Seizures in the corners of the mouth: the causes of the appearance and what to treat

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Unpleasant jam at the corners of the mouth cause severe discomfort, making speech difficult, applying make-up.

In the process of eating, the situation is aggravated by the use of acidic, salty or spicy foods, which strongly irritates the open wound, causing burning and itching. The disease affects both children and adults, so it is important to know what is the reason for its development.


  • Causes and provoking factors
  • Characteristic symptoms of different types of pathology
  • Than it is possible to cure?
  • How to remove the problem with folk remedies?

Causes and provoking factors

The appearance of cracks may be the result of the following reasons:

  • Disturbance of the functioning of body systems, in particular, the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Active reproduction of a fungus, a streptococcal infection or a herpes virus, which are transmitted during everyday contact or kissing;
  • Inhibition of the immune system due to a lack of vitamins in the body. This reason is especially important in the spring period, when the reserves of minerals and vitamins are depleted after a long winter( in particular, the appearance of seizures provokes a deficiency of B vitamins);
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  • Incorrect bite, which results in permanent injury to the tissues of the lips;
  • Allergic reaction to food or hygiene products;
  • Unbalanced diet;
  • Therapy with the use of hormones, immunosuppressants, glucocorticoids, cytostatics;
  • High temperature preservation for a long period.

To understand why seizures occur, it is necessary to take into account the unfavorable factors contributing to the development of the disease:

  • Poor sanitation( for example, poorly cleaned dishes);
  • Insufficient personal hygiene( eating fruit and vegetables in unwashed form);
  • The habit of licking the corners of the mouth and lips;
  • Rubbing the fingers of the skin in the problem area;
  • Long stay in the cold;
  • Strong stress.

Characteristic symptoms of different types of pathology

In a medical environment, the pathology associated with the appearance of zaed is called cheilititis. Depending on the manifestations, there are 7 main types of disease, each of which has its own characteristic differences.

Exfoliative jam

Appears in the form of reddening of the edges of the lips and their peeling. The process does not extend to the skin and mucous membranes, sometimes there is a burning sensation, tightly joined together scales, when removing which opens bright foci of inflammation.

In the absence of treatment, a chronic course is observed over many years.

The cause of this pathology is congenital or acquired proliferation of small salivary glands and infection in them as a result of formation in the oral cavity of calculus, periodontal inflammations, carious processes. Usually, the disease is diagnosed in patients older than 30 years. A characteristic symptom is the lesion of the lower lip, which first becomes over-dried and flakes, from which painful erosions and cracks in the corners of the lips quickly form.

Atopic cheilitis

May indicate the presence of pathologies such as neurodermatitis or atopic dermatitis. At an early stage, itching is manifested by the skin of the lips, after which reddening occurs, which patients usually comb. The skin in the corners of the mouth becomes excessively dry, from which cracks appear.

Fungal or candidal
To provoking factors include antibiotic therapy. A characteristic feature is the presence in the corners of the mouth of dry jaeda and the covering of the lips with white or grayish films, after the removal of which bleeding erosions are revealed. Typically, the disease occurs with symptoms such as a burning sensation, tightness of the mouth, making it difficult to open. With this pathology, it is important not to lick the corners of the mouth to avoid exacerbating the situation.

Allergic contact
Patients complain of severe itching, burning, swelling, redness, irritation in the corners of the lips. Over time, the process is exacerbated by the appearance of small bubbles, the opening of which leads to the formation of painful long healing cracks.

Actinic convoy

Actinic or meteorological
The main cause is considered to be a negative reaction to the action of cold, strong sun or wind due to the increased sensitivity of tissues.

Along with itching, burning and pain, many small vesicles become the symptoms of this kind of cheilitis, the removal of which leads to the formation of crusts( the process is accompanied by aggravated pain).Pathology is dangerous for the possibility of transition to malignant education.

Characteristic symptoms are dryness and burning of the mouth and lips, formation of small vertical bleeding cracks, causing severe pain, inflammation of the tongue.

Than it is possible to cure?

Quickly and effectively cure spoofing in the corners of the mouth can be in case of timely response to the situation, since this pathology requires immediate therapy. At the start of the process, the disease can acquire a chronic course, and it takes a titanic effort to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

When answering the question of how to treat a pathology, it should be remembered that the process involves a set of concurrent activities with the use of drugs of different actions.

Antiseptic lotions
For such procedures, Stomatidin , which is a strong antiseptic, is the best fit. This drug is equally effective in combating fungi and streptococcal infection. Also, you can use Chlorhexidine , to which many viruses and infections are susceptible. The procedure should be repeated several times a day.

Than to smear corners of labiums?
Metrogil Denta demonstrates good efficacy, which contains the antimicrobial effect of Metronidazole and the disinfecting affected areas of Bigluconate Chlorhexidine. Alternatively, Kamistad gel can be selected.

Another group of agents are antibiotics supplemented with glucocorticosteroids in the form of Gyioxizone, Trimystin, Triderma , which are especially effective if the inflammation has become extremely pronounced.

The most simple and affordable variant of an antibiotic for the treatment of sores in the corners of the lips is streptocide. Before use, the tablet of the preparation is rubbed into a powder, which is then sprinkled with the inflamed area.

Creams and solutions that have an antifungal effect
This group includes Clotrimazole ( as a cream), as well as Candid, Nystatin, Levorin, which can be used 2-3 times a day, applying the product to the formed cracks.

Dyeing cautions
Moxibustion is carried out with the use of antiseptic dyes, which include fukortsin, zelenka and iodine .After drying the solution on the skin, you need to apply an emollient cream or oil solution to prevent draining the tissues.

Multivitamin Complexes
These agents are used to enhance the body's defenses and eliminate beriberi according to the doctor's prescription. Among the recommended drugs - prescribed in high dosages of ascorbic acid, vitamin E, complexes in the form of Aevita, Duovita, Multi-Tabs, Vitrum .Simultaneously with such drugs, immunomodulators can be prescribed, which are necessary to maintain the defenses of the body.

In the healing phase, the ointment Ointment, Bepanten , helps to speed up the process, before application of which the affected area is treated with an antibacterial agent.

How to remove the problem with folk remedies?

Often traditional medicine is no less effective than traditional medicine, especially if the disease is diagnosed at an early stage. Among the recommended tools - earwax , which is applied to a cotton swab and used to lubricate the cracked corners.

Medicinal lotions can be replaced with herbal packs of herbs, namely, sage, marigold, chamomile, celandine .The listed vegetable components are mixed in equal proportions and poured 2 tablespoons of the mixture with a glass of boiling water.

After cooling, the broth is ready for use. Instead of medicinal herbs, you can prepare strong tea green tea and make lotions with a cold infusion or use chopped finely aloe leaf, which before applying to the lip is wrapped in gauze.

Another miracle cure is the propolis broth , for which take 100 grams of butter and 10 grams of the basic substance, heating them together in a water bath. Having achieved the liquid consistency of the mixture, a cotton swab is dipped into it, which is then applied to the inflamed area.

When tissue repair occurs, the melted beeswax, olive oil, avocado, tea tree, sea buckthorn, or oil helps to speed up the process. If the skin is overdried in the problem zone, you can soften it by rubbing the butter and honey.

Correct sequential therapy will help to quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms and return to a full life again, and attentive attitude to one's own health and lifestyle will be the best prevention of the aesthetic defect caused by the disease.

  • May 07, 2018
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