Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia in children and adults with medicamentous and folk methods

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Life has become dull, your favorite activities have ceased to give pleasure, and others suddenly turned into constantly annoying subjects? Do not rush to blame relatives, friends or age. It is possible that this is vegeto-vascular dystonia, "loving" a quiet sap to take away from people the opportunity to enjoy life. However, this problem is not a verdict: it can be successfully combated. Moreover, therapy, as practice shows, is quite feasible for everyone.

  • What IRR
  • reasons
  • Symptoms
  • Adults
  • Children
  • Diagnostics
  • Types VSD
  • cardiopsychoneurosis( NCD)
  • vagotonia( parasimpatikotoniya)
  • sympathicotonia
  • VSD on hypertonic type
  • VSD on hypotonic type
  • Treatment
  • Drug
  • Novo-Passit
  • Valocormid
  • Azafen
  • Seduxen
  • Piracetam
  • No-spike
  • Amitriptyline
  • Eltatsin
  • Vitamins of group B
  • Wellness therapy
  • The people
  • Herbal infusions
  • Juices
  • Compress
  • Prevention

What is VSD

This is a complex manifestation of parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system failures in the absence of signs of diseases in the organs to which the patient complains. Simply put, a general examination, including an electrocardiogram, an electroencephalogram and the delivery of tests will not show significant disturbances in the functioning of the body, but the person does not feel healthy.

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There is no disease in the international classification of diseases, it is diagnosed only by specialists working in the medical institutions of the CIS and those countries that recently included it. The main reason for denying the existence of the disease by foreign specialists: there is no clear framework for diagnosing the disease and strict therapeutic regulation.

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Reasons for

There are primary and secondary causes of vegetative vascular dystonia.

The following are classified as primary:

  • intrauterine pathology of the fetal nervous system due to stresses experienced by a pregnant mother, alcohol intake, non-adherence to therapeutic recommendations, smoking;
  • unsuccessful atmosphere around the child( at home - because of alcoholism, quarrels of parents or their excessive control, in the classroom - due to constant encounters with classmates, teachers, trainer);
  • non-normalized mental and physical loads;
  • heredity( vegetoneurosis from the parent).

Secondary grounds due to which vegeto-vascular dystonia may develop:

  • moving to the region with an unusual climate;
  • hereditary, acquired pathologies of life-supporting systems( respiratory, digestive, endocrine and so on);
  • bad ecology;
  • defective food;
  • all kinds of overloads without subsequent appropriate compensation;
  • age-related hormonal changes( puberty, menopause, premenstrual syndrome);
  • all kinds of dependencies;
  • intoxication;
  • systematic violation of the regime;
  • closed.
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Symptoms of

Domestic physicians diagnose vegetovascular dystonia if multiple functional disorders are detected in patients from several parts of the autonomic nervous system.

According to the statistics, VSD is most often manifested in patients with latent or obvious neuroses. By destabilizing the work of internal systems responsible for breathing, exchange-withdrawing processes, the work of the heart and hematopoiesis, without treatment, it significantly reduces the quality of life of patients, deprives them of cheerfulness, weakens the body, making it susceptible to other diseases.

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Patient with an attack of vegetative dystonia observed simultaneous manifestation of several problems at once:

  • pressure spikes;
  • causeless changes in the rhythm of the heart;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • excessive sweating( especially the palms, feet);
  • problems with appetite( lowered);
  • bouts of nausea without errors on the part of the quality of food;
  • unpleasant sensations in the swallowing process;
  • headaches( with vegetovascular dystonia typical of vagoinsular crisis);
  • of superficial breathing;
  • of frequent hiccough;
  • hot tides;
  • myalgia;
  • puffiness;
  • temperature in vegetovascular dystonia periodically increases to 37.5, with sympathoadrenal crisis - to 40.
When symptoms of vegetovascular dystonia in women, there may be problems in the sexual sphere, manifested by anorgasmia and vaginismus. VSD men can become violations in erection and ejaculation. Other symptoms are the same for both sexes.
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Suspicions of problems in synchronism of parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system work of a child arise when:

  • frequent groundless mood changes, long periods of apathy, loss of interest in most favorite entertainments;
  • uncharacteristic decrease in activity;
  • problems with sleep;
  • temperature jumps;
  • digestive problems( nausea, vomiting, diarrhea), abnormal salivary gland function, loss of appetite, uncomfortable sensations in the abdominal cavity;
  • severe breathing without exercise;
  • problems with urination( rare or excessively frequent);
  • development of baseless phobias.

Most patients are susceptible to depression, severe fatigue even with relatively small efforts, emotionally unstable. Vegetosovascular dystonia of the brain provokes fainting due to a sharp change in body position, stress, physical overload.

