Adenoids( or adenoidal disorders) are a common disease that is diagnosed in children under the age of 15 years. According to statistics, this pathology is most common in the age of up to 7 years and it is related to the anatomical features of the developing organism. Typically, doctors recommend surgical removal of adenoids, but parents should remember that it is possible to preserve the lymphoid tissue of the nasopharynx, having undergone treatment at home.

What is the most common folk remedy for adenoids, you can find out by reading the article.

Contents of

  • 1 Types of
  • 2 Why does it occur?
  • 3 What are the symptoms?
  • 4 How to recognize?
  • 5 How to treat?
    • 5.1 Folk remedies
    • 5.2 Medications and homeopathy
  • 6 Complications of the disease
  • 7 Video


adenoids in children symptoms and treatment Classify adenoids in children in degrees - it all depends on the level of inflammation and organ proliferation.

  • 1 degree
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    - adenoids slightly enlarged in size, have a hyperemic color of the mucosa( it is very reddened), but there is a complete absence of white or purulent deposits;
  • 2 degree - adenoids are already enlarged significantly, their surface becomes smoother( in norm it is a "set" of folds), the color of the mucosa is red;
  • 3 degree - the organ has grown to full overlapping of the nasal passages, the surface of the adenoids is absolutely smooth, the mucosa is pink.

How to cure adenoids in children 2 3 degrees, is indicated in the description in this article.

Important: it is the precise definition of the degree that will allow you to select an effective treatment. It is possible that it will be possible to undergo a therapeutic course of treatment even at home, but when diagnosing grade 3 adenoids, an operation for removal is indicated.

Why does it occur?

how to treat adenoids in a child

Chronic rhinitis in a child can trigger inflammation of adenoids

The only reason for the proliferation of lymphoid tissue of the nasopharynx( it is called adenoids) is often a recurrent disease. Moreover, it does not matter which even banal chronic rhinitis( rhinitis) or carious teeth can provoke an increase / inflammation of adenoids .

How correctly and in what dosages is used thuya oil for adenoids, you can learn from this article.

It is noted that in some cases, constant sources of infection lead to an increase in the lymphoid tissue of the nasopharynx only during sleep - in this case the child will be absolutely free to breathe and only at night the parents detect snoring and anxiety.

What are the symptoms?

Symptoms of the disease in question can be very different:

  • snoring during sleep;
  • shortness of breath during wakefulness with no visible signs of colds;
  • breathing is only through the nose;
  • colds, runny nose and flu in the child and occur more often, and are more difficult, tonsillitis of non-viral etiology may develop.
inflammation of adenoids in children

Example of an "adenoid" face in a child

Over time, as the pathological process worsens, in an ill child may form an "adenoid face" - the mouth is constantly open, the lower jaw hangs slightly. There is a speech "in the nose", indistinct pronunciation of some sounds - this leads to the fact that the child is shy of his appearance, suffers ridicule from others, turns into a morose person, avoids communicating with peers.

How is treatment of adenoids of 3 degrees without surgery, you can learn from this article.

Important: signs of adenoids proliferation develop gradually and parents should take the patient to the doctor already with the first symptoms - for example, with the appearance of an unmotivated night cough or snoring, with frequent colds and a clear decrease in immunity.

How to recognize?

how to treat adenoids in a child What happens during a visit to a doctor?

  1. First, the patient is examined for lymph nodes on the neck, using a regular spoon or a metal spatula, the specialist examines the pharynx and palatine tonsils. This will immediately eliminate the infectious diseases that occur in the oral cavity and pharynx.
  2. Secondly, adenoids are examined using a special tool - a miniature mirror on a long "leg".The doctor enters it into the nasopharynx and can find out what condition the adenoids are in - whether they are enlarged in size, whether there is hyperemia or white( purulent) plaque. Please note: an experienced technician will do this procedure carefully, so worry about the inconvenience to the patient is not worth worrying about.
  3. Third, the doctor can carry out the feeling of adenoids( palpation) - the procedure is extremely unpleasant, but necessary for determining the structure of the enlarged lymphoid tissue.

Endoscopy of the nasopharynx is also used - the most reliable method for diagnosing adenoid outgrowth. Not only the doctor will be able to "contemplate" the clinical picture( as in the case with a special mirror), but parents can adequately assess the condition of the adenoids.

price of antibiotics for maxillary sinusitis in tablets What is the price of antibiotics for maxillary sinusitis in tablets, you can find out by reading this article.

