How to determine pregnancy in early terms before the delay? The first, early signs and symptoms of pregnancy before delay

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The article tells about the methods of early pregnancy determination and describes the very first signs of pregnancy.

Contents of

  • How to determine pregnancy before delay?
  • Will pregnancy test show before the delay in menstruation?
  • What test is there for pregnancy before delay?
  • Pregnancy test, weak streak before delay - what does it mean?
  • How to determine pregnancy without a test?
  • First, early signs of pregnancy before delay
  • How to distinguish PMS from pregnancy before delay?
  • Pregnancy feeling before delay
  • Pregnancy temperature before delay
  • Does the abdomen suffer from pregnancy before delay?
  • Is there a discharge in the early stages of pregnancy before the delay?
  • Breast during pregnancy before delay
  • ultrasound will determine pregnancy before delay?
  • Does the ovulation test show whether the pregnancy is delayed?
  • Popular signs of pregnancy
  • Folk signs of pregnancy before delay
  • How to determine pregnancy with iodine?
  • instagram viewer
  • Home pregnancy test with soda
  • Video: The first symptoms of pregnancy before the delay

Curiosity and the pursuit of certainty are natural traits peculiar to a person. This explains the irresistible desire of a woman to learn about her social status as a mother, as soon as possible.

Many couples plan a pregnancy for more than one month and even more than one year. In such cases, a woman is often visited by the thought that a pregnancy test simply can not show the second strip, and she begins to listen diligently to any changes in the body with the hope that the next cycle will become special.

woman looks at test

How to recognize the symptoms of an emerging life in the earliest stages? Can this be done with a certain degree of probability even before the expected delay?

How to determine pregnancy before delay?

The spectrum of means for determining pregnancy before the end of the menstrual cycle is quite wide, especially in comparison with the opportunities of the past. But the probability of an exact result, unfortunately, is not absolute. Among the methods there are more reliable and less because of individual characteristics:

  • blood test
  • pregnancy test
  • ultrasound
  • test for ovulation
  • basal temperature
  • changes in the body( chest, stomach, mood, taste and olfactory habits, poor health, unfamiliar sensations)
  • folk methods

A family committed to procreation is likely to practice all available methods for testing pregnancy from the first days after a potential conception. Nevertheless, the simplest and most natural way is to purchase a special pregnancy test in the pharmacy.

Will the pregnancy test show before the delay in menstruation?

positive test

In order to find the answer to this question, it is necessary to imagine how the test works, and at what point in the female body the changes associated with fertilization begin to occur. Otherwise, the test simply will not be able to fix what is not yet manifest.

For example, if you do the test two days after intercourse, obviously, it will be premature because:

  • should distinguish between sexual intercourse and ovulation

Fertilization occurs on the day of ovulation or the day after it. Spermatozoa after sexual intercourse can remain active for several days, that is, fertilization does not occur immediately after the

proximity. IMPORTANT: The egg ceases to exist, if not conceived, within 12-24 hours after ovulation.

  • pregnancy occurs after implantation of the egg in the uterine cavity

This process involves the movement of a fertilized egg from the tube to the uterus, finding the right place and implantation, which takes an average of 6-9 days, but can vary in one and the other side completely individually

  • the principle of the tests - in the detection of human chorionic gonadotropin( hereinafter - HCG)

hCG grows after the introduction of a fertilized egg into the uterus


For an example, consider a cycle of 30 days( not all are holders of the "book" cycle in 28 days).

  1. Ovulation divides the cycle into two phases: follicular and lutein. The duration of the first is purely individual, the duration of the second phase is usually 14 days. In other words, ovulation occurs on average 14 days before menstruation

In the example : ovulation presumably occurred on day 16 of the cycle( = 30-14)

2. Fertilization, as mentioned above, can occur as soon as a couple of hours after sexual intercourse, when spermthe egg is reached, and maybe after a day

In the example of : for example, fertilization occurred on the same day, that is, on day 16 of the cycle

3. After this, the fetal egg moves to the uterus for 4-6 days and then another 2-3 days is therebefore attaching

In the example : inWe take an average of 8 days, that is, the implantation occurred on the 24th day of the cycle( or on the 8th day after ovulation,

4). The hCG level from that day begins to double every day

In the example: on day 25 of the cycle( 92), 4 units for 26( 10 DPOs), 8 units for 27( 11 DPOs), 16 for 28( 12 DPOs), 32 for 32( 13 DPOs) and so on.

