Violation menstruatsionnogo cycle (NMC): lost cycle (causes, treatment, diagnostics)

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  1. How does a violation of cycle
  2. Reasons cycle disorders
  3. Aggravating factors
  4. Problems with the cycle in adolescence
  5. Violations in menopause
  6. Is it possible to get pregnant
  7. necessary diagnosis
  8. NMC treatment
  9. adolescent treatment
  10. Therapy in women of childbearing age
  11. Treatment of menopause

Shortening or lengthening of the critical days of the menstrual cycle and failure - common problems that are traded on the reception to the gynecologist women of reproductive age. Often, failures are diagnosed in women in menopause and in adolescents aged 12-14 years. The problem does not always speak about the disease, but in need of attention and clarification of the causes of violations.

Menstrual disorders

How does a violation of cycle

Menstrual disorders (NMC), - a shift periods, which leads to a lengthening, shortening cycle delay or complete cessation critical days.

There is a definite classification of the NMC in gynecology:

  1. Amenorrhea - long absence of menstruation for 6 months or longer. Whereas, primary amenorrhea is diagnosed (the girl at the beginning of the menstrual cycle) or secondary, which came after a few cycles passed.
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  2. Oligomenorrhea - critical days come once every 3-4 months. Upon reaching the age of 45 may indicate the onset of menopause.
  3. Opsomenoreya - a meager amount allocated monthly blood on the background of the reduced duration of menses (1-2 days).
  4. Polimenoreya - stable cycle too long critical days (over 7 days).
  5. Giperpolimenoreya - in normal cycle is copious and go more than a week.
  6. Algomenoreya - menstruation is accompanied by severe pain, making the woman unable to work.
  7. Menorrhagia - critical days last more than 10 days in a row and are accompanied by multiple blood loss.
  8. Metrorrhagia - spotting the woman is not on a regular basis, including in the spaces between the critical days (metrorrhagia is often accompanied by endometriosis).
  9. Proyomenoreya - monthly, coming more frequently than once every 3 weeks.
  10. Dysmenorrhea - critical days are accompanied by disorders of the autonomic system (Mood swings, irritability, aggression, pain in the head, nausea with vomit urges).

The term menometrorrhagias unites all disturbances of menstrual bleeding. Depending on the symptoms that accompany the critical days, and on the basis of classification of menstrual disorders, the diagnosis and appropriate treatment is chosen. Any failures should not be ignored and require specialist advice.

Reasons cycle disorders

The menstrual cycle in women is directly related to the functioning of the endocrine system, so the failure of menses often occurs due to hormonal imbalance. According to another classification, with monthly issues are divided depending on the pathologies of the endocrine glands:

  1. Violations in the higher parts of the reproductive system of regulation - the hypothalamus, pituitary, subcortex.
  2. Problems in themselves reproductive organs - the uterus and appendages.
  3. Improper operation of the adrenal and thyroid.
  4. Congenital anomalies - an imbalance in the peripheral organs and structures of the endocrine system, hyperplasia and hypoplasia of the pelvic organs.

If any of the structures observed violations, it is reflected in the stability of the loop, even when the uterus and appendages fully perform their functions. Endocrine disorders in most cases are the perpetrators of wrong cycle. Rarely diagnosed cryptomenorrhea, when in fact there is no menstruation due to the inability of blood to the outside exit (vaginal atresia, complete shutoff hymen).

Aggravating factors

Rare occasions when there are failures menstruatsionnogo cycle for one reason, more often diagnosed a combination of several factors from the list:

  1. Pituitary adenoma, which differ according to the type, but causing compression of brain cancer.
  2. The use of drugs, leading to dysfunction gitalamo-pituitary system. This neuroleptics, antidepressants, phenothiazine and its derivatives, antiulcer agents, hemostatic, MAO inhibitors and t. D.
  3. Tumor formation in the cortex of the adrenal glands and the body that produce excessive amounts of cortisol and androgens.
  4. Mental illness - schizophrenia, anorexia nervosa, severe depression.
  5. resistant ovary syndrome - causes the failure of the appendages and the menstrual cycle amenorrhea type.
  6. Syndrome sclerocystic appendages.
  7. Sharp weight gain.
  8. Abnormal structure of the uterus, transmitted genetically.
  9. Long use of oral contraceptives (OCs), and their sudden abolition.
  10. Miscarriage or medical abortion, provoked a rapid hormonal failure.
  11. Excessive or insufficient runningaway thyroid hormones.
  12. The consequences of heavy operations and diseases - radiation and chemotherapy, infection, inflammation.
  13. endometriosis.
  14. Infection, sexually transmitted diseases.
  15. uterine fibroids.
  16. Malignant and benign neoplasms of the large size of the appendages.

