A large number of parents have already been able to try on their children the miraculous effect of modern inhalers - nebulizers. This technical device has become a necessary thing in all families where kids grow up. A rare child grows without colds, bronchitis, laryngitis and accompanying uncomfortable symptoms - cough and cold. In this case, the inhaler is the best first aid for a child: turning therapeutic solutions into aerosol, the device very effectively delivers the smallest particles of the medicine to the child's airways and significantly accelerates recovery.


  • 1 Reasons for the popularity of the
    • method 1.1 Efficiency
  • 2 Which solutions to choose
  • 3 How to do the procedure

Reasons for the popularity of the

nebulizer inhalation with cold

method Is it possible to cure a runny nose with a nebulizer? The nebulizer is a device that is especially needed for treating small people. Any mom knows that it is almost impossible for a baby to give a bitter medicine, and sometimes - a sweet syrup. The child cries, resists, and often - just spits out the medicine.

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Treatment with an inhaler avoids all these drawbacks of traditional forms of medication. Today, many drugs are produced in a special form - in the form of solutions for inhalers. Parents do not need to cook anything themselves, which facilitates the process of treating a small capricious.

It is enough to fill in the medicine, apply the mask to the face of the child for 5-10 minutes - and the tiniest particles of the drug fall with the air flow directly into the child's respiratory tract. Usually a negative reaction in children does not cause.

Rather, on the contrary - the child looks at the device with interest with a tube, a mask and a button, which so amusingly growls. .. children

There are several types of nebulizers, the most popular in the Russian market are compressor and ultrasonic. Its main task - the delivery of the drug to the airways of the child - both types perform "perfectly".Compressor is more noisy, ultrasonic - on the contrary. But in the compressor inhalers wider range of medications used. Compressors are also more convenient for young children, since their use involves the use of a special mask. Using a nebulizer also cough is often treated. Here you will find inhalation recipes for children.

Efficacy of

In children with a cold, most parents are accustomed to using vasoconstrictive drops or sprays. However, their negative effect on the nasal mucosa is well known. In addition, these drugs themselves can cause an allergic rhinitis and addiction to the drug. Another negative effect of various kinds of drops in the nose - they quickly drain from the nose into the oropharynx, have a short-term effect, and even get into the stomach. In this sense, sprays work much more efficiently - they ensure the even flow of the smallest pieces of medicine into the nasal cavity. But their action is short-lived: they sprinkled once - that's all.

The video tells about inhalations with a nebulizer for a cold:

A nebulizer with a cold makes good effect due to the time of exposure to the mucosa increases. Inhalation, you average 5-10 minutes. Also the preparation thanks to a stream of air is capable to reach the most remote sites of a nose, including paranasal sinuses. Finally, a nebulizer can simultaneously cure a child's cough and runny nose - the drug settles in the nose and penetrates the upper respiratory tract. During the procedure, liquefaction of mucus in the nose and its removal from the body and moistening of the nasal mucosa occur.

how to treat chronic bronchitis

Learn how to treat chronic bronchitis.

The symptoms and treatment of acute laryngitis in children are described here.

Reviews of tablets Hexoral: http: //prolor.ru/g/lechenie/ geksoral-tabletki-dlya-rassasyvaniya-instrukciya-po-primeneniyu.html.

Which solutions to choose

How to treat a cold with a nebulizer? Which solutions and drugs are best used for inhalation in rhinitis? In no case can you take for this crushed tablets, syrups, essential oils and herbal solutions. You can spoil the inhaler and harm the baby. The nebulizer is different from the steam inhaler and does not heat the substance used - the temperature of the solution used should not exceed 20 degrees. Use only a strictly limited list of medicinal substances. We recommend the following solutions for inhalations with a nebulizer for a cold:

  • Mineral water .Best of all - Essentuki or Borjomi, first of them you need to release gases. For each inhalation use 3 ml of the solution, the procedure is carried out three times a day. Alkaline solutions have no contraindications. mineral water for nebulizer
  • Tonzilgon is a pharmacy-based solution based on medicinal herbs( horsetail extracts, chamomile, oak bark, dandelion, althea, yarrow).For inhalation it must be diluted with saline solution: for children under seven, one to two, for children older - one to one. Breathe the mixture in the morning and evening. tonsilon for nebulizer
  • Spirituous tincture of propolis , bought in a pharmacy. It is diluted with saline in a ratio of 1:20.Do not use children-aalergikam and adults suffering from allergic diseases. It is used morning and evening until recovery. Spirituous tincture of propolis for a nebulizer
  • Calendula Essential Solution .Dilute with saline solution in a ratio of 1:40.It is used morning and evening until recovery. Calendula alcohol solution for nebulizer
  • Interferon .In viral diseases of the oropharynx for inhalations, interferon is used. The ampoule of the drug should be dissolved in 3 ml of saline. It is used twice a day.
  • Mucolytics based on ambroxol .Dilute with saline one to one. Used with a tricky secret from the nose. Apply twice a day. Mucolytics based on ambroxol.for the nebulizer
  • If a cold is caused by staphylococcus, it is good to use an alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt for inhalations. It is dissolved by saline solution in a ratio of 1:10.The procedure is also carried out twice a day.

Under the link you can find more information about what you can breathe through a nebulizer with a cold.

How to do the procedure

Make a choice of a solution for inhalation should the doctor. Self-medication in childhood diseases is unacceptable, as it threatens with serious complications. Also, the medical worker will determine the exact dosage and concentration of the solution, the frequency of its use.

The video tells how to use a nebulizer with a cold:

Usually it is enough to hold 10 inhalations for the treatment of a common cold. If the child has already grown up and you can explain to him how to breathe properly, then ideally you should breathe in your nose and exhale through your mouth. During the procedure, you can not talk, it is best to be in a sitting position. Inhalations are carried out between meals.

At the end of the procedure, it is best not to go out for at least an hour on the street. In occasion of walks, read, whether it is possible to walk with the child at a cold.

Nebulizer is very convenient and easy to use, it can be used even in newborns. Parents quickly master this device, and he becomes their irreplaceable assistant for colds. With a cold, it helps to moisten the nasal mucosa, soften the crusts in the nose, eliminate itching and dryness. And, unlike more potent substances, inhalations have virtually no side effects. They allow you to gently and quickly eliminate all the unpleasant symptoms of rhinitis and accelerate the recovery of the child. You can also use folk methods to treat rhinitis. Here is described the treatment of the common cold with aloe juice. The link lists effective children's drops from the common cold.