Angina is an acute and always infectious disease that flows in the larynx. It arises sharply, causing pain and severe malaise in a person. The incubation period is small: up to 48 hours. During this time, penetrated bacteria affect the throat and palatine tonsils. Normally, these bacteria can live in the body constantly, but in an inactive form. But it is worth the immune system to reduce activity, for example, due to hypothermia or the emergence of a new focus of infection in the mouth, the bacteria go into the active phase.

As in adults, lacunar angina is treated and what preparations are needed for this are indicated in the article.

The severity of the flow of angina is due to the fact that the amygdala is affected. Tonsils are a significant part of all immunity, so being infected, they can not help the system in the formation of antibodies.

Because the causative agent can be of different forms and etiology, the angina is divided into several varieties:

  • catarrhal;
  • is follicular;
  • is ulcerative;
  • fungal;
  • lacunary;
  • herpetic.
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From this article it becomes clear how to treat catarrhal angina and what drugs, you can learn from this article.


  • 1 Features of the course and causes of angina in children
  • 2 First signs and symptoms
  • 3 Diagnosis
  • 4 Treatment at home
    • 4.1 Medications and medications
    • 4.2 Folk methods
  • 5 Complications of angina
  • 6 Video

Features of the course and causes of angina in children

Treatment of symptoms of angina in a child

In addition, to get a sore throat, it is enough to have ordinary hypothermia

. For the development of angina, two conditions are necessary: ​​the presence of a provocative cause and a massive attack of bacteria on the nasopharynx. Provocation of sore throat in children is usually normal hypothermia. Angina in a child of 2-3 years can provoke, for example, it can be soaked legs, ice cream, sips of a cold drink. And even just the usual breathing of the baby's mouth!

How is treatment of purulent sore throat without antibiotics, you can understand reading the article.

The prerequisite for the appearance of symptoms of angina may be even a rotten or diseased tooth.

But infection and infection can begin after direct contact with an already sick person. And it is possible that the carrier will be the parent, but he will not have angina or it will be insignificant. But he will infect the child and that angina will develop in full force. This is due to the peculiarities of children's immunity.
Besides these reasons, the prerequisite for sore throat can give:

  1. a rotten or sick tooth;
  2. presence of a permanent cold or sinus;
  3. is an infection of the respiratory tract of any kind.

The first signs and symptoms of

signs of angina in a child and treatment Angina quickly turns into an active phase, usually within the first 24 hours a person begins to feel signs of weakness and sore throat. There is a feeling of fever, weakness. On the second day the pain becomes more aggressive and more pronounced, the temperature rises. By the way, it is the temperature that distinguishes angina: it rises suddenly, reaches 39 degrees.

If you open your mouth wider, the naked eye will notice the red throat and white coating on the tonsils. If the purulent form develops, very clear abscesses appear on the tonsils or spots covered with pus are visible. But their presence is not necessary, sometimes angina is characterized only by sore throat and enlarged lymph nodes.

After reading this article it becomes clear what is dangerous for angina during pregnancy.


The very fact of angina can be determined by yourself - to see the light of the child's throat. Presence of redness, white coating immediately tells about the disease. But only the specialist will determine the type of angina and prescribe an adequately effective treatment. For diagnosis, only a visual inspection of the affected area is required.

For examination, the doctor uses a special medical "spoon": she presses the tongue at the base so as to easily examine the entire larynx and tonsils.

After reading the article it will be clear if Bioparox helps with angina or not.

Home Treatment

Medications and Medications

angina treatment with antibiotics in children

For children, macrolide drugs such as Sumamed can be used that effectively work against most viruses and bacteria.

Usually, angina in children is treated in normal home conditions. The only exception is the presence of angina in very young children. Special treatment is required here due to the age of the small patient and therefore an infant under the age of one year may be placed with the mother in the hospital.

The main condition for recovery without complications is strict bed rest and constant drinking. Angina requires at least five days to lie down, even if relief comes earlier.

medicamentous treatment of angina in children Treatment must necessarily include effective antibiotics for angina. For children, macrolides may be prescribed drugs, for example Sumamed. It quickly accumulates, long keeps in the body. Due to this, it is long able to suppress the activity of the infection. You can replace it with Erythromycin, which also effectively combats a large range of viruses and infections.

Such drugs as Cefotaxime, Amoxicillin( Amoxiclav) are prescribed for complex or purulent forms of the disease. In either variant, the appointment of a drug regimen is made by either a therapist or a children's otolaryngologist. As for children of destination are possible only on the basis of blood and urine tests.

What complications for the kidneys after angina can be and how to treat them, you can learn from this article.

But some injections or pills are few. Moreover, treatment in tablets tightens the phase of recovery almost twice. Therefore, it is necessary to help the body in local ways. Angina loves warmth and rinse. For rinses, Miramistin is a good choice. With purulent sore throat Furacillin solution can be used: it quickly heals affected areas and kills the infection well. Children need to rinse at least three times a day.

After rinsing, the mother must ensure that the baby does not eat anything and does not drink for three hours.

Well-used tablets for resorption, but only for children. To help immunity it is possible, if to the kid to give vitamin C. For this purpose there is an ascorbic acid in capsules or children's( sweet) in the big tablets. It is useful to give babies a hematogen, a complex of active multivitamins that can support the body. As for homeopathic remedies, it is necessary to apply them carefully and strictly according to the doctor's decision.

Folk methods

angina in children preparations for treatment Only with the help of folk remedies for angina can not be saved. But in combination with a good and correct form of drug treatment, will give the fastest and most positive effect.

A warm drink is necessary for the washing out of toxins, but if it is milk with honey, the result will be higher several times. The kid will like this drink, and parents' feedback on such treatment of angina in children is the most positive. Cranberry juice in combination with honey can be drunk as a compote. In general, cranberry fruit drinks are extremely useful in the fight against any virus. So, some forms of kidney nephritis can effectively heal Morse. Moreover, Morse is often shown to patients specifically to prevent complications on the kidneys.

The neck of the baby should rinse with warm chamomile or sage infusion or soda rinse solution, but there are complications. Young children do not like such procedures, so mother should take into account and come up with her scheme of persuasion. Without rinsing, recovery takes a long time. Decoctions should be not strong, fresh and do not provoke a smell, taste gag reflex in the baby.

You can prepare radish juice black and mix with lime honey, based on one to three. This solution can simply smear the sick neck several times a day.

It's a good idea to combine this method with a rinse, but if the baby is too naughty, then only sanitation will do.

Complications of angina

effective treatment of angina in children

Treatment of angina can not be delayed, it is fraught with serious complications

The main threat is the probability of penetration of infection into the bronchi, lungs or the brain. Delaying the treatment of angina is fraught with more serious consequences, for example, meningitis. Affects joints, kidneys and even the heart. If the angina is transferred out of bed, the risk of complications increases tens of times. Therefore, in the treatment it is important to be treated on time and adhere to the advice of doctors.

It becomes clear from the article how to treat angina during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester.


Watch a video on how to properly and effectively treat a sore throat:

Treatment of angina is fast, it is important to adhere to treatment and to protect the baby in the future. The immunity of the child is weaker than the adult, which parents need to take into account. It is important to strengthen and constantly monitor the health of children.