Endometriosis often observed NMC flowing through metrorragii type. Spotting appear in the middle of the cycle, they are characterized by a scant amount of dark brown color, the accompanying drawing pains in the abdomen.

If a picture emerged in the early intake of contraceptives, in the first 3-4 months, such bleeding are the norm. The body begins to suppress the production of its own hormones due to the receipt of them from outside. It happened that a prolonged metrorrhagia testified to the wrong selection of OK.

Amenorrhea may develop in patients who use injections of long-acting progestins and progestin pills. Therefore progestin injection recommended for women intended close to menopausal age and suffering from endometriosis to restore normal functions of the mother layer.

Problems with the cycle in adolescence

A teenage girl who has been a failure monthly cycle, an urgent need to see a specialist, if the problem is not resolved spontaneously within 1-2 years after menarche.

Identify the following pathological factors under which a violation can happen in adolescents:

  • craniocerebral trauma injury to the pituitary or hypothalamus;
  • severe infections affecting shell body and brain (meningitis);
  • dystonia;
  • low immunity and, consequently, constant SARS;
  • infections, sexually transmitted;
  • sclerocystic appendages.

Due to maintain strict diets, enhanced physical activity, who are addicted to women, developing NMC with symptoms of type opsomenorrhea - critical days do not last more than two days, and the blood is released entirely few. Associated problems underweight, weakness, low hemoglobin and vitamin deficiency. To eliminate and prevent an even greater failure, sufficient to establish the image of a teenage life, balanced diet to protect against overloads.

Broken the cycle of adolescents can still for several reasons:

  • early sexual activity;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • infection sexually transmitted diseases;
  • smoking, drinking;
  • abnormal development of the uterus and appendages.

Juvenile bleeding - a problem that often occurs in young girls. Menstruation lasts longer than 7 days, lost more than 80 ml of blood daily, which leads to anemia. Teenagers rarely go to the doctor yourself and ask questions to adults, parents should take the girls under control.

Violations in menopause

At the age of 45-50 years for women starting menopause often develop when the NMC flowing through oligomenorrhea type. Against the background of rare menstruation coming every 3-4 months, there are headaches, blood pressure drops, excessive sweating, emotional instability.

Broken the cycle due to the extinction of fertility, as production of gonadotropins by the pituitary gland slows down. celebrated luteal insufficiencyWhile estrogens may be produced in emergency mode. As a result, endometrium does not vary in accordance with the phase of the cycle. Due hyperplasia begin spotting between cycles.

In women younger than 40 years of monthly changes, they violate the signs of premature exhaustion of the appendages. Why specifically in young patients straying cycle should identify the expert. It often happens that during menopause hormone therapy is recommended.

Is it possible to get pregnant

All women who have been diagnosed with menstrual dysfunction, wondering whether it is possible with this diagnosis pregnancy because ovulation phase continuously flows at different times. According to the doctors, conception is likely, but the possibility of its occurrence depends on a number of factors:

  • the severity of hormonal disorders;
  • state endometroidnogo layer and usefulness of their functions;
  • the degree of the uterus.

More than 50% of the long cycle accompanied infertility disorders, which can not be eliminated by conservative therapy. We need modern assisted reproductive techniques, who have mastered the Scientific Center for Obstetrics and Gynecology.

If a woman for a long time can not conceive a child, she offered to do IVF or use the services of a surrogate mother. But the prices for these services are often high, because of what is not available to average families.

Disruptions to the endocrine system causing the failure of the endometrium, which is why the normal process of implantation of the ovum is difficult. If the embryo is still able to fully integrate into the uterine wall, the woman with endocrine disorders likely gestation interruption in early pregnancy. Especially careful should be patient with insufficient production in the body of progesterone and hCG.

After successful therapy of disturbances of the cycle and pregnancy, women should be under the scrutiny of gynecologists. Often, for the full gestation they need long-term use of hormonal methods. According to statistics, many women after a successful delivery to the menstrual cycle problems are solved independently. Restoring hormonal levels helps to ensure that subsequent pregnancies occur without problems.

necessary diagnosis

In most cases, doctors give a favorable prognosis for women with NMC in the reproductive period as violations occur without life-threatening changes. In 10% of the total number of failures cycle accompanied by the presence of cancer tumors, that's why experts call for a thorough examination. At the time of diagnosis is established the character of changes in the reproductive system, revealed the true reason for the NMC.