5The usual pregnancy test should show a second strip at a hCG level exceeding 25 mJ / mL

In the example: it is possible on the 13th day after ovulation or 1 day before the

delay. However, Plantation could occur later than 8 days after ovulation. Therefore, manufacturers of tests recommend for more accurate results to wait for delays.

What test is there for pregnancy before delay?

pregnancy test

Pregnancy tests are divided into:

  • standard
  • sensitive
  • hypersensitive

The first can determine the presence of pregnancy at a hCG level of more than 25 -30 mIU, the second - at a level of 15-20 mIU, and hypersensitive - at a value of 10 mIU.The corresponding figure is indicated on the test.

The most sensitive test promises to fix the pregnancy a few days before the delay.

Referring to the example above, this may be possible as early as 12-13 days after ovulation or 2-3 days before the delay. Accordingly, these terms will be shifted if ovulation occurred in uncharacteristic terms for a woman( early, late ovulation), or implantation took more or less time.

In addition to this classification, the tests are divided into:

  • paper strips
  • flatbed( cassette)
  • ink
  • electronic
different pregnancy tests

The most popular and affordable are paper tests, however they are better to use after a delay because they contain not the most sensitive reagents,subject to a large number of factors:

  • urine should be collected in an ultrapure capacity
  • the strip must be correctly lowered( to a certain depth)
  • has a time of dayfor the analysis( in the evening, when the urine is diluted after the whole day, the result will be inaccurate)
  • should accurately adhere to the waiting time of the result( no more, no less)

If you decided to do the test without waiting for the delay, the hCG level can still be very small,and the test will be negative. More accurate answers can be given by other types of tests( tablet, inkjet, electronic):

  • they are more sensitive
  • contain a special capacity for collecting urine or do not assume its presence( for example, jet tests)
  • electronic test will save you the guesswork:, or it still exists, because the result here is displayed quite specifically "+" or "-"( "pregnant" or "not pregnant")
electronic test

In addition, it should be remembered that in order to obtain a more reliable answer it is necessary: ​​

  • do the test in the morning when the concentration of hCG is maximal
  • follow the manufacturer's instructions
  • withstand the necessary time for analysis of
  • with negative result and no menstruation make the test again in a few days

IMPORTANT: The concentration of hCG in the blood is higher, therefore the presence of a hormone in the blood can bedetect earlier( 7-9 days after conception) than in urine( 10-14 days after conception).

Before the delay, it would be more appropriate to take a blood test for HCG, but in the early stages it is better to do it twice. This will allow you to see the dynamics of changes in hCG, if it doubles as compared to the analysis on the eve, you can definitely talk about the onset of pregnancy.

Pregnancy test, weak strip before delay - what does it mean?

weak strip
  • As a rule, despite the declared sensitivity, the usual pregnancy test responds well only to a significant level of hCG that is observed after the
  • delay. If you found a second strip on the test, but it is very weak,it is possible to assume the presence of pregnancy with a high probability. Explanation of the vagueness of the result is too low level of hCG for home test
  • To confirm the guess, repeat the test the next day - the strip will become brighter if the assumption is true. Alternatively, take a blood test for hCG

How to determine pregnancy without a test?

If the opportunity to purchase a pregnancy test is not available, and the desire to uncover the veil of secrecy is great, you can try to determine pregnancy without it. At home, you have three options:

  • to conduct a relaxation session, during which you can try to listen to the internal sensations of the
  • to turn to folk methods( see below)
  • to analyze the presence of other signs that you may not have noticed

First, early signs of pregnancy before the delay

early signs

The test at home has already been done and not even one, but the pregnancy is not yet visible due to a short period, the woman begins to closely monitor the changes. Pregnancy can be suspected by the following prompts:

  • slight discharge of blood during implantation
  • lethargy, drowsiness, fatigue, dizziness
  • swelling and soreness of the chest
  • tingling, abdominal cramps
  • change in taste preferences
  • intolerance of some odors
  • nausea
  • weak immunity( runny nose, cough,congestion)
  • elevated rectal temperature
  • irritation, excitement, nervous excitability
  • increased salivation
  • frequent urinationContents
  • particularly complex described sensation inside

Unfortunately, most unique features are not peculiar only to the state of gestation. Often, many of them are explained by other reasons, some of them are contrived, some are due to experiences and stressful conditions about the failures of past attempts, and some coincide with the precursors of the monthly ones.

