What to do if the teeth stagger and hurt

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Mobility of teeth is a fairly common problem, which can cause many complications with the jaw apparatus and digestion. The risk group includes the elderly, pregnant women, people with chronic diseases or neglecting a healthy lifestyle and oral hygiene. If the teeth are loose, you should immediately contact a specialist who will tell you what you need to do to strengthen them.

  • Why the teeth are unsteady
    • What to do
    • How to strengthen
    • How to strengthen
    • When you are pregnant
    • Folk remedies for strengthening teeth and gums

    Why teeth are loose

    Among the reasons for the mobility of teeth in an adult, they are:

    • Diseases of the oral cavity. Gingivitis and periodontitis relate to gum lesions and are the most common causes of loosening of the teeth. The disease begins quite harmlessly - with a slight bleeding gums in the cleaning process, accumulation of soft plaque on the teeth and gums. Then there is an unpleasant smell from the mouth, the gums turn red and swell, tartar is formed on them and under them, purulent discharge is possible. Blood supply to the tooth worsens, bone tissue is thinned until the bone is completely destroyed, and even healthy teeth seem to begin to stagger and fall out.
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    • Severe chronic diseases of internal organs and endocrine disruption. For example, diabetes, arthritis, psoriasis, some heart diseases can cause dental pathologies.
    • Jaw injury. Mobility of teeth may appear after a stroke or injury.
    • Bad habits. People who abuse alcohol, tobacco, drugs, often develop gum disease, loosen up and even drop out their teeth.
    • Insufficient oral hygiene. Plaque on the teeth and food remnants provoke reproduction in the mouth of microbes that cause radical caries, gum disease and teeth mobility. Excessive strain on the jaw. Often observed in people who love to gnaw seeds, nails, suffer from bruxism( grinding teeth during sleep).Bruxism is dangerous not only for damage to tooth enamel, it causes overload of the jaw apparatus, resulting in the teeth weakened and loosened.
    • Old age. People over the age of 50 deteriorate calcium metabolism in the body, teeth can crumble and wobble.
    • During pregnancy and lactation.the teeth of the mother may lack minerals and vitamins.
    • Incorrect bite. Teeth can be mobile if the correct relative position of the upper and lower dentition is broken.
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      What to do

      To determine why the teeth began to stagger, the dentist will help, he will also appoint a qualified treatment.

      If loosening is accompanied by pain, this may indicate inflammatory processes in the gums - gingivitis or periodontitis. In these cases, the doctor will carry out professional cleaning of teeth with removal of dental plaque, prescribe medication( antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamins).Ignoring these diseases and delaying treatment often leads to the loss of one or more teeth.

      Mobility of the teeth against the backdrop of chronic diseases and endocrine disorders requires consultations of specialized specialists( endocrinologist, therapist), as well as clinical tests.

      With mechanical damages( injuries, bumps), the loose tooth can be strengthened by splinting - a fixing tire is applied to the damaged tooth for its stability and engraftment in the gum. However, this method is suitable if the root of the tooth remains intact, otherwise it can not be avoided. It is important to remember that even if the injury is insignificant and there is no danger for the tooth, do not eat hard food for a few days.

      Pregnant women and elderly people are prescribed the reception of vitamin-mineral complexes that can support the body and eliminate the mobility of teeth. A gymnastics for the jaw apparatus will be superfluous.

      With the habit of grinding teeth at night, a special plate called "night watchman" will help you.

      Incorrect bite, crowding of teeth can also be the reason that the teeth are unsteady. Correct the violations will help the dentist-orthodontist, having spent treatment bracket-systems.

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      Read also how to effectively remove the gap between the front teeth http://woman-l.ru/pochemu-poyavlyaetsya-shhel-mezhdu-perednimi-zubami-i-kak-ee-ubrat/
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      How to strengthen

      Prevention of any disease is much preferable to its treatment. The rules of dental care are simple and well known:

      • teeth cleaning morning and evening;
      • mouth rinse with water after each meal;
      • use of dental floss;
      • visit the dentist twice a year;
      • regular consumption of foods rich in vitamins and minerals;
      • a healthy lifestyle and a rejection of bad habits.

      An example of the most useful products for teeth are carrots, pumpkins and apples. They contain useful vitamins and trace elements, and chewing has a massage effect on bone tissues and serves as an excellent way to mechanically clean the oral cavity.

      If the teeth are loose, they will be strengthened by dental gymnastics, especially this method is for elderly people. A wooden stick or a twig of a tree should be chewed to the state of a brush. This is done in three stages:

      • the first 2-3 weeks the twig gently bites down from the top;
      • in the next month, the second exercise is connected - the front teeth clamp the branch, and the jaws move back and forth and sideways;
      • the third stage consists in that, holding one end of a twig by hand, tear off pieces from the other end of its teeth.

      Repeat the exercise several times a day. The method helps to develop and strengthen the jaws, improve the flow of blood to the gums and teeth.

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      Often permanent teeth are called indigenous, but this is not entirely true - the roots are present in both dairy and permanent teeth. At the age of 5-6 years in children, baby teeth begin to change permanent. The roots of the milk teeth dissolve, the teeth stagger and fall out, giving way to permanent ones. This process is natural and does not require the intervention of a doctor - the tooth will loosen and fall out itself. The first lower middle incisors usually begin to move.