For the selection of the optimal treatment, the following screening procedures:

  1. The study of gynecological history - how long appeared irregular periods, Age at first sex and first menstruation, is there a fault in the connection cycle to any factors. It turns out, a woman transmission of infectious diseases, to have an abortion if there were miscarriages, whether it takes the potent drugs as protected.
  2. Inspection via vagina and cervix mirrors - can diagnose defects mucosal edema, pathological growths (polyps, endometriosis), varicose veins changes.
  3. Palpation of the pelvic organs - detect misplacement of the uterus and ovaries, changing organ size.
  4. Evaluation of vaginal and urethral.
  5. Fence secretions to determine the purity and PCR diagnostics for infection, sexually transmitted diseases.
  6. A biopsy of cervical tissue onkotsitologiyu.
  7. Exclusion of pregnancy blood is taken at the level of hCG.
  8. A blood test to determine the level of estrogen, progesterone, and follikostimuliruyuschego luteinizing hormone, prolactin for deviation indicators up or down.
  9. Evaluation indicators of thyroid and adrenal glands, as disturbances in hormone production by these bodies directly affect the possibility of conception.
  10. Pelvic ultrasound - allows you to view the uterus, cervix, ovaries, evaluate the condition of the endometrium, veins, and lymph nodes.
  11. Diagnostic curettage - is required for violations of the cycle against a background of metrorrhagia and gipermenstrualnogo syndrome.

The second step comprises conducting a computer survey or magnetic resonance tomography, if there is suspicion of malignant tumors of the reproductive system.

NMC treatment

Causes of menstruatsionnogo cycle will determine the method of treatment. medical task - to reveal provocation and to coordinate it with the method of treatment. In many cases, the woman is enough to change lifestyle

  • eliminate caffeinated beverages;
  • not smoking and stop drinking alcohol;
  • protect the organism from excessive loads and stress;
  • balanced nutrition, to include in the diet of more fruits, vegetables, fiber, lean meats and fish, fermented milk products;
  • fully relax and sleep.

The implementation of these recommendations in a month or two, if the cause of the cycle of failures was the wrong way of life, menstruation start to go, as it should be. with no effect is required to identify the reason why the failure occurred, and after passing inspection directing force to eliminate the underlying disease.

adolescent treatment

If a girl aged 12-14 years experiencing frequent violations monthly complicating juvenile bleeding, treatment is carried out using styptic and hormonal drugs. To make bleeding less strong start receiving Dicynone, menadione, Traneksama, etamzilat.

Under normal rates of hemoglobin (80-100 g / l) are appointed by hormones - Novinet, Mersilon and others, on the advice of a doctor course of 1-3 months. If the hemoglobin is lowered, conduct scraping with further study material, prescribed iron supplements. If no effect on their administration do a blood transfusion, red cell mass. Therapy Anemia lasts until complete stabilization of hemoglobin index.

Compulsory vitamin conducted in different phases of the girls selected a variety of vitamins:

  • in the first phase of the cycle used B1 and B6 vitamins;
  • second - folic and ascorbic acid, vitamins A, E

This cyclic therapy is provided in cases of simple cycle disorders.

Therapy in women of childbearing age

At the age of 20 or 30 years, and at forty years of women's menstrual dysfunction are beginning to be treated with curettage of. A week later, connects hormone therapy drugs from the group of oral contraceptives are used for the usual scheme. In case of insufficiency of the luteal phase and recommended pills Utrozhestan Djufaston with 12-14 day cycle. Apply Norkolut and 17-ET.

Further, the treatment comprises:

  • replenishing the volume of blood by introducing colloidal solutions;
  • drugs that restore normal levels of hemoglobin;
  • vitamin;
  • burning endometrioid layer with no positive effect of scraping.

It is important to treat and comorbidities that exacerbate or cause violations of the cycle. High blood pressure require constant administration of drugs to reduce it. liver disease undergoing therapy hepatoprotectors compliance diet, refusal of alcohol.

Many women treat persistent symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), shows weakness, irritability, abdominal pain, using folk remedies. Such methods of therapy is carried out with caution, if the doctor gave positive comments on the use of specific herbs. Engaged in self-treatment, you can skip a serious disease.

Women of childbearing age are often required to stimulate follicular development Horiogonin drugs, Pergonal. To stimulate ovulation, Clomiphene prescribed pills.

Treatment of menopause

When bleeding occurs in women during menopause, scraping the uterine cavity is required. This is necessary to timely diagnose atypical hyperplasia or endometrial adenocarcinoma layer. During menopause, women are advised to use products based on progestogens - Depo-Provera. A well appointed Duphaston, in the menstrual cycle of reviews on the drug confirmed its effectiveness.

Before you diagnose a patient with NMC, gynecologist appoints a list of necessary surveys. Not always to restore cycle, require complex therapies or long-term use of hormones. Often lose weight enough to begin to fully relax, provide the body with a balanced diet. If any problem with women's health need to visit the doctor and identify the factors that provoked the crash.

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