How to distinguish PMS from pregnancy before delay?

In fact, to take one after another is very easy. A few days before the new menstrual cycle, a woman can ache a breast, can whine a lower abdomen, sudden mood changes are possible.

changes in the passions of

Therefore, to suspect a pregnancy in its absence or, conversely, not to notice it before the delay is quite real.

Doubts can dispel:

  • the level of hCG in the blood above 25 mDD / mL
  • positive pregnancy test

IMPORTANT: In most cases, the affirmative result of one of the indicators above is indicative of pregnancy, but there are exceptions. A number of diseases can cause an increase in hCG in the body.

  • If HCG is still low, pregnancy from premenstrual syndrome can be distinguished by the characteristics that are not characteristic of you
  • For example, if you have always felt breast swelling for a week before the month, and in this cycle you do not feel anything like that, you can assume pregnancy. Similarly, in the reverse situation
  • But not many women can boast regular clear signs of PMS to detect the slightest changes in the case of pregnancy
pms or pregnancy

An indication may be the presence of other signs of pregnancy uncharacteristic for PMS.For example:

  • Implantation bleeding

The sign is fairly reliable if it is not the onset of menstruation. But it is not observed in all women, and is often not even detected by them, since it is a drop of blood

  • frequent urination

It is not related to an increase in the size of the uterus and pressure on the bladder( this phenomenon will be relevant for later gestation).The brain simply incorrectly recognizes signals coming from the nerve endings from the pelvic area. These signals go from the uterus after insertion into its cavity of the fetal egg

  • a special feeling of "butterflies inside"

Often a woman intuitively guesses her position relying on her senses

Feeling of pregnancy before the delay

feeling of pregnancy
  • This symptom does not have a clear description or medical confirmation. But many women, describing their condition when they did not know about pregnancy, are the first to remember this particular feature of
  • . Hormonal changes are observed after conception, but they are not significant. And only after implantation the action of hormones begins to increase
  • But this does not mean that a woman can not feel the beginning of a new life within a few days after the inception of the
  • . The process of inception is purely individual, so a strange sensation of the presence of something new in the abdomen may be an early signaland the reason to make a test or take a blood test for pregnancy

Pregnancy temperature before the delay

If a woman has been trying to become pregnant for a long time, she probably knows the term basal typetours and charting to calculate ovulation.

basal temperature

Basal temperature reflects the temperature of a person in a dream( after a long rest).Measurements are carried out:

  • on the mucosa( in the rectum, in the mouth, in the vagina)
  • in the morning after awakening
  • lying, trying to do as few movements as possible

IMPORTANT: The most reliable are the measurements performed rectally.

Based on daily temperature measurements at the same time, you can build an appropriate schedule, calculate ovulation, and assume pregnancy.

The second phase of the cycle or luteal is characterized by the action of the hormone progesterone, which manifests itself in an increase in temperature as compared to the first phase.

  • If conception and pregnancy does not occur, the temperature drops 2-3 days and the monthly
  • begins. If the basal temperature is around 37.0-37.2 ° C, it is possible to judge the pregnancy

Does the abdomen hurt during pregnancy before the delay?

abdominal pain
  • Soreness in the lower abdomen, lumbago and spasms - absolutely unnecessary satellites of the onset of pregnancy
  • Very often, women just do not feel the aching pain that is characteristic of the approaching menstruation, which makes them think about the onset of pregnancy
  • In some cases,future embryo to the uterus
  • In any case, abdominal pain in the absence of other signs can not indicate the presence of pregnancy, but it does not exclude the reverse,

Is there any discharge in the early stages of pregnancy before the delay?

