Angina is a serious and insidious disease, unfortunately, undeservedly considered quite common manifestation of the common cold. This is fundamentally the wrong approach, because it is precisely the angina that we owe to a number of serious complications, from the weakening and vulnerability of the vocal cords, to cardiovascular problems. Correct diagnosis and treatment of angina is necessary for patients at any age, but it is especially important to provide competent medical care to the most vulnerable - children.

How is the treatment of herpes sore throat in children, you can learn from this article.

There are many kinds of angina, the conditional qualification includes bacterial and viral manifestations of the disease. Depending on the nature of the pathogen, treatment is determined. One of the most dangerous and life-threatening patients and even life, it should be considered herpes or herpangina. Just about this variety of angina we will talk in our article.

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  • 1 Developmental factors
  • 2 Symptoms
  • 3 How to treat
  • 4 Opinion of Komarovsky

Factors of development of

Youngest babies are most vulnerable to such a disease, it can occur in newborns and infants. Infection occurs fecal - oral or simple contact with the carrier.

In the photo - it shows how herpes sore throat in children:

herpes sore throat

Herpangina are caused by enteric enteroviruses of Coxsackie( groups A and B), as well as numerous species of echoviruses. The red rash covering the patient's mouth is very similar to herpes rashes, which is why the name appeared, although this virus is implicated only in 5% of the common herpengine diseases.

From this article you can learn infectious angina or not.

The video tells about the causes of herpes sore throat in children:

How streptococcal angina looks like, you can see in this article.

Among the most common causes of the disease - non-compliance with individual hygiene. Usually preschoolers actively explore the world and "try to tooth" all the objects in sight. It is on them and can be the causative agent of the disease. The second source will be domestic animals, which even in an apartment setting can not boast of absolute sterility.

You can "catch" the virus and from an infected person, so it is not uncommon for cases of mass illnesses in one child's collective. Throughout the period of the disease, the patient is a danger to others, so it is necessary to prevent contacts and further spread of the virus.

How the treatment of phlegmonous sore throat occurs, you can learn from this article.

Prevention of the disease can be considered strict adherence to individual hygiene, washing hands after the street, the toilet and before eating. The earlier the child is accustomed to these simple rules, the less likely it is to catch this insidious virus. The most important thing is to observe hygiene during the seasonal colds epidemics. Herpes sore throat in the child compulsory medical attention

There is another characteristic feature in herpes sore throat: most often it is ill in the summer and autumn periods, when the risk is high that it will catch echoviruses directly on the street, along with fruits and vegetables that have not undergone proper heat treatment.

How streptocid tablets are applied in angina, you can find out by reading this article.

Despite the fact that the most severely affected herp-gin is children( especially younger than a year), the body subsequently develops a permanent lifelong immunity to this disease. The number of affected adolescents and adults is much lower than that of younger children.

Symptoms of

The onset of the disease manifests itself, like most colds, and the nature of the origin of this type of sore throat is accurately recognized only after a special laboratory examination. Therefore, diagnosis is extremely difficult and will depend on the experience and qualifications of the doctor. Sore throat and head pain from sore throat

The characteristic features of the herpangina are:

  • Sore throat and a specific red rash, similar to herpes rashes.
  • Digestive system disorders, vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Muscle pains of different localization, especially in the abdominal region.
  • Increased salivation.
  • Enlargement of lymph nodes.
  • In children up to a year, convulsions may occur( the specific effect of the virus on the nervous system).
  • General weakness and fatigue.

How is treated with angina Amoxicillin, you can learn from the article.

Consequences of the transferred angina can be shown in various nervous disorders, lesions of internal organs and heart diseases, therefore it is so important to recognize and cure the disease in time. One of the most terrible consequences will be serous meningitis - a dangerous disease with a high risk of death or paralysis.

How to treat

After the examination of the patient, the doctor usually gives directions for a laboratory examination. It includes a blood and urine test, but for a complete clinical picture, an additional blood test is required for the presence of viruses. These are quite expensive tests and they are usually prescribed for severe or controversial cases. About how long the disease lasts, the doctor will be able to answer exactly.

