Symptoms and treatment of nervous system depletion

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Nervous exhaustion is a special psycho-emotional state of a person, which is formed during difficult periods of life: stress, hard work, study, large amounts of information, especially negative character, etc. Depletion of the nervous system significantly reduces the quality of human life, worsening the general condition and possibilityfully work, communicate and relax. It can be both a symptom and a cause of depression.

  • Causes of
  • Symptoms of
  • Consequences of
  • Treatment of
  • Nutrition of
  • Prevention of
  • Treatment of folk remedies

Causes of

Prolonged physical and nervous tension combined with insomnia in a minimum period of time can drain the reserve of a person's internal reserves, which results in exhaustion of the body. The causes of nervous exhaustion include:

  • Strong physical stress, for example, childbirth in women.
  • Overwork due to prolonged work.
  • Frequent stress and anxiety.
  • High level of responsibility.
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  • Postponed severe illness.

  • Surgical operations.
  • Emotional injuries.
  • Increased mental stress.
Due to the fact that the person's reserve of forces is individual, not all of the above reasons can contribute to an increased expenditure of reserves. In addition, it is necessary to know that nervous exhaustion is a slowly developing state of the body, which at the first stage is manifested only by weakness, fatigue and slight irritability. Gradually, it leads to depression, and in the absence of normal rest passes into serious nervous exhaustion.
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Symptoms of

Various signs of nervous exhaustion can manifest themselves or accompany each other. The main symptoms are:

  • Chronic( accumulated fatigue).
  • The state of apathy, loss of interest in surrounding people and events.
  • Drowsiness, a feeling of chronic lack of sleep, even after a long night's rest.
  • Constant negative thoughts.
  • Severe fatigue.
  • A short-term dream, sensitive, not bringing rest and relief.
  • Nightmares.
  • Insomnia, despite the constant desire to sleep.
  • Anxiety and suspiciousness.
  • Decreased performance.
  • Excessive irritability to almost all external factors, from voice to smell of food, etc.
  • Severe headache, mostly in the forehead and temples.
  • Pain sensations in the joints or muscles.
  • Tinnitus, auditory hallucinations.
  • Indigestion, manifested by vomiting, nausea, diarrhea or diarrhea.
  • Disorders of orientation in space and coordination of movements.
  • Violation of sexual function in men and women.
  • Frequent acute respiratory infections or ARVI due to reduced immunity.
  • Horseracing, tachycardia, hypertension, arrhythmia, chest pain.
  • Appearance of sweating.
  • Sensation of cold and numbness in the extremities.
  • Violation of the speech apparatus.
  • Sudden flashes of anger.

Symptoms of nervous exhaustion in women and men, which are manifested by signs of vegetative-vascular dystonia( unstable blood pressure, tachycardia, etc.), can also be accompanied by a strong drop in body temperature, in some cases up to 35 degrees. This indicates a physical weakness due to disruption of the CNS.

With nervous exhaustion, distracted attention and the so-called "chronic forgetfulness" syndrome may appear. It becomes difficult for a person to remember and master even the simplest training program.
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Consequences of

  • Communication problems. The person strongly spoils the character, the perception of the surrounding world changes and the emotional evaluation of the events taking place. The patient becomes irritated, angry, there are problems in communication, including with the closest people and best friends. As a result, a person closes in himself and becomes a hermit.
  • Loss of personality. With a severe form of exhaustion, the attitude towards life attitudes and life as a whole changes, and mental illness begins. There are manic states, reckless ideas and obsessions. The person of a person begins to degrade right up to insanity.
  • Serious diseases. Severe nervous exhaustion entails the development of dysbacteriosis, thrush, herpes, and oropharyngeal diseases. In addition, such disorders cause disruption of the endocrine and vegetovascular system of the body. Against the background of the depletion of the nervous system, thyroid diseases can occur, sharp jumps in blood sugar and cholesterol, and frequent changes in body weight can be observed.
  • Bad habits. Some people try to drown out experiences with the help of alcohol, nicotine, drugs, etc. Such an approach will not ease the condition, but will only exacerbate the situation, leading the person to a prolonged depression from which it is impossible to go without medication and psychiatric therapy. The use of narcotic drugs threatens the development of heavy dependence, which is almost impossible to get rid of.
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Read also about how to quickly remove stress or nervous tension by sparing methods
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Nervous exhaustion can cause great harm to a person, so therapy is not always easy, in some cases, inpatient treatment is required. As a drug treatment, various drugs are prescribed, including:

  • Nootropics( Ceraxon, Nootropil, Pyracetam, Bifren, etc.).
  • Antidepressants.
  • Calming agents( Motherwort, Valerian, Phytosed, Novopassit, etc.).
  • Vasodilator preparations( Tanakan, Mexidol, etc.).
  • Vitamin Complexes( Duovit, Polivit, Milgamma, etc.).

All these groups of medicines have a large number of contraindications and side effects, so the choice of medication and dosage is done only by a doctor, depending on the general condition of the body and the severity of the disease.

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In addition, a doctor diagnosed with nervous exhaustion may prescribe psychoactive drugs that inhibit the central nervous system( Nosepam, Valium, Chlosepide, Diazepam, Ativan, etc.).These medications have sedative, hypnotic, anti-seizure and muscle relaxant properties, and also reduce feelings of fear and anxiety.

In addition to the traditional treatment for nervous exhaustion, homeopathic remedies are often used, such as Nux Vomica, Baritou Carb, Lycopodium, etc.

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The lack of nutrients in the body leads to a metabolic imbalance, and to the subsequent disturbance of the person's emotional state. Proper nutrition, including the necessary amount of vitamins and trace elements, will help to resume work with the exhaustion of the nervous system.

The daily menu for nervous exhaustion should be varied and include vegetable food, cereals and seafood. To reduce the burden on the nervous system, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of fatty foods and simple carbohydrates, as well as salty foods. In addition, it is necessary to exclude semi-finished products, sausages, caffeine, chocolate, alcohol and spicy seasonings from the diet. Of drinks, preference should be given to fresh juices, tincture of dog rose and compotes.

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Prevention of

Poor sleep, abnormal mode of the day and frequent lack of sleep destroy the body and provoke the development of nervous diseases.

To prevent this, the following rules should be adhered to as a preventive measure:

  • Correctly alternate the time of rest and work.
  • Provide yourself a sound and healthy sleep. By night full rest should be taken very seriously, as a constant lack of sleep leads to fatigue and fatigue.
  • Eat right.
  • Do sports - exercise relieves stress, helps relax and increases vitality.
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Treatment with folk remedies

To overcome nervous system disorders, infusions and decoctions prepared from medicinal herbs will help. Freshly made sage tea soothes, relaxes and helps relieve tension. Decoction of rosehips saturates the body with vitamin C, which strengthens the human immune system, and magnolia extract helps to eliminate unnecessary nervous excitability. Calming effect is also possessed by astragalus, motherwort, letter, sporish, valerian, St. John's wort.

  • May 14, 2018
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