Cough is a symptom of a particular disease that requires immediate treatment. But, as practice shows, not always people turn in time for help to a specialist, as a result of which a large amount of mucus accumulates in the bronchi. If it is a long time, it acquires a yellow tinge. This symptom indicates that the body is in full swing inflammatory process, which can move to other organs.


  • 1 What is
    • 1.1 Without temperature
    • 1.2 With
  • 2 temperature Therapeutic actions

What is

yellow sputum when coughing

By changing the color and consistency of sputum, one can judge the formation of pathological processes in the lungs. If there is clear and neobylaya sputum, then this is a clear sign of a viral disease. When it thickens and the presence of a yellow shade, it is necessary to clarify the data on the presence of bacterial infection in the lower respiratory tract. With green shade and unpleasant odor, stagnation of the lungs and progression of the inflammatory process are most often diagnosed. The presence of bloody veins is the first symptom of tissue decomposition in lung cancer or tuberculosis.

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Without temperature

When secreted sputum during a cough is yellow, this is a clear sign of bronchitis( here the symptoms of purulent bronchitis are described), sinusitis( here the symptoms of purulent sinusitis are described).When a cough rarely visits the patient, but sputum is released, it is urgent to go to the clinic. Emergency help is needed when there is an impurity of blood and pus in the phlegm. After yellowness in sputum indicates the presence of pus. yellow sputum for coughing

Cough with yellow sputum can also occur in people who have a passion for smoking. The nature and shade of sputum indicates the cause of the formation of bronchitis. A yellow shade indicates that an infection has accumulated in the bronchi. Therapy of such patients should take place in a hospital at home. The scheme of treatment is determined by the doctor after the diagnosis. On the link you can read how to cure the smoker's cough.

In summary, the following diseases should be identified, during which yellow sputum is released without temperature:

  • bronchitis;
  • viral diseases;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • lung abscess;
  • lung cancer.


If, in addition to yellow sputum, the patient still has a temperature increase, this is a clear symptom of diseases such as pneumonia, tuberculosis. The temperature can also rise with the diseases mentioned above. If the indicators are not significant( up to 38 degrees), then panic early. When for a long time the temperature is above 38 degrees, and yellow sputum leaves, this is the reason for going to the doctor. yellow green sputum when coughing

To accurately determine the nature of the inflammatory process, it is necessary to conduct a laboratory test. For these purposes, the patient surrenders his sputum, and the specialist studies it by microscopic and macroscopic methods. To conduct this analysis, it is necessary to collect phlegm in the morning, but do not eat anything before that. Otherwise, you will not get the exact result. To ensure a minimum content of saliva, the patient must rinse the mouth with an antiseptic solution and boiled water. After this, collect the mucus in a special tank. If mucus is released in a small volume during the analysis, the patient is prescribed irritating inhalation. Here you can read more about inhalations with wet cough in children.

Get the most accurate information and the nature of yellow mucus can be with the help of bronchoscopy. It is carried out in a hospital setting. Thanks to this, it is possible to thoroughly examine the bronchi and trachea using special equipment. During this manipulation, mucus is obtained without the impurities of the bacteria of the mouth and saliva. For special cases it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis.

how to distinguish allergic rhinitis from colds

Learn how to distinguish allergic rhinitis from colds.

Here you can read what to do if watery eyes and a runny nose.

What to do if pershit in the throat, folk remedies: http: // bolezni-g /pershenie/ v-gorle-lechenie-narodnymi-sredstvami.html.

Therapeutic measures

Treatment of cough with yellow sputum requires immediate treatment. The treatment regimen is made individually, taking into account the diagnostic results. As a rule, necessarily therapy presupposes expectorants that allow to clear lungs.

On the video - it is told about yellow phlegm on cough:

Mucolytic agents are used to dissolve mucus. Antibiotics are to be combated with a bacterial infection.
Thanks to mucolytics, which do not increase the amount of sputum, it is possible to dilute it and cleanse the lungs. Presented medications are prescribed for the treatment of bronchial asthma, bronchial inflammation, cystic fibrosis and other ailments of an inflammatory nature.

Expectorant medications help to excrete sputum from the upper respiratory tract, and also activate a cough reflex. These drugs include:

  • Trypsin, Trypsin from cough with phlegm
  • Theropsis
  • Sodium benzonate. Sodium benzonate.

But it is not necessary to conduct self-treatment with these medicines. They are appointed by the doctor taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

For the expansion of the bronchi and easy exit of mucus it is worth using medications that increase the patency of the bronchi.

Eliminate the inflammatory process of the respiratory tract, one of the manifestations of which is yellow mucus, use antibiotics of a narrowly directed action. Also in the process you can use medicines of a broad spectrum of antibacterial action.

One symptomatic therapy will not be enough, so it is absolutely necessary to conduct therapeutic activities aimed at treating the underlying ailment.

To facilitate the process of cleaning the lungs, you need to apply as much fluid as possible, moisten the air in the house using a special device, rest more. Such measures will improve the departure of yellow sputum and clear lungs and bronchi. If you began to worry about a fit of cough, then take a direct position. Thus, the lungs will be enlarged, and sputum will be better separated.

The video tells what it means if a dense yellow green sputum is released during coughing and the means of combating the disease are described:

To protect your body from the development of a disease that contributes to the formation of yellow sputum, you need to protect your lungs from getting a different infection, you need to clean themwith the help of special gymnastics. The complex of exercises should be compiled by your attending physician when he conducts an examination and examines the information obtained during the diagnosis. Perform the composed breathing exercises every day for 15-20 minutes.

Sputum yellow color may indicate a certain allergic reaction. In this case, the patient must take antihistamines and drugs to stabilize the membranes of mast cells. When swelling of the lungs, it is necessary to take diuretics and medications that reduce the foaminess of the sputum.

Yellow mucus is a very dangerous symptom that indicates that the disease begins to progress. If you do not take medical measures in time, then it can end as a dangerous disease, like lung cancer. If you find the very first symptom of the disease you need to go to the clinic and undergo the necessary diagnostics. Perhaps, it will also be useful for you to know what medicines are taken with chronic bronchitis, how to quickly get rid of the common cold with folk remedies.