Polyps in the throat are benign tumors that are small in size. It is formed on the vocal cords. The polyp of the larynx does not belong to the pathological phenomena that portend cancer. And although such education does not harm the body, it still needs to be got rid of.

Otherwise, there will be an active proliferation of polyps, and this leads to loss of voice. To prevent the development of such a complication, you need to know the symptoms and methods of fighting this disease.


  • 1 Symptoms
  • 2 reasons
  • 3 Treatment with drugs
  • 4 Traditional methods
    • 4.1 Hydrotherapy
    • 4.2 Propolis
    • 4.3 Broth geranium
    • 4.4 collection of medicinal herbs
    • 4.5 Celandine


There are situations when detect a polyp in the throat can be under externalinspection. It is presented in the form of a red spot, for which distinct edges are characteristic. The surface is distinguished by its evenness and smoothness, but the dimensions can be different. The growth of polyps progresses mainly in the event that repeated trauma is observed.

instagram viewer

Sometimes polyps can take a blue, pink or blue-purple hue. When they are focused on the vocal cords, then the head is viscous and the phonation is broken.

In the photo - how the polyps look in the throat:

polyps in the throat

In the picture - polyps in the throat

Also, polyps can be recognized in the throat for such symptoms as:

  • pain in the neck;
  • difficult breathing;
  • complete loss of voice;
  • cough accompanied by blood.

Often polyps in the throat do not make themselves felt. Then only an otolaryngologist can diagnose it.

Today there is another type of polyps, like juvenile. They arise in children in 5 years. In special treatment they do not need, since they disappear in adolescence. For such formations a small-bodily structure is characteristic, so that in appearance they resemble cauliflower.

Causes of

Various factors can affect the development of polyps in the throat. For example, most often such growths arise as a result of genetic predisposition. In most cases, the growth of polyps is of an acquired nature. Affect their formation can chronic ailments of the throat and larynx.

Polyps can be found on voice ligaments from singers, lecturers and teachers. This is due to the fact that their work involves overstraining the voice.

Also affect the formation of growths can be such factors:

  • allergic diseases;
  • addictions;
  • hypothyroidism is uncompensated;
  • bad ecology;
  • frequent, prolonged coughing;
  • viral infections;
  • chronic ailments of the nasopharynx;
  • angina or other trauma to the vocal cords.

On the video, the polyps in the throat are removed:

Treatment with

medications. Before prescribing the treatment, the doctor must conduct the diagnosis. Thanks to her, it is possible to exclude the possibility of a lesion of the throat with malignant tumors. In the scheme of therapy necessarily include antihistamines, decongestants.

This should include Tavegil, Diprazin and Dimedrol.



Can use inhalation with aerosols:

  • glucocorticoids( hydrocortisone 25 mg per aerosol),
  • antimicrobial agents( streptomycin 25 thousand units),
  • preparations containing iodine.

An excellent result is achieved by electrophoresis of the larynx region using 5% potassium iodide solution, 5% calcium chloride solution, Erevita. The duration of therapy is 10-15 procedures.

Thanks to ultrasound therapy, it is possible to provide complex therapeutic effect and eliminate polyps .And this is achieved due to the fact that manipulation positively affects the functions of the nervous system, increases oxidation-reduction processes, stops inflammation, and enhances blood flow. ultrasound therapy of the nose

Phonophoresis can also be used. Its essence lies in the fact that under the influence of ultrasound, the delivery of the drug directly to the polyp area is achieved, as a result of which the effectiveness of treatment is enhanced. Even for the treatment of polyps can use galvanic collar, hydrotherapy and balneotherapy.

Currently, such a method of treatment as laser is very popular. Thanks to him it is possible to get a quick positive effect. In total, you need to do several courses. Positive dynamics from conservative therapy will come in 3-6 months.

Is it possible to heat a throat with purulent angina And here it is possible to heat a throat with a purulent sore throat, and how to do it correctly, is described in this article.

The more it is to gargle with purulent sore throat, and how to do it correctly, is described in great detail in this article.

It will also be interesting to know why there was a sore throat and white coating: http: //prolor.ru/g/ simptomy-g / belyj-nalet-v-gorle-u-vzroslogo.html

Why there are small white dots on the tonsils, and how with thisthe problem can be dealt with on its own, described in this article.

Folk methods

You can use folk remedies for the treatment of polyps in the throat in addition to medications. Thanks to proven means of alternative medicine, you can stop unpleasant symptoms and increase the effect of medications.


The essence of this method of therapy is that it takes in turn to take cold and hot sedentary water procedures. For this, it is necessary to fill two large basins, filling one with hot water and the other with cold water. hydrotherapy of the face

The patient should take turns to sit in one and the other container, being in each for 3 minutes. It is necessary to perform such manipulations 3 times. The patient should then put on warm clothes.


This product effectively removes polyps in the throat. And it can be used externally or internally. In the morning on an empty stomach it is necessary to chew a slice of propolis. This has a positive effect on the immune system, it stops inflammation in the affected organ. propolis for the nose

You can also use propolis to install tampons. To obtain the tincture, take 5 g of the main product, add 100 ml of boiling water. Install tampons need at night.

Broth from geranium

To get a medicinal broth, you need to take 40 ml of geranium leaves, add a glass of boiling water. Stir on the fire for 5 minutes, cool and filter. Reception to conduct a glass 2 times a day.

Collection of medicinal herbs

It is necessary to connect such components:

  • white nettle - 10 g;
  • chamomile - 10 g;
  • yarrow - 5 g;
  • shepherd's bag - 5 g;
  • St. John's Wort - 5 g;
  • mint-5 g;
  • calendula - 2 g.
  • cones of hops - 2 g.

On 20 g of the mixture there is a glass of boiling water. Infuse for 30 minutes, filtered infusion take before going to bed.

Why there is severe sore throat without temperature, and how to determine the main reasons for this, is described in this article.

And that's why there is a problem with the red throat and there is a runny nose, but without temperature, is described in great detail in this article.

You may also be interested in learning how to use the throat spray for Tantum Verde.

For those who want to see what purulent angina looks like, and understand how one can cure such a disease, it is described in great detail in this article.

It will also be interesting to learn about what to do when the throat is badly sore, it's painful to swallow and talk.


The medicinal properties of this plant will slow down the growth of the formations and reduce their size. But the only drawback of celandine is that it is poisonous. So before using it is important to keep the dosage. To get the broth, you need to take 200 g of finely chopped leaves and stems of the plant, add 2 liters of boiling water. Wrap the container with a towel. Wait 10 hours, filter and store in the refrigerator. celandine home use

Duration of therapy will be 30 days. Reception to lead on an empty stomach .For the first week, take 5 ml. For the second week the dosage will be 10 ml. To 4 weeks the dosage should be 20 ml and further on decrease. There should be a break between the admission courses, which will be 14 days.

Polyps in the throat - this is a common pathological process in children. Although today it can be diagnosed in adults. If you do not take any action regarding their treatment, the growths will start to expand, which will result in a loss of voice. Appointment of treatment can only the doctor after a thorough diagnosis.