Cough is a pathological process that occurs as a result of contraction of the muscles of the respiratory tract, sternum and peritoneum. The cause of its development is irritation of the bronchial mucosa and serves to purify the respiratory tract from extraneous particles, which violate patency and prevent the passage of cough. Cases of heart cough have become frequent today. This pathology carries a certain danger, so you need to carefully read the symptoms and treatment of such ailment.


  • 1 reasons
  • 2 Symptoms
    • 2.1 Adults
    • 2.2 Children
  • 3 Medical treatment
    • 3.1 Diuretics
    • 3.2 Vasodilators
    • 3.3 Mucolytics
    • 3.4 Folk remedies


Dry cough - is the result of fluid retention in the lung tissues. It arises because of the broken work of the heart. It can not cope with the volume of blood that moves through the veins in the body. The outflow of lymph from the lung tissue is disrupted, as a result of which the liquid concentrates. cough with heart failure

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The pressure of the existing fluid in the bronchial mucosa irritates the nerve roots, resulting in a spasm. It provokes reflex cough pushes. Their intensity is determined taking into account the severity of stagnant processes, the volume of fluid concentrated in the tissues of the lungs. Insufficient work of the heart without proper treatment will progress, and the intensity of the cough will increase. Affect the development of cardiac cough can therapy of heart disease, which involves the use of vasodilators. Here you can include Captopril, Ramipril, Enalopril, Perindopril. When treating the heart with drugs with a vasodilating effect, irritation in the throat may occur. It will lead to the development of a coughing fit.

Symptoms of

The relationship between coughing and inadequate heart function is determined by painful bouts. They arise in the evening and at night. This is due to the fact that stagnant phenomena are growing. Such a symptom can be combined with rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, lack of oxygen. Cough in this case can be dry or with wet, accompanied by abundant sputum. heart failure

The general signs of pathology include:

  • wheezing,
  • swelling in the morning,
  • cyanotic shade of skin,
  • syncope.

When performing physical activity in heart failure, the cough-onset cough increases in the afternoon.

In adults

Cardiac cough in adults has a paroxysmal character. He attacks the patient mainly at night, as a result of which he can not sleep normally, and is forced to do so in a sitting position. If a severe form of heart disease is observed, the cough becomes suffocating with expectoration. With barking and chest pain, rheumatism can be detected, and sputum with blood extracts - ischemia and recurrent myocardial infarction. If the elderly person has a brownish shade, this indicates a breakdown of red blood cells and the acquired form of heart disease.

On video cough in heart failure:

In children

Cardiac cough in small patients is congenital, since it is associated with heart disease. With the syndrome of Efzenmenger in heart disease, there is a defect of the interventricular septum and increased pressure in the lungs. Thus, there is an additional release of lymph from left to right.

With the help of cardiopulmonary cough in children, it is possible to understand the severity of the congenital pathological process that affects the heart.

folk remedies for dry cough for children And here is what folk remedies for dry cough for children should be used first, will help to understand this article.

How is cough treatment for adenoids in children, and what drugs are the most effective, is described in great detail in this article.

And that's why the child has a hoarse voice, and what reasons can it be, is specified in this article: http: // oxripshij-golos-u-rebenka-kak-lechit.html

What to do when there is a burning sensation in the throat and cough, andthat it is possible to make this problem independently, is described in great detail in this article.

Medical treatment

For cardiac cough, the doctor prescribes medicinal preparations in combination. Thanks to diuretics, it is possible to eliminate excess fluid and lower the pressure. Vasodilators expand the vessels, and cough can be eliminated with the help of mucolytics.


And although these drugs are presented in a wide range, doctors most often prescribe the following options:

  1. Indapamide. This is a long-acting diuretic. When it is used, it is possible to prevent the penetration of sodium, chlorine and hydrogen ions into the lymph. Has a slight vasoconstrictive effect. With heart pathologies, the drug is taken within 2-3 months in the morning to 1.25 mg.


  2. Veroshpiron .It is a hormonal and potassium-sparing diuretic. Its task is to stimulate the removal of sodium and water from the body, to lower and wash potassium ions, to reduce the acidity level of urine. With a heart attack of cough, apply it at 100 mg per day for 15 days.

    Veroshpiron in tablets


This group of drugs should include the following:

  1. Losartan .Its task is to lower the pressure in a small circle of blood circulation in cardiac pathology. Do not let sodium and water stay in the body. Admission lead for 6 weeks.

    Losartan in tablets

  2. Atakand. This drug lowers blood pressure, inhibits the action of the hormone angiotensin. Take the lead 8 mg once a day for 2-3 months.


Mucolytic agents

To speed up the process of excretion of sputum and reduce the intensity of cough, it is necessary to use such medications:

  1. Codeine .He has a narcotic effect, but he quickly cures the irritation of the cough center. When it is used, the pain syndrome decreases. But it must be used with extreme caution, since drug dependence can arise. Apply the drug to 15-60 mg. The duration of the course can only be determined by a doctor.


  2. Glaucine .Has a local anesthetic effect, effectively cures a heart cough, causes a sedative effect of the autonomic nervous system, reduces blood pressure. Reception to conduct during a week on 50 g 3 times a day.

You may also be interested in knowing why a newborn has a cough without fever, and what medicines can be given.

But what are the reasons that an adult has a nocturnal dry cough, and what can be done with this problem.

Folk remedies

You can cure a heart cough with alternative medicine. They can not be used alone, but only as an additional therapy. It is effective to consider such recipes:

  1. Decoction of oatmeal, which supports the work of the heart .It is necessary to take raw materials in an amount of 100 g and pour 500 ml of water. Stew on the fire, and to cool the broth put 1/3 cup dried root elecampane. Again, send to the stove, wait 2 hours, filter, add honey to improve taste. Take 100 ml 3 times a day for 2 weeks. But what kind of decoction of herbs from cough is the most effective, and how to prepare it will help to understand this article.
    decoction of oatmeal

    Oatmeal broth

  2. Kalinovy ​​infusion. He treats the pathology of the heart and normalizes his work. It is necessary to crush 20 g of ripe fruits, add 200 ml of boiling water. You can improve the taste of the medicine with honey. Use for a month for 100 ml 2 times a day.

    Kalinovyj infusion

  3. Decoction from a grass which calms hearts and adjusts its work. It is necessary to mix 3 parts of yarrow and 1 part of lemon balm. Then add 1 part of the valerian rhizome.20 grams of raw materials account for 200 ml of boiling water. Wait 3 hours, filter and drink 200 ml during the day for 30 days. But how effective is the herb sage from cough, is very detailed in this article.
  4. Pumpkin pulp perfectly prevents edema and serves as a preventive agent. Grind 0.5 kg pulp pulp and use. If there is heart failure, then you need to use this remedy constantly.
  5. Syrup from garlic and lemon effectively cures .Put 5 garlic cloves in the bowl, place 5 lemons and 500 grams of honey. Tightly cover the jar, wait 10 days, and then apply 10 grams 4 times a day. But how effective tincture of lemon and garlic for colds, will help to understand this article.
    syrup from garlic and lemon

    Syrup of garlic and lemon

Cardiac cough is a very dangerous symptom that can indicate various pathologies of the heart. It is very important to be able to recognize it in time to immediately start treatment. Moreover, therapy should be comprehensive, not only to stop coughing attacks, but also to normalize the work of the heart.