Pain and burning in the chest in the middle, left, right, upper part, back: reasons, treatment. Burning in the throat and chest with dry cough, cold: causes, treatment

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Symptom of which diseases can be burning sensation in the chest? Causes of burning in the chest.


  • Pain and burning between the chest in the middle: causes, treatment
  • Pain and burning in the chest on the left: causes, treatment
  • Pain and burning in the chest on the right: causes, treatment
  • Pain and burning in the upper chest:treatment
  • Burning sensation in the chest at inspiration: causes, treatment
  • Burning sensation in the chest during walking: causes, treatment
  • Heaviness, squeezing and burning in the chest, hard to breathe: symptoms of what kind of illness?
  • Burning in the throat and chest with dry cough, cold: causes, treatment
  • Light chest burning: causes, treatment
  • Severe burning in the chest: causes, treatment
  • Burning in the chest and thoracic spine: causes, treatment
  • Burning sensation in the chest during pregnancy: causes, treatment
  • Video: Burning in the chest, back pain

Many people have burning sensation in the chest associated with heart problems, so if there is such a symptom, they just take medications that are normalmalign the work of the cardiovascular system.

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In fact, burning can indirectly indicate the development of other diseases, and sometimes quite serious. That's why before you start taking action, it is worth paying attention to others with symptoms.

Pain and burning between the chest in the middle: causes, treatment

Pain and burning between the chest in the middle

Most often, the pain in the middle of the chest provokes exactly the problems with the heart and blood vessels. Therefore, if you have this symptom often enough( especially if you are at rest), then you should definitely consult a specialist and at least make a cardiogram. In addition, the occurrence of this symptom can provoke problems with the gastrointestinal tract. As a rule, burning in the very center of the chest occurs due to the fact that food and stomach juice regularly fall into the lower part of the esophagus, and heartburn develops against this background.

It is her most often confused people with heartaches. Although you can understand if you have this problem in a fairly simple way. For this you need only take a drug that reduces the acidity of the stomach. If after using the tablets discomfort in the chest area will pass, then you should show yourself to the gastroenterologist. If the drug does not help, then the problem is in the cardiovascular system.

In addition, pain in the middle of the chest can cause:

  • Ischemic heart disease
  • Pancreatitis
  • Intervertebral hernia.

This pathology is treated, as a rule, by a medicamentous method. In the event that the cause of burning was banal heartburn, the patient is prescribed a diet and taking Maalokas or Rutatsida. If the discomfort in the chest provoked a hernia, then you may need a special massage. As for heart problems, it is best to eliminate them under the supervision of a doctor. In case you need to remove the burning sensation as quickly as possible, you can take a tablet of Nitroglycerin.

Pain and burning in the chest on the left: causes, treatment

Pain and burning in the chest on the left

Burning in the left side of the chest can also cause heart problems. As a rule, this symptom indicates that a person can develop a myocardial infarction or angina pectoris. Indirect confirmation of your guesses will also have other symptoms. In case you really have heart problems, the burning sensation will intensify if you engage in heavy physical labor, go against a strong wind or climb stairs.

Yes, and do not think that a simple rest will help you get rid of the discomfort in your chest. Of course, after you lie down quietly or sit uncomfortably, the symptoms will disappear, but the illness will continue to worsen. Therefore, if everything indicates that your heart is not working as it should, then immediately register for an appointment with a specialist.

Causes and treatment of chest pain left:

  • Strong stress .Most often this problem, in addition to burning, manifests itself as depression, crying and excessive irritability. To get rid of all these symptoms you can help a full sleep, regular walks in the fresh air and communication with people who love you very much.
  • Problems with the pancreas. In this case, in addition to burning in the chest, the person will have a aching pain just above the stomach area. This pathology is treated very easily( provided that you did not start the disease).In order for the pancreas to start working correctly again, you will need to take Pancreatin and take a couple of weeks to eat extremely useful food.
  • Vegeto-vascular dystonia. This disease is very insidious as it is hidden for the time being. Burning in the chest is an indirect symptom that appears exclusively at the initial stage of the development of pathology. As for the treatment of this disease, then, as a rule, in this case a person has to take a long period of drugs that normalize the work of blood vessels and capillaries.

Pain and burning in the chest on the right: causes, treatment

Pain and burning in the chest on the right

Burning and discomfort on the right side of the chest indicate that you have problems with bile ducts. In addition, a sick person can have a strong yellow coating on the tongue and yellowing of the eye proteins. And burning in the chest will increase if you eat fat, spicy and fried foods.

