Luteal phase that is a day of the cycle (as defined)

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  1. Phase of the menstrual cycle
  2. follicular
  3. ovulatory
  4. luteal
  5. What is luteal phase
  6. How to know and calculate the luteal phase
  7. Deviation from the norm: the concept of insufficiency of the luteal phase
  8. How to diagnose pathology
  9. treatments

Menstrual cycle - a complex system of cyclical changes in a woman's body, which consists of several stages. Each stage has its own value and is regulated by sex hormones throughout the cycle. Consider what it means to the luteal phase of the cycle, as it is calculated and how it plays a role in reproductive function?

luteal phase

Phase of the menstrual cycle

Biological purpose of the menstrual cycle, which includes the monthly cyclical changes, is to prepare the woman's body to the chance of pregnancy. To understand what the luteal phase, and what day of the cycle, it starts, look at all the phases of the menstrual cycle:


It begins on the first day of menstruation, with the onset of bleeding. During this period women's body begins to produce follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), which is responsible for the maturation of a certain number of follicles in the ovary.

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Each ovule contains follicle that is ready to conceive. Over time, the concentration of FSH is gradually reduced, and only one follicle, which is called "dominant", continues to evolve, releasing estrogen. There are changes in the internal uterine mucosa (endometrium). By the time of conception, it thickens, filled with liquid and nutrients, preparing to "take" a fertilized egg.

The average duration of the follicular phase can vary from 12 to 14 days. Its completion comes when a woman's body is a sharp increase (emissions) LH. This marks the beginning of ovulation.


Short phase of the menstrual cycle, during which, under the influence of luteinizing hormone, follicle goes from the egg. Ovulation lasts 16 to 32 hours. During this period, the egg is ready to conceive. During ovulation, many women have pain in the lower abdomen, from one of the ovaries.


The final stage, the next after ovulation. The average duration of 12-14 days before the start of bleeding. Next, try to understand what the luteal phase of the cycle in which day it occurs, as well as the effect of progesterone on the pregnancy.

What is luteal phase

Luteal phase - the time intensive training of the female body to the likelihood of conception. This is the period between the rupture of the follicle prior to menstruation or pregnancy. Follicle from which the ovum out, closes and begins to form a corpus luteum - the iron time generated by progesterone, androgen, estradiol and estrogen. This female hormones that stimulate the thickening of the endometrium.

The task of progesterone - ensure favorable conditions in the uterus for the "introduction" of a fertilized egg, and in the future to provide nutrients to the embryo. As well as the pregnancy hormone increases the work of the mammary glands. Milk ducts dilate glands swell and become painful. After the development of the placenta function of the corpus luteum dies.

With the successful implantation of the embryo in the uterus of a woman's body begins to produce the hormone hCG. That it react pregnancy tests that are carried out at a delay of menstruation. If the embryo is not fixed in the uterus or conception occurred, the corpus luteum gradually degenerates and lutein concentration, sexual hormones decrease. This means that a woman has the next menstruation.

The role of the luteal phase of the reproductive system:

  1. The uterus prepares for embryo implantation;
  2. Blocking new oocyte maturation;
  3. Continuation of the pregnancy before the placenta begins to form;
  4. body temperature regulation.

How to know and calculate the luteal phase

The start of the luteal phase should be considered as the day that follows ovulation. For calculation shall be the average duration of the final phase of the menstrual cycle from 12 days to 2 weeks from the date of ovulation to the first day of menstruation. For each woman individually calculated as the monthly cycle varies from 21 to 30 days. BTo calculate the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, it is necessary to calculate the calendar menstruation output time ovum (ovulation). At this stage, the woman observes the following symptoms:

  1. Ovulation can be identified by the characteristic selection. They are transparent, pulling, liquid structure.
  2. Measurement of basal body temperature - one of the precise methods for determining ovulation, which is used by a woman who controls its cycle. During ejection of the egg mature follicle is a sharp jump basal temperature. A thermometer 37 indicates the body temperature of - 37.1 degrees, which is kept at this level for three days.

Furthermore own sensations and signal body, luteal phase is set by the test ovulation. This test gives a relatively precise date from which to start counting.

Is it possible to get pregnant during the luteal phase?

To conceive a child during this period as possible. But it depends on when the ovulation has occurred, given that the life of the egg lasts 1-2 days. Since the level of progesterone in this period is high, there is a high chance of a successful pregnancy.

Deviation from the norm: the concept of insufficiency of the luteal phase

Insufficient duration of the luteal phase (less than 10 and more than 16 days), along with irregular menstruationIt is one of the causes of infertility. Small production of the hormone of pregnancy does not allow the uterus to prepare for implantation of the egg in its cavity, and the rapid extinction of the corpus luteum causes miscarriage. Often it becomes a barrier to the desired pregnancy. A short luteal phase in 10% of female infertility is a problem.

The main symptoms of this disease are:

  1. Failures date of menstruation, as well as the changing nature of the uterine menstrual flow, which may be something scarce, the abundant.
  2. A woman is experiencing abdominal pain, mood swings and irritability.
  3. The impossibility of conception over a long period of time, infertility.
  4. Miscarriages in early pregnancy due to insufficient layer of the endometrium in the uterus.
  5. The reason for such violations of the menstrual cycle are:
  6. Stress, neuroses, have a negative effect on the reproductive system.
  7. Inflammation of the appendages or ovaries.
  8. High levels of prolactin in the body.
  9. Giperadrogeniya (ovarian or adrenal).
  10. Violations thyroid function.

Short luteal phase of the menstrual cycle is difficult to define, since pathology asymptomatic except disorders menstruation duration.

In some cases, there is an increased concentration of progesterone and diagnosed a long luteal phase. At the same time rejecting the woman feels a general fatigue, headaches, irritability.

External signs of disease - is deteriorating skin condition (there greasiness or acne), unwanted body hair, rapid weight gain, and breast tenderness.

How to diagnose pathology

Used to determine the cause of the female reproductive organ examination by ultrasound. The modern method of determining ovulation allows us to calculate the exact release time of the egg, as well as to know the size of the dominant follicle. On the basis of the necessary blood tests, tests for progesterone indicators, establishing basal temperature during ovulation, a gynecologist identifies the main causes of deviations from the norm and assigns treatment. At the laboratory diagnosis of the individual's monthly duration.


After delivery of the analysis, based on the diagnosis, carried hormone therapy drugs such as:

  • Duphaston;
  • utrozhestan;
  • Follitropin - drugs that increase the production of sex hormones.

The dosage and duration of treatment is determined individually.

In addition to hormonal therapy the patient is recommended a change of scenery, leisure, limitation of heavy physical exertion, receiving sedatives and vitamins to restore a stable emotional background, which affects the successful conception. If the cause of the pathology specific violation of the anatomical structure of the reproductive organs, or tumor, which was formed in women, surgery is used.

  • Nov 27, 2019
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