Therapy of colds in a child under 1 year has its own characteristics. At this time, he still can not use a number of medications. In addition, it is important to seek medical help immediately after the first manifestations of a cold were discovered. Only an experienced pediatrician will be able to prescribe adequate therapy and establish a diagnosis. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable, because the organism of the baby is still weakened and the use of ineffective drugs can only do much harm.


  • 1 Symptoms
  • 2 methods therapy
    • 2.1 Medicaments
    • 2.2 Medicines pharyngalgias
    • 2.3 Antipyretic
    • 2.4 Irrigation nose
    • 2.5 means with nasal congestion
    • 2.6 Inhalation


duration of the incubation period, the viral infection is from pairshours to 3 days. Here everything is determined by the age of the crumb and the features of its immunity.

The first clinical picture of the cold in all patients is different. This is due to the fact that each organism can hit a specific virus. Since the common cold has a common origin and treatment with influenza, the symptoms of these two pathologies are similar.

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Thus, it is possible to recognize the common cold by the following features: cold at the child 1 year

  • rhinitis;
  • redness and sore throat;
  • non-productive cough;
  • general malaise;
  • poor appetite;
  • temperature rise;
  • aches in muscles and joints.

A rise in temperature indicates that a malfunction has occurred in the heat exchange mechanisms of the body. This process is typical for the inflammatory process, when the body tries to fight the infection, producing protective antibodies. It is this process that consumes a lot of energy.

Methods of therapy

The choice of a cold treatment regimen for the baby should be performed by the pediatrician after the examination and a precise diagnosis.


The choice of a suitable preparation for colds in infants is divided according to the principle of influence and the mechanism of the obstacle to the multiplication of the pathological process.

Thus, the doctor can prescribe the following medicines:

  1. Vaccine .These are drugs that contain pathogens. When they are introduced into the body, the baby stimulates the production of antibodies by the immune system. Carry out the vaccine in the fall and winter for prevention. It is better to prevent the development of ailment, than to torment the child with prolonged treatment. But if the child has symptoms of the disease or weak immunity, then this method of treatment should be abandoned.
    vaccine against colds in a child 1 year

    Carrying out a cold vaccine in a child 1 year

  2. Antiviral medicines. Their action is aimed at suppressing the activity of viruses and blocking the possibility of reproduction. But often these drugs can not be used, as this will lead to a decrease in the activity of immunity. The next disadvantage of antiviral drugs is their recent appearance in the pharmaceutical market, so that the impact of these drugs on the body of the crumbs is not yet known.
    antiviral medicines against colds in a child 1 year old

    Antiviral medicines against cold

  3. Immunostimulators .These are synthetic drugs whose purpose is to stimulate the synthesis of interferon in the body. Interferon is a substance that suppresses viruses. Immunostimulants are used when the body of the baby is weakened, and the defenses of the body can not cope with their work. At this age, it is best to use drugs in the form of suppositories based on interferon. They can be used by infants and do not worry about side effects.
    immunostimulants against cold in the child 1 year

    Immunostimulants against colds in a child 1 year

Drugs for sore throat

With the development of the common cold, the most common symptom remains a sore throat. It occurs because of the infection of the mucous membrane of the oropharynx. The medicines used for pain in the throat with colds have a complex effect that allows you to destroy the infection, stop inflammation and soften the throat. Medicines can be used in a format of sprays. They have a long therapeutic effect on the throat.


Baby's throat spray

In addition to pharmaceutical products, home remedies will help to eliminate sore throat. You can give the crumb to drink warm milk with a diluted butter-cocoa. This remedy has a soothing effect on the mucous throat.


If the crumbs temperature has risen to a mark of 38.5 degrees, then it should not be brought down. The fact is that the body tries to overcome the infectious process. If there is an increase in the indices by at least one degree, then it is necessary to give the baby an antipyretic agent.

Antipyretic for a child

antipyretic for a child

Such drugs do not cure a cold, but only bring down the temperature. So it is not necessary to use medicines unnecessarily. Most often, small patients are prescribed Paracetamol and Ibuprofen. Between the techniques it is necessary to observe the time interval of 4 hours.

Nasal irrigation

In case of a cold lesion, a baby can have a runny nose, a stuffy nose. It begins with intense mucus secretion from one nasal passage. If there is catarrhal rhinitis, then you need to use a means to wash the nose. This includes such means as Aquador, Aquaaris and Miramistin.


Miramistin for the treatment of colds in a child

For babies it is best to use drugs in the spray format. This will allow the smallest parts of moisture to go away as much as possible and eliminate the causative agents of infection. With this treatment, the nasal mucosa is restored, and it is possible to prevent clogging of the respiratory tract of mucous lumps.

how to take paracetamol for colds And here's how to correctly take Paracetamol for a cold, and how effective it is will help understand this article.

What antibiotics for colds for children of 2 years worth taking, you can learn from this article.

It will also be interesting to learn how to cure intestinal flu at home: http: // kak-vylechit-gripp-v-domashnix-usloviyax.html

And here are some cold-free tablets worth taking in the first place,in this article.

Nasal Congestion

If the baby is hard to breathe and the mucus is bad to get out of the nasal passages, then you can suck it off with a special nasal aspirator. You can use another method - syringing. In this case, you should not inject the tip deep into the nose, as this can injure the nasal mucosa. If the secreted mucus has a purulent character, then you need to use nasal drops that have an antimicrobial and antiviral effect.

These medications include:

  • Pinosol( and in this article you can learn more about the instructions for the application of the Pinosol ointment),
    pinosol for a child

    Pinosol for the child

  • Polydex( and what analogs of such drops exist, you can learn from this article),
  • Collargol
  • Protargol

But only to apply long vasoconstrictive drugs can not. In addition, that they reduce the swelling of the nose, they can lead to a strong addiction and drying of the nasal mucosa. Do not use drugs more than 4 times a day.

The group of vasoconstrictors includes:

  • Nazol baby;
    baby nazole

    Baby Nazel for Baby

  • Ximelin;
  • Drops in the nose for children Tizin.


For a cold disease in a baby at 1 year is important to perform complex symptomatic treatment. Thanks to him manages to stop an unpleasant clinical picture. For relief of symptoms, it is possible to perform inhalations using eucalyptus tincture. Such measures should be performed 3-4 times a day for 5-10 minutes. For these purposes, you will have to use the inhaler. If there is no such device, then spray the tincture in a hot bath so that the baby is in the room for 10-15 minutes. And here what inhalations to do at ларингите to the child, will help to understand the maintenance of the given article.

inhalation for a small child

Inhalation for a small child

Treating a cold in infants is a well-designed plan of action that must be performed clearly and correctly. Therapy should be an integrated approach, since it is important to eliminate the cause of the pathological process, and also attend the symptoms. If after 5 days of treatment, the relief did not come, then you should visit the doctor again. He will review the principle of therapy and prescribe other drugs to prevent the development of complications.