Monthly cycle: how many days a normal cycle (normal deviation)

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  1. The normal monthly cycle: how many days lasts
  2. When starting the first month
  3. Types of disorders of the menstrual cycle
  4. periods
  5. follicular phase
  6. Ovulation
  7. luteal phase
  8. What is fertility
  9. The calendar method of calculating fertile days
  10. Why cycle is unstable
  11. Therapy
  12. Why after delivery cycle stabilizes
  13. painful periods
  14. primary
  15. secondary

monthly cycle - a regular process of restructuring of the female body to prepare for pregnancy.

Each month, one of the egg follicle matures. About a week and a half before the month it comes out of the follicle and the remaining part of the latter is transformed into the corpus luteum. The corpus luteum synthesizes the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for the nurturing and development of the fetus.

At the same time actively thickened endometrium. It happens to the possibility of fertilization at the fruit to attach to the uterus.

Soreness in the abdomen during ovulation - a symptom of release of the egg from the follicle. Pain lasts one day or are concerned in the same time several days in a row. It all depends on the body of the girl.

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monthly cycle

The normal monthly cycle: how many days lasts

What is the monthly cycle is considered normal? The normal menstrual cycle lasts from 21 to 35 days depending on the physiological characteristics of women body. Read the article at the link, how to consider the monthly cycle.

When starting the first month

The appearance of menarche - first menstruation - occurs in 10-14 years and talks about puberty. Now the girl is pregnant. Monthly go for 30-35 years and end in 45-55 years. after menopause - the waning of the reproductive system. Menstruation at this time is not observed.

Types of disorders of the menstrual cycle

Violations are classified according to the duration and nature of the discharge.

By duration:

  1. Amenorrhea - absence of menstrual periods. There are two forms of the disease: primary and secondary. In primary the girl never had menstruation, when the secondary - they are absent for more than 6 months.
  2. Menometrorrhagia - persistent cycle length shifts: duration continuously varying from 21 to 35 days.
  3. Polimenoreya - between periods less than 21 days. In this disease, ovulation can not be altogether.
  4. Oligomenorrhea - cycle longer than 35 days. A characteristic feature of oligomenorrhea - menstrual irregularities and the scarcity of emissions.

Shortened cycle of 26-27 days is the normal rate.

By the nature of bleeding:

  1. Gipomenoreya - meager selection for a period of 3-4 days instead of the usual monthly.
  2. Hypermenorrhoea, or menorrhagia - too strong discharge with clots, increasing the duration of menstruation. Phase of the menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle is divided into two phases: the first phase - and a second follicular - lutein. For convenience, the list of phases are added monthly and ovulation. Let us consider each step in detail.


Menstruation start a new cycle, and lasts up to 7 days inclusive. Minimum - 3. Woman loses about 60-80 ml of blood. For convenience, the amount of blood is measured in the pads or tampons.

One pad absorbs 10 ml of blood. Under normal monthly girl changing pad from 3 to 7 times a day. In the first few days may be replaced every 1-2 hours.

follicular phase

It lasts until about the middle of the menstrual cycle. Our ovary contains many follicles and during the follicular phase of each of them begins to grow. In parallel, the structural components of the ovary synthesize estrogen. This hormone causes the lining of the uterus to thicken the inner body shell - the endometrium, so that when the possibility of pregnancy the fetus is developing normally. A few days before ovulation, the follicles stop growing, and one continues to grow and increases to 20 mm.


Around the middle of the cycle the follicle bursts under the influence of special incentives. From it leaves the egg and begins to move in the fallopian tube. The edges of the ruptured follicle collapsed like a flower at night, and turn into the corpus luteum.

luteal phase

The second phase lasts all the same - 14 days. This duration of the life of the corpus luteum.

During the luteal phase, the body prepares for pregnancy. The egg is in the fallopian tube. If on your way she meets a sperm, then fertilization occurs and the resulting formation of attaching itself to the uterine wall.
The corpus luteum synthesizes the hormone progesterone, which prepares the lining of the uterus to the attachment of the zygote. If fertilization has not occurred, the yellow body sends a signal, and it degrades. The uterus begins to reject endometrium in the loop these days and the egg.

The figure of 28 days is the average cycle time periods. The number obtained by adding the minimum and maximum duration of 21 + 35 = 56.

What is fertility

Fertility simple words - the ability to produce offspring. Fertility days - days in which the probability of getting pregnant are highest.

Days fertility determined by several methods: temperature measurement and the calendar method. The most reliable - the measurement of basal body temperature. To do this, measure the temperature in the morning. The day before ovulation, it will decrease, and during her rise.

There are thermometers that measure the temperature of up to two decimal places. They must enclose under the tongue.

The calendar method of calculating fertile days

This method is used only in the case of a regular menstrual cycle.

If you do not want to get pregnant, the safest time - 2 days after menstruation and 2 to them.

After contact with the vagina spermatazoidov majority of dying after 2 hr. But those sex cells, which have passed the acid environment of the vagina, live in the female body for 3 to 5 days, sometimes their life expectancy reaches even weeks. This means that you can get pregnant after ovulation date.

Why cycle is unstable

When the girl just starting menstruating in her body is rearranged. Release of certain hormones increases and decreases. As a result, we have an unstable loop.