How the cuckoo method is treated for sinusitis, you can learn from this article.

How the Yamik procedure is done is specified here: http: // lechenie-n / yamik-procedura.html

How to treat?

Treatment of adenoids can and should be done! Only an extreme degree of the disease can cause surgical intervention - adenoids will be completely atrophied, so there is no sense in carrying out therapeutic measures. If the level of neglect of the disease is low, then it is possible to take medical measures in the home.

Folk remedies

treatment of adenoids with celandine in children

Purity is one of the effective folk remedies for inflammation of adenoids

Please note that the treatment of adenoids is a slow process and will require therapy for a long time. The most effective methods that can be used at home include:

  1. Treatment of adenoids by rinsing out sage Throat / throat rinses infusion of eucalyptus leaves. You need to pour 60-100 grams of dry eucalyptus leaf with a liter of boiling water and insist in a thermos. After 6 hours you can start rinsing - every time after eating and always at night. This method will help get rid of the problem in six months.
  2. Aloe juice. It should be buried in the nose three times a day, but note - the dosage should not exceed 2 drops in each nostril per procedure. Within a few days the symptoms of adenoids will be significantly reduced, but it is necessary to carry out this procedure within a year - only in this case it will be possible to achieve complete disposal.
  3. Juice / decoction of celandine. Freshly squeezed celandine juice can be instilled in the nose-4 drops per day on each nostril( divided into two doses) for a minimum of one and a half months. And if you cook a decoction( 2 tablespoons of dry canteens in two glasses of water), then they should wash the nasopharynx. Important: these two methods can not be used simultaneously.
  4. Instruction of tea tree / sea-buckthorn / thai oil .This method is quite laborious. First, it is necessary to conduct preparatory procedures:
  • rinse the nose with saline solution;
  • to drip vasoconstrictive drugs( this will relieve congestion of the nose).

adenoids in children And only after that( you need to wait for free breathing) you can dig in the oil according to the following treatment scheme:

  • sea buckthorn - 3( maximum 5) ml in each nostril twice a day for two weeks;
  • thuja - the same dosage and duration;
  • tea tree - everything repeats.

According to unconfirmed reports, there were cases when a child was cured of adenoids with the help of goat milk - it is enough to drink every day a glass of fresh milk from a goat. But this method is not approved by official medicine, therefore it is necessary to treat it skeptically.

What are the symptoms of the cause of prevention and treatment of sinusitis, you can learn from this article.

Complete inactivity against the proliferation of lymphoid tissue of the nasopharynx leads to various complications.

Medications and homeopathy

drugs for the treatment of adenoids in children When conducting medical treatment it is important to follow the recommendations of a specialist. As a rule, the following drugs are used:

  • vasoconstrictive - to restore respiratory function;
  • antibacterial( antibiotics) - are suitable in case of detection of a viral / infectious etiology of the disease;
  • immunocorrectional - the strength of the body is weakened, immunity is reduced and therefore it is necessary to strengthen it;
  • vitamin - it can be a line of vitamins B, ascorbic acid.

In the treatment of enlarged lymphoid tissue of the nasopharynx, homeopathic remedies can also be used. But it must be remembered that they should be appointed by a professional homeopath, be approved by the official representatives of medicine.

What is the price of drops from sinusitis Renoflumacil, please see the article.

Complications of

Complications in the treatment of adenoids The neglect of adenoid treatment can lead to the following complications:

  • often occurring allergic, catarrhal, infectious and viral diseases - sore throats / tonsillitis, laryngitis and others;
  • hearing loss;
  • change in speech - appears nasal, some soft sounds are not pronounced;
  • purulent otitis media;
  • change the appearance.

In the older age there is gloominess, isolation, refusal to communicate with peers and others around. Against the background of psychoemotional disorders, enuresis and laryngospasm may develop.


What is the risk of inflammation of the adenoids? How it or him correctly to treat? See detailed video:

Adenoids are a disease that can be treated fairly well. Official medicine recognizes both medicinal and folk remedies during therapy. The combination of these two methods is considered to be the most effective. But before the procedures are carried out, it is necessary to obtain the permission of the attending physician and recommendations regarding the dosages and the duration of the course of treatment.