Cowberry is a healthy berry, as it contains many useful components and connections. It is actively involved in the treatment of colds, as it has antipyretic and antiviral effect. In addition, cranberries perfectly strengthen the body's defenses.


  • 1 Benefits and action
  • 2 Recipes
    • 2.1 juice with honey
    • 2.2 Morse
    • 2.3 Infusion
    • 2.4 tonic
    • 2.5 against raising therapy
  • 3 Comparison with cranberries
  • 4 Contraindications

Benefits and action

The composition of berry cranberries isunique, because there is a storehouse of vitamins. For example, vitamins A, C, K and group B are important for the body and bring about a recovery for colds. In addition to the vitamins presented, lingonberries contain organic acids, among which there are citric and apple. They have a bactericidal effect.

The presence of flavanoids in cowberry allows the body to obtain reliable protection against antioxidants and microbes

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.Cowberry with colds and preparations on its basis relieve fever, having analgesic effect. In addition, cranberries are very tasty and perfectly tones.

On video of cowberry with cold:

Recipes of

Ways of preparation of folk remedies from cowberry in the treatment of colds are enough. Each of them is delicious and useful in its own way.

Juice with honey

Cowberry berries are washed, peeled, dried and sent to a juicer. Combine the juice in an amount of 100 ml with 20 ml of natural honey. Take a useful drink for colds several times a day.

lingonberry juice with honey

On a photo of a cowberry juice with honey


To take a glass of already selected berries of a cowberry, add 2 glasses of water. Set on fire, bring to a boil. Then put 50 grams of sugar. Keep the drink on low heat for another 15 minutes. Filtered mors during the treatment of cold take 200 ml 3 times a day.


On the photo of cranberry fruit drink

Prepared mors perfectly copes with colds, headaches, and also increases protective forces.


To obtain the next medicine, it is necessary to use not dried fruits, but dry twigs and leaves of cranberries. Pour them 200 ml of boiling water, insist for about 30 minutes, filter out. When treating a cold, you need to use an infusion of 40 ml 5 times a day.

cowberry infusion

On the photo-cranberry infusion

Strengthening agent

To improve immunity, we can take as a basis such a recipe: 30 ml of juice of berries pour 150 ml of warm water. Add 10 g of honey. The received drink to drink 3-4 times a day.

Against Advanced Therapy

To bring down the temperature, you need to drink tea from the leaves of cranberries. Take them in an amount of 50 g and pour 600 ml of boiling water. Add some honey for taste. Daily rate of 2 cups.

buzz in the ears for colds Why there is a buzz in the ears with a cold, and what medications will help to cope with this problem, will help understand this article.

And here are some drops from the stuffiness of the ear with the cold most effective, and what their name, will help understand this article.

What folk remedies for nasal congestion with the cold are the most effective, is described in this article: http: // narodnye-sredstva-ot-prostudy-nasmorka-i-kashlya.html

But what causes dry cough occur in adults without colds most often,very detailed in this article.

Comparison with cranberries

The berries of viburnum and cowberry are very similar to each other. In addition, they effectively cope with colds. But, despite this, they have some differences. So, for example, the berries of the viburnum are bitter in taste. They contain a lot of vitamin C, which increases immunity and struggles with premature aging.

Kalina is often used in the treatment of colds and prevention in the midst of flu or ARVI.The presence of vitamin K makes it possible to become berries of Kalina an indispensable tool in the treatment of the heart and blood vessels.

The decoction of the viburnum excellently lowers blood pressure, and the drink, obtained from fruits of the viburnum, currant leaves and mint, perfectly fights with the unpleasant symptoms of the common cold. To do this, take all the described herbs in the amount of 20 g and pour 200 ml of boiling water. For taste, add honey. Warm up the drink, but do not bring to a boil. Permanent tea can be consumed several times a day.

On video - cranberries and cowberries from cold:

The calf bark is very useful in disorders of the gastrointestinal tract or in the prevention of gastritis, ulcers. After her long reception, the patient's condition improves significantly, he has a burst of vitality and energy, and unpleasant symptoms disappear without a trace.

But lingonberry is a berry that will grow in the northern regions. It is just like viburnum contains many useful ingredients. It is often used by people who can not sleep at night due to stress, will experience nail brittleness and hair loss. In addition, bilberry berry has a bacterial effect. Accept it for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and as a laxative.

Compared to kalina, the cranberry is quite acidic, but it also has a bitter taste. The pulp is powdery. It is sweeter than viburnum, it contains less acids and more sugar. As for the dimensions, the cranberries are larger - about 1 cm.

cranberries from colds

On the photo, the cranberries from the cold

They have a dark red color, and if they are pressed slightly, the juice will start to beat out. The size of the cranberry fruit is 0.6 cm. They have a red color and a high density.


And although berries cranberries are so useful for colds and a number of other diseases, do not forget about contraindications. First of all, one must take into account the fact that the berries of cowberries are able to accumulate radiation. Hence it follows that before using them as a medicine for a cold, it is necessary to check them in the laboratory for the presence of radiation. decoctions of cranberries

It is not necessary to abuse the decoctions and drinks from cowberries in the category of people who experience low blood pressure, ulcers and gastritis. Cowberry is not recommended for people who have an acute form of urolithiasis and nephritis. Fresh fruit is not allowed to be consumed by those with increased gastric acidity.

It should be remembered that with the use of berries cranberries blood is very diluted, so people who have recently undergone a hollow operation or who have been hospitalized with internal bleeding will be denied such prophylaxis.

Separately it is necessary to consider the reception of cranberries during pregnancy. It is allowed as a medicine for a cold. And you can consume it in any way - juice, mors, decoction. Cowberry will be very useful not only for mom, but for the baby.

You may also be interested in learning about what to drink with colds without fever.

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And here's how to apply Kagocel for a cold, and when it should be taken in addition, it helps to understand this information.

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But it is worthwhile to understand that long-term reception of a curative drink is inadmissible. This is due to the fact that cranberries contain a lot of vitamin C, which can lead to allergies and a number of complications.

Cowberry is a real gift of nature, as her berries are treated by numerous diseases, including colds. With the help of a medicinal drink based on cranberries, you can knock down temperatures, improve the overall condition of the patient, remove fragility and lethargy. In addition, bilberry berries are not only useful, but also surprisingly tasty, so it will be enjoyed with pleasure not only by adults, but even by children.