From this it follows that in order to remove burning, you will only need to establish the proper nutrition. That is, you will need to exclude from your diet sausages, pickles and foods cooked deep-fried. Also, you will definitely need to see a doctor and undergo treatment, which normalizes the work of your gall.

Other causes of pain and burning on the right side of the chest:

  • PMS. However strange it may sound, premenstrual syndrome can also be a cause of discomfort in the chest. In the period before menstruation in the body of a woman there are processes that can cause overstrain of the mammary glands, thereby provoking pain syndrome. Against this background, most often there is soreness in the chest area. To treat this deviation does not need anything, as a rule, all problems disappear by themselves after the end of the monthly .
  • Scoliosis. In this case, discomfort appears due to the fact that due to the curvature of the spine, the person is jammed with nerve endings located in the chest area. In this case, you can improve your condition with massages and regular exercises in therapeutic gymnastics.

Pain and burning in the upper chest: causes, treatment

Pain and burning in the upper chest

Pain and burning in the upper chest provoke diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Sometimes, against the burning sensation, there is also muscle pain, which is intensified by the slightest movement. As a rule, such problems provoke the same scoliosis or kyphosis. It is clear that in this case, get rid of discomfort in the chest, you will not be able to help any pill or medicine.

Therefore, it will be better if you try to correct your posture. To do this, you will only need to accustom yourself to keep your back straight and regularly doing exercises that promote better skeleton plasticity. Another cause of pain and burning in the upper chest may be high blood pressure.

Usually problems with blood pressure negatively affect the work of the heart and blood vessels, which most often provoke the appearance of such symptoms. In this case, you can normalize your condition with drugs that lower blood pressure.

Burning sensation in the chest during inspiration: causes, treatment

Burning sensation in the chest with inspiration

If you feel a burning sensation with every breath, then you are more likely to say that you have problems with the respiratory system. Sometimes this symptom appears against the background of a flu or a viral infection. The appearance of such a manifestation provokes an inflammatory process that occurs in the airways. In this case, all the unpleasant sensations can intensify against the background of high temperature.

Burning in the chest can also cause bronchitis. This disease in addition to discomfort in the chest will also manifest itself as a cough, the more it will be, the more palpable will be the burning sensation. This will be due to the fact that during coughing and departure of sputum the bronchi will overexert and become injured, and as a result the patient will feel a burning sensation.

These diseases are treated very simply. Most often the patient is prescribed vitamin complexes, antibiotics and expectorants. As practice shows, with adequate treatment after 10 days a person forgets about his problem.

Burning sensation in the chest during walking: causes, treatment

Burning in the chest when walking

Burning sensation in the chest when walking directly indicates that the person has serious problems with the musculoskeletal system. As a rule, osteochondrosis and intercostal neuralgia manifest themselves in this way. In this case, discomfort can be felt both during movement and in a calm state.

As for the treatment of these pathologies, it will be identical for both diseases. Patients must prescribe drugs that will remove pain syndrome. Depending on the severity of the disease, a new-cell blockade will be made to a person up to three times a day. Also, you can try to ease your condition with ointments with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

But still remember, these drugs can remove discomfort only for a certain time. In case you want to get a more lasting result, then you will have to be like physiotherapy and special massages. If you want to forget about this problem once and for all, then do not be lazy and go through the massage and exercise therapy a couple of times a year.

Heaviness, squeezing and burning in the chest, it's hard to breathe: the symptoms of what kind of illness?

Compression and burning in the chest

Many of us have pneumonia associated with a strong cough, so if we begin to feel heaviness in the chest, against which there are problems with breathing, then most often we begin to look for the cause in the cardiovascular system. Of course, the heart can also respond in a similar way to pathological processes, but as practice shows, most often these problems are provoked by pneumonia.

Just while the body is still trying to fight the disease, we feel only indirect symptoms, that is, burning and heaviness in the chest. But as soon as our body gives up, immediately there is a cough, a temperature and a very strong weakness in the limbs. Immediately I want to say that it is absolutely impossible to treat this disease with folk remedies.

Pneumonia is a fairly serious disease requiring proper treatment. If you miss the right moment, then you will necessarily have complications, and then the treatment will last a very long time. Most often, patients with this pathology are prescribed antibiotics and drugs that are able to quickly get the phlegm out.

