It is in the autumn-winter period that there is a high risk of developing colds and flu. Every year more and more people are affected by this insidious disease. The danger is that it does not appear immediately, so for timely treatment it is important to know what incubation period of the flu and what its symptoms are.


  • 1 Contents
    • 1 Species
    • 2 Species and its incubation periods
      • 2.1 Pork
      • 2.2 Bird
      • 2.3 Seasonal
      • 2.4 Gastric intestinal
    • 3 After being vaccinated against the flu

How the

incubation period of influenza

manifests itself This is an acute infectious disease for developmentwhich is influenced by the influenza virus. To date, about 2000 species of the virus have been detected, each of which has its own antipenic spectrum. Often this disease goes into the epidemic.

It can be recognized by the symptoms of acute intoxication, and for the pathology the following manifestations are characteristic:

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  • mucosal edema;
  • rhinitis;
  • temperature rise;
  • cough.

Symptoms of influenza often mix, it leads to the development of complications. To the most frequent consequences can be attributed tonsillitis, pneumonia and bronchitis.

On the video incubation period of the flu:

Species and its incubation periods

There are about 2000 species of the virus that are in the flu. Each of them has its own symptomatology, incubation period and treatment.


Influence on the development of this flu can the virus h1n1.It affects the pathological process not only of humans, but also of animals. You can get infected by contact of a healthy person with a sick person. For the first time, doctors started talking about swine flu in 2009, when a massive epidemic occurred and sick pigs were found. Symptomatics practically does not differ from the classical one, but it can have quite serious consequences, up to a fatal outcome. swine flu

The swine flu virus may have several subtypes, but the most dangerous that can be transmitted from person to person remains the H1N1 strain. Swine flu is a contagious viral disease, which can be picked up by airborne droplets.

In the role of virus sources may act:

  • affected animals;
  • meat of affected animals that was not subjected to heat treatment;
  • sick people - during coughing or sneezing they are the spreaders of the virus;
  • items used by sick people - cups, towels, objects, which penetrated the discharge.

Although it is called pig, epidemiological situations are formed when two people contact, at the end of the incubation period and at the initial stage of the disease.

Since the moment the virus has become infected and the first symptoms have formed, a certain amount of time must pass. It is this time interval in medical terminology that has been called the incubation period. For swine flu, it is 2-4 days. But here everything depends on the condition of the patient, his immune forces and age. There are situations when the first symptoms begin to manifest after 7 days from the time of infection.

folk remedies against flu and colds What folk remedies against flu and cold are used most often, and which ones are the most popular, is indicated here in the article.

And here's what reviews about the Flu Hel in pregnancy exist now, you can find out by clicking on the link.

What kind of vaccine against influenza that nursing mother needs to use, and how harmful it is to health, will help to understand this article: http: // privivka-ot-grippa-kormyashhej-mame.html

Perhaps you will also be interested to know more about the medicine Amiksin from influenza andcolds.


The bird flu virus influences the development. Birds can be infected with type A viruses and its varieties. To date, there are three main subtypes of the ailment in question: H5, H7 and H9.H5 and H7 are very dangerous. bird flu

The H5N1 virus is the most dangerous of all avian influenza viruses. Its transmission can occur from wild to poultry, and then to humans. At the same time, wild birds were able to develop protection against the action of a destructive virus, so it does not carry a mortal danger for them. Transmission occurs when a healthy person is in contact with a sick person.

In addition, it is impossible to catch bird flu when a person ate meat from a sick bird. Under the influence of high temperature the virus is destroyed. The first symptoms of avian influenza make themselves felt in 2-17 days from the time the infection occurred.


seasonal flu

This flu is characterized by symptoms such as fever, pain in the muscles and joints, general malaise, rhinitis and an unproductive cough. And although most people recover within a week without outside help, one should not lose sight of the fact that the flu is not a cold, as it is much more dangerous and leads to the development of complications, which include: pneumonia, ear infections, dehydrationand exacerbation of chronic ailments.

With a seasonal problem, the incubation period is short. If the disease is caused by H1N1 and H3N2 viruses, the first symptoms appear 2-3 days after infection.

Gastric intestinal

gastric flu

This type of influenza is a simplified name for a disease, which in medical terminology is referred to as rotavirus infection. Influences on the development of intestinal flu can be various viruses, but most often it is the microorganisms of the order Rotavirus. When they multiply, the inflammatory process develops in the digestive tract.

Children are exposed to intestinal flu. They last much longer and are characterized by severe symptoms. The clinical picture of pathology has a pronounced character. But if the virus has infected people with strong immunity, the disease will proceed in a latent form. In this case, the patient himself does not even suspect that he is the carrier of the disease. The incubation period lasts for 5-7 days.

And here's how to fight flu in the home, and what medicines are the most effective, is described in great detail in this article.

It is worth to understand what antibiotics for flu and colds for children should be used first and how to choose them, is very detailed here in the article.

What are the most common signs of influenza in adults, and how can you cope with the disease yourself, is indicated in this article.

And here's how to apply Cycloferon against flu and colds, and also as far as this tool is effective, will help to understand this information.

What signs of intestinal flu in children are and how they can be determined.very detailed here in the article.

After vaccination against the flu

Vaccination is an effective method for activating your body's defenses to cope with the infection, and prepare it for the meeting. At this it is not necessary to think that the vaccination will allow 100% to get rid of the disease. Here everything depends on how immunity behaves.

The composition of the flu vaccine may differ, but all vaccines are divided into two types:

  • live - they contain weakened microorganisms, as well as pathogens that do not cause the disease, but lead to the formation of persistent immunity against influenza.
  • inactivated - killed.

On the video incubation period after vaccination against the flu:

As for the incubation period, after the inoculation it is 2-5 days.

Influenza is a very dangerous disease, the development of which is affected by viruses. Depending on this virus distinguish pig, intestinal, avian and other species. It is impossible to completely protect against it by vaccination. In addition, for a successful outcome it is important to know the incubation period of each type of pathology, because some of them are secretive.