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      There are times when the baby's tooth is loose, but not falling out. To solve this problem, the dentist will help by removing the tooth with special forceps.

      It happens that the tooth is almost "in the balance" from falling out and, so that it does not fall out at night and does not prevent the baby from breathing, you can speed up the process:

      • give the child a nibble something solid, for example, carrots;
      • ask to chew only on the side where the staggered tooth is located;
      • remove the tooth by yourself: pull it out with a rotating motion, pre-cooling the gum with an ice cube for several minutes.
      If a child has a newly grown permanent tooth staggering, this is not always a cause for concern - pronounced mobility of such teeth is retained for about a year after eruption. This is due to the fact that the crown of the tooth first erupts, the root( part of the tooth holding it in the bone) is formed approximately half, because of this fixation of the tooth in the bone is not strong enough. Therefore, at first, new teeth should be protected from injuries, do not shake them once again and do not disturb, eat more mild food.

      However, the reasons for the constant teeth of a child, can be no less serious than that of adults:

      • Injuries. Children are very mobile, often fall and hit the face. Dental tissue in the child is rather fragile, and as a result - tooth fractures and their loosening.
      • Periodontitis. This disease affects not more than 5% of children, it usually occurs at the age of 8-10 years due to poor oral hygiene and the accumulation of pathogens. There are often cases of inflammation of periodontal tissue with an uneven load on the jaw( biting food only one side, lack of solid food in the diet).
      • Gingivitis( inflammation and bleeding gums) can occur with improper oral hygiene, lack of vitamins and minerals, after the diseases.
      • Caries. It is very dangerous for children's permanent teeth, as enamel is formed on them for several years. Caries in children develops rapidly and often affects the invisible part of the tooth, forcing it to stagger.
      • Metabolic disorders and systemic diseases prevent the normal blood supply of tissues, causing dystrophic processes and loosening of the teeth.
      • Heredity. An incorrect bite can be transmitted genetically.
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      When pregnant

      During pregnancy, hormonal changes occur in the body of the woman, which can worsen the blood supply to mucous membranes. In the bones of the child, calcium is actively accumulated, which is expended from the parent stores. Toxicosis during pregnancy, accompanied by vomiting, also flushes calcium from the female body. The level in the saliva of calcium and phosphorus, necessary for the protection and restoration of tooth enamel, is reduced. As a result, the mother's gums become inflamed and bleed, cavities are formed between the teeth and gums, where food is clogged, caries develop, and teeth are unsteady.

      Visiting dentistry for a pregnant woman is a prerequisite for maintaining dental health. The specialist will appoint a complex of therapeutic and preventive measures designed to strengthen loose teeth.

      These include:

      • caries treatment and professional hygienic teeth cleaning;
      • recommendations for proper nutrition, including dishes with high calcium content( fruits, vegetables, fish and meat, dairy products);
      • administration of vitamin-mineral complexes and, if necessary, medications;
      • training in finger gum massage and mouth rinsing with herbal decoctions strengthening the gums;
      • introduction to specially developed for pregnant women toothpastes, flosses, elixirs for oral care.
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      Folk remedies for strengthening teeth and gums

      For loosened teeth, it is advisable to use a suitable paste. You can make it yourself: half of the 1 root of the grind is chopped and mixed with tooth powder. Rub the powder during cleaning in the teeth and gums, while massaging them.

      With the approval of a dentist, teeth and gums can be strengthened with folk medicine. A good effect can give rinses in the pharmacy are sold special infusions, but they are easy to prepare and at home. Those with bleeding gums and slightly loose teeth will be helped by simple recipes:

      • Oak bark and lime blend are mixed in a 2: 1 ratio, poured into a glass of boiling water and set for 5 minutes on a weak fire. With a cool filtered solution, the mouth is rinsed, while not only washing the gums, but also passing the liquid through the teeth.
      • Oak bark can be used separately from lime color. It is brewed the same way, but it is better not to rinse your teeth with a solution, but hold it in your mouth( behind your cheek) for 2-3 minutes. If the teeth stagger strongly, then the procedure is repeated 4-5 times, usually 3 times a day. Propolis is used to strengthen the roots of the teeth. Alcohol 15% extract of propolis diluted in warm water: 200 drops of water requires 20 drops. Rinse should be 5-6 times a day, passing the solution through the teeth, after or in between meals.

      There are ways to strengthen the gums with massage:

      • Moisten your fingers with rosehip oil or sea buckthorn, rub into the gums in the morning and evening for 3-5 minutes for two weeks. After 10 days, repeat the course.
      • Add 3 tablespoons of olive oil and shallow sea salt to the dried banana peel. Massage the gums with a mixture 2 times a day for 10 minutes.
      • From the bleeding gums help massage 2-3 times a day crushed with cranberry.
      • Good effect with inflamed gums and slight mobility of teeth gives fir oil. The tampon soaked in is applied to the gums two times a day for 15-20 minutes. Gadgets are done for 3 weeks, six months later the procedure is repeated.
  • May 08, 2018
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