soup, cooked on lean meat broth and 100 grams of carrot salad with a drop of mayonnaise. Day five.
First breakfast - 70 g of cottage cheese and a cup of unsweetened coffee.
The second breakfast is only fruit: either one apple, or one orange.
Lunch a 150 grams of chopped fresh cabbage, sprinkled with lemon juice, and lean sausage, washing it all with a glass of orange juice.
Dinner consists of a piece of fried or stewed fish, 100 g of red currant and gooseberry berries with 100 ml of mineral water. Day six.
First breakfast - 100 grams of sauerkraut and lean boiled meat.
The second breakfast - the same amount of cottage cheese.
Dine on this day follows vegetable soup, cooked on meat or mushroom broth, and a small slice of black bread.
For dinner - salad of boiled beets and prunes and about seventy grams of low-fat pork, drink tea without sugar.

The seventh day.
The first breakfast should consist of one hundred gram of buckwheat porridge with a spoon of honey.
At the second breakfast we eat 150 grams of fruit salad.
Lunch: 150 grams of salad from sauerkraut with canned peas and onions, filling it with vegetable oil, and about a hundred grams of boiled low-fat fish.
We have dinner with two boiled potatoes with boiled lean meat about a hundred grams, washing down a glass of apple compote.

Every next week repeat this menu.

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