From the article it becomes clear whether it is possible to do a compress with purulent angina or not.

On the video - the symptoms and treatment of herpes sore throat in children:

How does the throat rinse with angina chlorhexidine, you can find out by reading this article.

The specific treatment of herpes sore throat will be the removal of symptoms and soreness, and not the elimination of the virus itself. This non-standard approach is aimed at forming further immunity to the disease. The use of antibacterial drugs( antibiotics) usually does not produce results and carries an additional burden on internal organs.

Depending on the age and condition, the patient may be hospitalized. It is especially important to take timely measures if the child has disorders of the nervous system, high fever and severe soreness of the lymph nodes.

What medications should be taken:

  • Antipyretics , the release form of which will depend on the age of the child. Children up to a year are best helped by candles( if there is no diarrhea) or special syrups. antipyretics
  • Antihistamines , if there is a strong swelling of the larynx, it is necessary to take such drugs, and in emergency cases it is better to go to the hospital. Antihistamines for sore throats
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs like "Ibuprofen" will help to relieve muscle pain and promote a speedy recovery. Ibuprofen from sore throat
  • Analgesics to reduce unpleasant symptoms and alleviate the patient's condition. You can use traditional medicine.
  • antiseptics will help with the treatment of erosive wounds that appear at the site of rashes in the mucous throat. A good effect will give regular rinses and lubrication of affected areas with special solutions, pharmacy or home-made.
  • Antiviral drugs are prescribed if the excretory stamps are known.
  • Additional vitaminization will help to overcome the disease more quickly.
  • Heating preparations and wraps of , on the contrary, contribute to the reproduction and progression of the virus, so it is contraindicated. Warming preparations for angina

Of great importance is the regime of the patient. In the case of herpes sore throats are contraindicated and food, as they can increase the pain in the throat. All foods should be at room temperature, ration is better divided into small portions, and also does not overload the stomach with heavy meals.

How to treat angina at 14 weeks of pregnancy, you can find out by reading this article.

The child should provide bed rest and comfortable conditions, including regular airing and easy food for the stomach, divided into small portions. In severe gastric disorders, it is important to maintain the correct water balance to avoid dehydration.

The duration of the disease will be strictly individual, but the general background will be as follows:

  1. Rapid fever and the appearance of the first rash on the throat. At first they look like small red dots that change the next day into translucent vesicles with liquid( resemble rashes with herpes).
  2. Two days later the vesicles burst and small sores form in their place. They are localized not only in the throat, but also on the tonsils, extremely painful and make it difficult to eat and drink.
  3. After this, the healing process gradually begins, the temperature is normalized, and soreness is gone.
  4. All the active time of illness, the patient is the source of infection, so it is extremely necessary to isolate the other members of the family and carefully process the room and personal items.
  5. The average duration of the disease will be from 7 to 12 days. This will be possible provided timely diagnosis and proper treatment.

What can be the effects of angina in the first trimester of pregnancy, indicated in the article.

The main feature of this disease will be the possibility of forming antibodies to the virus - the causative agent, therefore, cases of repeated infection are extremely rare.

Opinion of Komarovsky

A well-known pediatrician Eugene Komarovsky believes that such a disease as angina should in no case be treated with home remedies aimed at removing symptoms. Angina is not an ARVI, therefore, treatment should be appropriate. If the pathogens are microbes, antibiotics should be taken. In the viral nature of angina, such drugs will not help, but antiviral drugs will cure the disease as quickly as possible.

On the video - Dr. Komarovsky talks about herpes sore throat in children:

Herpes sore throat is a serious and dangerous disease that can leave a lot of consequences. That is why it is extremely necessary to provide the right treatment aimed at alleviating the painful symptoms. With a competent approach, the disease goes away in 7-12 days, but during this time the primary task will be to provide comfortable conditions for the patient. Good care and reception of appropriate drug situations will help to overcome the disease, and the development of lifelong immunity to the virus - to avoid re-infection.