White coating on the tongue of an adult

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The appearance of a person's tongue says a lot about his health. The presence of white plaque or the so-called lagging of the tongue indicates the pathological processes in the body.

A light attack on the tongue appears after sleep in almost every adult. It is characterized by a slight thickness and no unpleasant odor. Such a plaque is easily removed during brushing of the teeth and does not appear during the day. White coating after sleep is formed due to a decrease in the activity of the salivary glands and the activation of bacteria. The norm is a minor plaque on the root of the tongue without changing the color of the mucous membrane.

Stable lining is considered a sign of the disease, as a rule, it is a question of pathological processes in internal organs. Rarely the cause of plaque formation are dental problems.

At least, the plaque formed due to unsatisfactory hygiene is easily removed and does not cause any special problems.

Reasons for the formation of an adult

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The state of the tongue can diagnose a disease. A healthy language is characterized by moderate moisture, absence of unpleasant odor, weakened expression of papillae( pimples in the tongue).The appearance of plaque is often accompanied by excessive dryness, unpleasant odor, a violation of sensitivity.

The reasons for the white language are manifold. Among them:

  • intoxication - when food poisoning occurs the ejection of dead cells and their accumulation at the base of the tongue. With intoxication, the lagging of the tongue is dense, the patient's condition as a whole is unsatisfactory;
  • bad habits - smoking and alcohol have a negative effect on the mucous membrane of the tongue. Increased dryness in the mouth and irritation of the tongue lead to the formation of plaque;
  • addiction to sweets - Sweet-toothers often face leprosy of the tongue. With the use of sweet food, bacteria actively multiply and cover the back surface of the tongue, causing the plaque to form. It is easily removed and does not pose a particular threat to human health;
  • reactions to hygiene products - in case of individual intolerance of components of toothpastes and elixirs, a thin coating can form in the tongue, which acts as a protective barrier against an aggressive environment. This phenomenon explains why there is a raid after hygienic procedures;
  • effect of food - it is noted that white plaque is formed more after the use of fermented milk products;
  • lack of quality hygiene - during brushing teeth should be paid attention not only to the teeth, but also the mucous membranes, including the tongue, the inner surface of the cheeks, gums and the sky.

All these reasons provoke the formation of a white plaque in the language. In some cases, it is not possible to eliminate the lagging of the tongue with simple hygienic procedures. Answering the question why the language is coated with a white coating, one should not forget about hidden pathological processes in the body. At what diseases appears "white tongue":

  • gastritis - plaque can appear with any form of gastritis. In acute form, a white-gray coating is formed at the base of the tongue, with a chronic plaque - white-yellow. It is accompanied by increased dryness in the mouth and an increase in the papillae of the tongue. At the same time, abdominal pain, nausea and eructation occur;
  • peptic ulcer - accompanied by the appearance of a dense, heavily scrubbed plaque at the base of the tongue;
  • pancreatitis - characterized by loss of taste sensitivity, accompanied by dry mouth;
  • In the photo, the cause of white plaque - candidiasis of the oral cavity

    stomach cancer - there is a persistent bad breath, which can not be eliminated by masking agents;

  • kidney disease - formed at the edges of the back of the tongue;
  • spleen - may have a yellow and even a dark tinge;
  • Candidiasis - more common in children, but can also occur in adults with weakened immunity, alcohol abuse and post-operation period. In this case, the Candida fungi are particularly active, as indicated by the white coating.

Diseases of the tongue can also act as a cause of plaque formation. Oblozhennost can be a consequence of glossitis or stomatitis caused by improperly selected dentures.

Principles of treatment

There is no treatment for the lagging of the language as such. It is necessary to treat a pathology that causes plaque formation. If a problem is found, you need to contact a dentist who will help you understand how to get rid of the pathology. Even if the problem is non-stomatological, the doctor will be able to assess the condition and send it for further examination from specialists of other profiles.

If the cause of plaque formation lies in the excessive use of alcohol and tobacco, then harmful habits should be abandoned or reduced consumption of these substances. It is recommended preventive reception of drugs that improve liver function. Particular attention is paid to oral hygiene. It should be taught to rinse your mouth after each meal.

Symptomatic therapy consists in the elimination of provoking factors and antiseptic treatment of the oral cavity.

If the lagging is a consequence of diseases of the tongue, then it is necessary to carry out anti-inflammatory therapy, which should be combined with disinfecting procedures. In addition, multivitamin complexes and preparations that promote rapid cell regeneration are prescribed.

What can I do at home?

Simultaneously with the treatment, the tongue is cleaned regularly at home. You can clean the tongue with the usual toothbrush , but it is better to use specially designed tools for this purpose.

Scraper for cleaning the tongue will effectively cope with the plaque, without damaging the surface of the tongue.

You can use the scraper yourself, but you can during brushing your teeth when toothpaste is in your mouth. The latter option is preferable, because in addition to mechanical cleaning, the linguistic surface is treated with a hygienic composition. The photo on the left shows how to clean the tongue with a scraper.

To rinse the oral cavity and as a preventive measure against dental diseases, rinses with vegetable oil are recommended. Oil effectively removes deposits in the tongue and teeth. However, the rinsing procedures are rather long. You should put oil in your mouth and keep at least 10 minutes. For the greatest effect, you can mix vegetable oil with table salt. After the procedure, the mouth should be rinsed with water.

For hygienic purposes, rinses are used with decoction of herbs .The most effective showed decoctions of chamomile, sage, oak bark. The latter, with regular application, can stain tooth enamel, so it is not necessary to abuse rinsing on the basis of oak bark.

What should I do if there are no additional tools to cleanse the language? You can perform the procedure cleaning with the fingers .The circular movement of the pads of the fingers removes the formed mucus and plaque. Massage movements stimulate blood circulation and have a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane. After each massage movement, the fingers should be washed under running water.

To clean the tongue, is suitable for home-made pasta based on lemon juice and turmeric taken in equal proportions. This compound cleans mucous membrane and disinfects well.

  • May 06, 2018
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