A woman can discover:

  • bloody discharge of brown or pink color in small amounts 6-9 days after conception( ovulation) - embryo implantation
  • abundant dense white discharge from the vagina - action of progesterone

IMPORTANT: If during the expected period of menstruation you have found significant changes in the nature of the menstrual period:scarcity and short duration - pregnancy is not excluded, you should do a test and see a doctor.

Breast during pregnancy before delay

changes in chest

Female breast refers to quite sensitive organs of the body. However, changes in the mammary glands usually become noticeable only after the 6th week of pregnancy( approximately 2 weeks after the delay).

The normal breast reaction to the development of a new life in the female body include:

  • swelling
  • soreness
  • darkening of the nipples and areas near
  • colostrum allocation

Before the delay there is a chance to feel only a small weight and pain. But these symptoms are also characteristic of rapid menstruation, and therefore are considered uninformative.

ultrasound will determine pregnancy before delay?

Ultrasound examination has great potential and is used to confirm pregnancy and monitor the development of the fetus throughout the gestation period.

However, do not rush to record on ultrasound in the early stages without any apparent reasons for this, because before the delay it:

  • little informative
  • unsafe
  • It is possible to examine the fetal egg when it reaches the size of 5 mm, usually the doctors focus on the level of hCG and do not conduct ultrasounduntil it reaches 2000 mg / mL.In other words, ultrasound before 5 weeks gestation may not yet show the presence of pregnancy
  • Moreover, there is a risk of adverse effects on the natural course of events if the ultrasound was done very early, for example, at the time of embryo attempt to attach to the uterus
  • For this reason, earlyUltrasound is usually performed with suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy. In other cases, intervention in the first weeks is associated with an unreasonable risk of

. Is the ovulation test showing whether the pregnancy is delayed?

The approximation of ovulation is determined by the increase in luteinizing hormone( hereinafter - LH) in the urine. It is on the search for this hormone that reagents are calculated in the corresponding test.

test for ovulation

It would seem that the pregnancy test and the test for ovulation, hCG and LH can not be connected in any way. But as the experience of many future mothers who love to experiment, the test for ovulation can show two strips in the presence of pregnancy.

This is explained by the fact that:

  • test for ovulation is very sensitive
  • LH in structure has something in common with hormone HCG

If ovulation has already passed, before menstruation a few more days, and at home there were tests for ovulation, you can check for pregnancy on them. A positive result should be the reason to buy a pregnancy test, and this test should be taken into account when diagnosing pregnancy.

IMPORTANT: Do not rule out the possibility that ovulation has shifted to a later date in the cycle, and the test shows nevertheless ovulation, rather than pregnancy.

Popular signs of pregnancy

signs of pregnancy

Despite the impressive possibilities of diagnosing pregnancy in comparison with past centuries, folk methods do not lose their relevance. There is some magic and mystery in how our ancestors satisfied their curiosity in determining pregnancy, which attracts the attention of many impatient women.

In addition, when pregnancy is long-awaited, potential parents resort to all possible methods to quickly make sure of the imminent appearance of a miracle.

Popular signs of pregnancy before the delay

Among the known and popular popular signs of pregnancy at the earliest possible dates are the following:

  • dreams of fish or water
  • hair is hanging around the ring and placed above the belly of the woman if the ring begins to move independently - there is a pregnancy
  • woman feels in the mouth the taste of metal
  • is conducted home tests with urine, iodine and soda

are used as reagents.using iodine?

Method No. 1

  • urine collected in
  • container dripping iodine in it
  • dissolves - no pregnancy
  • remains at the top - there is a pregnancy
test with iodine

Method No. 2

  • urine collected in
  • vessel, paper is dropped into it,
  • is dropped onto iodine paper
  • blue color - no pregnancy
  • purple color - there is a pregnancy

Homemade pregnancy test with soda

  • urine collected in a container
  • pour a pinch of soda
  • hiss, bubbles - no pregnancy
  • no response and formationsludge - there is a pregnancy

Thus, even before the expected delay, there are many ways and signs of finding a pregnancy. However, if you really want, you can almost always find a sign of pregnancy, even if it is not. Therefore, it is not necessary to hurry. You still have time to enjoy this amazing state in the next nine months.

Video: The first symptoms of pregnancy before the delay

  • Mar 04, 2018
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