Burning in the throat and chest with a dry cough, cold: causes, treatment

Burning in the throat and chest

To provoke burning sensation in the throat with a dry cough can diseases of the log-organs. Therefore, if you have such symptoms, then be sure to ask someone from your household to look into your throat. If he sees there all the signs of pharyngitis, tonsillitis or tonsillitis, then, without delay, begin treatment. If you develop a banal angina, then treat it with antibacterial drugs and rinses.

In case you develop pharyngitis or tonsillitis, then in addition to antibiotics, you may also need antitussive drugs. Yes, and do not try to get rid of tracheitis and pharyngitis solely with the help of antibiotics. As practice shows, after their admission, patients all have to take medicine, which contribute to sputum discharge. In view of this, it will be better if you do not waste time, and immediately begin adequate treatment.

Easy burning in the chest: causes, treatment

Easy burning in the chest

As you have probably already understood, burning in the chest can provoke completely different diseases, in view of this, if you do not want your condition to worsen even more, then startseek the cause of their problems immediately as there will be unpleasant sensations. The causes of mild burning in the chest:

  • Allergy. If you think that an allergic reaction is just a rash, tear and red eyes, then deeply mistaken. In particularly severe cases, this problem can also manifest itself with discomfort in the chest. This is due to the fact that the body, trying to get rid of intoxication, very much strains and as a consequence, there are unpleasant sensations. To get rid of the burning sensation that has arisen against the background of allergies, you can use antiallergic drugs.
  • Mental disorders. Sometimes, against the background of fatigue or very strong stress, people start to feel that their heart is hurting, although after the examination it turns out that everything is in order. With such unreasonable discomfort, the organism makes a person stop and rest. Most often in this case, the patient is prescribed sedatives, which help the nervous system to relax and come back to normal.

Severe burning in the chest: causes, treatment

Severe burning in the chest

Very strong and, most importantly, a sharp burning sensation, should alert you. In case your body reacts so violently to the processes taking place inside it, it is likely that it provoked malignant tumors.

This can be, for example, cancer of the lungs, esophagus, lymphatic system or bronchi. In order to get rid of these problems, you will need to undergo specific treatment with antitumor drugs.

Other causes of severe burning in the chest:

  • Mastopathy .Burning in this case appears if the disease is greatly aggravated. Almost always, in addition to discomfort, a woman has a change in her breasts and a discharge of fluid from her nipples. Depending on the type of mastopathy, a woman undergoes surgical intervention or hormonal therapy is prescribed. Also, patients of the weaker sex are required to prescribe drugs like Mastodionone.
  • Pathologies of the aorta and pulmonary artery .Both of these diseases are very serious, so if you do not start to treat them on time, then the case may even reach a lethal outcome. Immediately I want to say that it is undesirable to treat pathology data at home. Therefore, no matter how much you like it, but still contact a specialist and go to a hospital.

Burning in the chest and thoracic spine: causes, treatment

Burning in the chest and thoracic spine

In some people, burning sensation is felt not only in the chest and in the thoracic spine. Most often this problem provokes osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic parts. The most unpleasant thing is that such pains can have a paroxysmal character and intensify after heavy loads.

If you want to get rid of this disease as quickly as possible, then in addition to anesthetics take also B vitamins, muscle relaxants( they should be used together with diuretics) and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Also, the cause of this problem can be trauma to the thoracic spine. If the injury is not very serious( there are no fractures, cracks and dislocations), you can get rid of discomfort with anesthetic gels or ointments.

Burning sensation in the chest during pregnancy: causes, treatment

Burning sensation in the chest during pregnancy

The most common cause of burning in the chest during pregnancy are the processes occurring in the body of a future mother. For example, in this way the body can react to a change in the hormonal background. In addition, such problems can appear during the preparation of the mammary glands to lactation. In this time interval, also the discharge from the nipples can begin and their sensitivity will greatly increase. If, for all this, you do not observe any other abnormalities, then you can quite safely wait until the body is reconstructed by itself.

If a similar problem occurs in your second or third trimester, this indicates that your spine is not bearing the load. In this case, it is best not to ignore the discomfort, but try to get rid of it. Since women and girls in the situation can not get involved in taking medications, then try to help yourself with a light massage course or sign up for gymnastics for pregnant women.

Video: Burning in chest pain in the back

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