Catarrhal disease at first glance may seem a harmless ailment. But this is provided that the treatment was adequate and started on time. But if you start inflammation, then it can end badly. One of the most common complications of colds is loss of smell and taste. For a while, a person ceases to smell the nose and feel the taste of the receptors that are on the tongue. This situation can be corrected if we understand in time what the pathological process was and proceed to its elimination.


  • 1 Possible causes
    • 1 Possible causes
    • 2 Therapeutic methods
      • 2.1 Effective preparations
      • 2.2 Exercises
      • 2.3 Warming
    • 3 Popular methods

Possible causes

Loss of smell and taste for many people is not just an unpleasant complication, but the lack of the opportunity to enjoy your favorite food andfragrances. A pathological process arises as a result of a cold disease, especially if the rhinitis and cough are not treated in time. During the course of the illness, the mucous membrane of the nose and throat becomes swollen. And due to the fact that a large concentration of mucus is produced.

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But this is far from being one reason for the loss of taste and smell. This may be a curvature or fracture of the nasal septum, polyps in the noses and various neoplasms. With such phenomena, a strong swelling of the nasal mucosa is observed, as a result of which the smell is unable to penetrate the area of ​​olfactory cells. Thus, information about it is not received in the brain. It is often possible to find situations when there is an innate absence of odor. In this case, it will be impossible to cure pathology.

Under standard conditions, when after a cold the sense of smell and taste goes away, you should not worry. It takes a week of active therapy to restore the sense of taste and smell. If there is no perception of the smell, then you need to seek medical help from a doctor. He can accurately determine the cause of the disease and prescribe an effective treatment. If the cause of loss of taste and smell is associated with allergic edema in the nasal cavity, then treatment should be comprehensive and include antihistamines.

When the reason for the loss of smell is the presence of polyps in the nose, then the operation will be able to correct the situation. With chronic rhinitis, a sense of smell can be restored if the pathological process proceeds at the initial stage.

And here if to start an inflammation it will have irreversible consequences for a mucous nose. Then it will be impossible to regain the sense of taste and smell, or long-term therapy will be required.

Therapy methods

After the patient has passed all the necessary diagnostic methods and the exact cause of the pathology has been determined, the doctor prescribes adequate treatment. In this case, it must necessarily be complex.

And whether it is possible to apply Paracetamol and Aspirin for cold together, will help to understand this article.

How is the prevention of flu and colds during pregnancy, and what tools should be used in the first place, is very detailed here in the article.

It will also be interesting to understand and know how to use Ibuprofen for flu and cold: http: // ibuprofen-pri-prostude.html

You may also be interested in knowing what drugs that relieve the symptoms of colds are currently in pharmacies.

Effective drugs

You can only use medicines after they are approved by your doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable, as this can lead to the development of edema, which greatly simplifies the course of the disease. That the pathological process was not long, it is necessary to apply soft and sparing preparations.

Among the most effective can be attributed:

  • Oxoline ointment;

    On photo-oksolinovaja ointment

  • Bioparox( and here as there is a treatment of a genyantritis Bioparoksom, will help or assist to understand the given article);

    On the photo-bioparox

  • Suprastin;

    In the photo-suprastin

  • , Aqualor Spray( also it will be interesting to know how to wash the nose with Aquolor to a child);

    On the photo - the spray gun

  • Zincteral;
  • Good.


The most safe way of therapy will be physical exercise. They can be performed not only at home, but even at work, in public transport. All that is needed for this, just stretch the muscles of the nose, linger for 1 minute, and then relax.

You can get the maximum result provided that the exercise is performed for 10-15 approaches.


To regenerate the sense of smell, you can use a table lamp to conduct a warm-up. To do this, you need to sit down from the lamp at a distance of ¼ m. The light should be directed so that it penetrates into the nose.

During the manipulation, protect the eyes with sunglasses. Warm up every day for 15 minutes. This will quickly and completely restore the work of taste buds.

And here to eliminate the loss of smell, it is effective to apply warming with the help of ludney. You need to rub your palms thoroughly, one on the other, and then attach to the nose. As the palms cool down again, they rub. And here's how the salt is heated by sinusitis, and how to do it correctly for the best result will help understand this article.

On video, how to return the taste and smell for cold:

Folk methods

Complex therapy must necessarily include methods of traditional medicine. Thanks to them, it is possible to accelerate the process of recovery and eliminate the cause of the pathological process. But only apply them with extreme caution and after consulting a doctor. As a rule, it is recommended to use inhalation, rinse solutions at home.

Effective are such procedures:

  1. Oil inhalation .If you began to notice that after a cold you do not smell, then you can use inhalation with the addition of ethers. This will allow you to quickly restore the sense of smell when rhinitis. For these purposes can use such oils: eucalyptus, mint, fir, juniper. All that is required of you is to put a couple of drops of ether in hot water. Head tilt over the container and absorb the vapor. You can get the maximum effect if you lie down under a blanket after a procedure and rest. With severe nasal congestion, it is necessary to conduct inhalations every day. After 7 days, you can feel noticeable improvements, and the person can again smell. What inhalations for barking cough in children are the most popular and effective, is described in great detail here in the article.

    On photo-oil inhalations

  2. To remove the accumulated slime from the nose, you can activate the rinsing. For this, use a syringe or syringe. Use warm water and sea salt as a solution. This product refers to natural, it is excellent to wash the nose and disinfect it. To prepare the solution, take 2 glasses of water and 10 g of sea salt. In this case, the salt must be finely ground. If you do not have time to prepare a solution at home, you can buy a ready-made drug Akvalor in the pharmacy. How correctly to wash a nose to the child Akvalorom, will help to understand a video, in given article.

    On the photo, the nose wash bowl

The loss of taste and smell after a cold is a common complication. It arises as a result of untimely treatment of the underlying ailment, when due to the inflammatory process a strong puffiness is formed. As a result, fragrances are not able to penetrate this puffiness. Treatment should be comprehensive, including inhalation, heating, medication and folk remedies.