For two or three years before menopause, the body begins to prepare for the extinction of the reproductive system. At this point, the same as when setting cycle.

Hormonal imbalance is associated not only with the physiological factors, but also external. Because of this, the menstrual cycle can last 20-21 days, and 25:

  1. Stress. Quarreled with his girlfriend, alarmed at the examination - impact on the body.
  2. Improper diet. Limit consumption of sweets and fast food. Give up alcohol and cigarettes. Recent affect the body, creating a hormonal failure and take away health. Sweet and eat fast food in moderation. Remember: a chocolate substitute one meal, and sometimes two - it depends on what you serving.
  3. Excessive exercise. Train in the hall right: do not take a back-breaking weight. After a workout, you should go home and not crawl. Resting a little and "tyagaya" huge weight, we perezakislyaem muscles, as a result they do not grow, and begin to break down. With a large number of repetitions in the muscles also gets too much lactic acid - and begins catabolism - breakdown of muscle fibers. Do 8-12 repetitions for one approach.
  4. Oral contraceptives. Oral contraceptives - additional hormones. When the body gets too much estrogen, it reacts to this unstable menstrual cycle. Periods may go before, and can happen of their delay.
  5. Intrauterine device. The body reacts to the foreign body release hormones, "shift" cycle. In the first week after installation of the Navy is the blood, but is the result of damage to the vagina during surgery. If the bleeding does not stop, you should seek medical advice: have to change the method of contraception. Changes in hormonal background, and changes in the menstrual cycle is a sign of some diseases:
  6. Endometriosis. The endometrium in the uterus grows so much that it begins to go beyond it, affecting the ovaries, abdominal organs. Sometimes endometrium even reaching the lungs.
  7. uterine fibroids. The muscular layer of the uterus - myometrium - woven fibers and form a smooth nodes. They are small in size, but they can also sometimes grow up to several centimeters. This is a malignant tumor.
  8. Polyps. This formation in the womb, which has the form of a ball. Externally polyp can manifest itself only menstrual cycle shift and brown secretions during menstruation, intermenstrual bleeding.

Monthly rate of deviation is a delay of 1-13 days or beginning 1-2 days earlier. If the menstrual cycle lasts 31 days - nothing wrong with that. When the month starts earlier for five or six days, consult a doctor.


The first thing you need to visit a doctor. He will make US and carry out the necessary analyzes. On the basis of the diagnostic results is assigned treatment. Irregular menstrual cycle is corrected in the following ways:

  1. Taken hormones. After treatment cycle normal.
  2. Hemostatic agents prescribed for heavy menstrual period and continuing for a long time.
  3. Operation. It is performed at the cluster of blood clots in the uterus, cysts, ovarian tumors. After surgery, conservative treatment is required - hormones, hemostatic agents, or proper result not reach.

Why after delivery cycle stabilizes

Pregnancy and childbirth - the purpose for which the reproductive system is created. After the task reproductive system fully matures.

About a month after childbirth occurs uterine involution - of her transition into doberemennoe state. The bottom body is omitted and filled epithelium.

Lochia - a spotting started to cleanse the uterus from the placenta residues. They last 6-8 weeks.

The first month after childbirth are often abundant. Do not panic: the uterus has not yet been reduced to the size of the previous, so the amount of discharge will be greater as the body returns to its previous state.
In mothers who gave birth by Caesarean section and not to breastfeed, monthly starting in a month or two. If a nursing mother, then a month to forget for a year, because the hormone that supports lactation - prolactin - suppresses the maturation of the egg.

Prolactin is unstable if:

  • woman feeds her baby on demand, rather than by the regime;
  • Mommy practicing mixed feeding: GW plus the lure.

With minimal reduction of prolactin ovaries can start functioning, so sometimes the menses come 3-4 months.

painful periods

Dysmenorrhea - painful periods. Pain begins 24 hours after the onset of menstruation. Usually subsides after 2-3 days. Some girls are observed pain in the first 24 hours of menstruation.

There are two forms of dysmenorrhea:


In this case, a stomach ache due to the immaturity of the reproductive system. Pain occurs as a result of uterine contractions. Sometimes back pain or leg. In 5-15% percent of women the pain is so severe that disrupts their daily activities. Because of this, the girls miss school or work. Dysmenorrhea passes the hardest in the following cases:

  • menarche at an early age;
  • dysmenorrhea was someone else in the family;
  • smoking, drinking;
  • lack of physical exercise.

With age and after childbirth pain ceases to be so acute.


There dysmenorrhea - a reflection of gynecological diseases. Almost any disease affecting the pelvic organs, becomes a cause of dysmenorrhea.

The most common causes of secondary dysmenorrhea, endometriosis, uterine adenomyosis, uterine fibroids.

The reasons are as:

  • two-horned uterus;
  • ovarian cyst;
  • inflammation of the vagina;
  • intrauterine devices (IUDs), especially those containing copper and levonorgestrel;
  • incomplete intrauterine septum;
  • transverse vaginal septum.

Secondary dysmenorrhea passes the hardest in the following case:

  • menarche at an early age;
  • dysmenorrhea was someone else in the family;
  • smoking, drinking;
  • lack of physical exercise.

Secondary dysmenorrhea develops in adulthood, if it did not cause congenital malformations. Dysmenorrhea shifts monthly cycle is not observed, it is normal.

  • Nov 27, 2019
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