Causes, symptoms and treatment of a decreased level of hemoglobin in the blood
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Many are wondering what kind of doctor should be consulted for suspected vegetovascular dystonia. Because of the fuzziness and chaotic sequence of manifestations of the VSD, the similarity of its symptoms with the consequences of other diseases( asthma, rheumatism, non-rheumatic carditis, sepsis, oncology, etc.), it is diagnosed only after confirming findings when examined by a number of specialists.

A detailed study makes it possible to verify that the patient who has applied for help has vegetative dystonia.

Specialists and procedures that the patient will have to contact:

  • therapist( after reading the anamnesis, will give directions for analysis and visits to a number of doctors);
  • endocrinologist;
  • oculist;
  • neurologist;
  • ENT;
  • psychiatrist;
  • pharmacological tests;
  • ECG, determination of the degree of cardiac efficiency;
  • encephalogram examination, EchoEG, REG;
  • rheovasography.
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Types of VSD

VSD manifests itself in a variety of symptoms that allow to classify the disease. The doctors distinguish the following types of vegetative dystonia with characteristic symptoms:

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Neurocirculatory dystonia( NDC)

It is divided into 3 types:

  • vascular ( vegetative vascular dystonia according to the hypertonic type and vegetative vascular dystonia according to the hypotonic type);
  • cardiac with possible mitral valve prolapse and unstable repolarization of the ventricles, tachycardia, sinus bradycardia and others;
  • vegetative dystonia according to the mixed type or mixed NDC, manifested by the symptoms of the vascular and cardinal type.
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Vagotonia( parasympathicotonia)

It is characterized by a depressed state, low working capacity due to fast fatigue, memory problems, apathy, increased anxiety, pale skin, poor tolerance of stuffiness and cold, soreness of the lower extremities, puffiness under the eyes, constipation,frequent urination, allergic manifestations. Often observed hypotension, low heart rate, enlarged heart, bradyarrhythmia.

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Sympathetic toddler

Distinctive features: pale skin, tendency to hypertension, increased anxiety, unreasonable chill( at normal ambient temperature and adequately selected clothing), absent-mindedness, short temper, low pain threshold, propensity to constipation, increased urine production,dilated pupils.

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VSD for the hypertonic type

For this condition are characterized by: dizziness, accelerated heart rhythm, systematic increase in pressure against the absence of traceable signs of hypertension, anxiety, emotional depression, loss of appetite, migraine, tremor, unusual sweating.

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VSD for hypotonic type

This condition is indicated by: frequent panic attacks, drowsiness, unwillingness to do anything at all, chronic fatigue, frequent headaches, suffocation, frequent heartburn, painful urination, regular nausea without nutritional error,decreased sexual desire.

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Treatment of

Stabilization of the condition is carried out taking into account the manifested problems in this or that separate life support system. For example, suffering venous insufficiency, prescribe phlebotonics, hypertensive patients - Papasal, having problems with the heart - Riboxin.

Along with medical treatment, rehabilitation and rehabilitation therapy is extremely desirable, including, if possible, a course in a sanatorium or in a health resort.
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If physiological pathologies are not revealed, then in the treatment of vegetovascular dystonia, drugs are prescribed for the normalization of nervous processes, given the strength of the manifestation of a particular symptom.

Among others, the following tablets are prescribed for vegetative-vascular dystonia.

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New Passit

Sedative drug that relieves anxiety. It is indicated with mild neurasthenia, anxiety, insomnia, severe fatigue, decreased concentration of attention. Usually the drug is taken on a teaspoonful or 1 tablet 3 times a day, but if necessary, the dose can be adjusted.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, depression, bradycardia.
Side effects: allergic reactions, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, muscle weakness, urticaria, tachycardia, increased pressure.

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Spasmolytic, cardiotonic. It is prescribed for cardiovascular neuroses, accompanied by bradycardia. It is recommended to take before meals 10-20 drops three times a day.

Contraindications: renal and hepatic insufficiency, sensitivity to drug components, cardiosclerosis, endocarditis, myocarditis, angle-closure glaucoma.
Side effects: headache, dizziness, drowsiness, arrhythmia, vomiting.

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The drug for mood improvement belongs to the group of antidepressants.

Contraindications: renal and hepatic insufficiency, sensitivity to the drug components, simultaneous administration of MAO inhibitors, pregnancy and lactation.
Side effects: headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, allergic reactions.

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Tranquilizer for inhibition of unwanted brain processes. It is used only on the prescription of a doctor in the treatment of anxiety and mental disorders.

Contraindications: sensitivity to drug components, pregnancy and lactation period, children under 6 months, severe myasthenia gravis, angle-closure glaucoma, cardiopulmonary insufficiency, sleep apnea.
Side effects: drowsiness, fatigue, weakness.

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An anti-asthenic drug that improves blood circulation and hence brain activity. It promotes memory consolidation, improves learning processes. Piracetam is available in the form of tablets and a solution.

Contraindications: sensitivity to the drug components, acute period of hemorrhagic stroke, renal failure.
Side effects: headache, exacerbation of epilepsy, nausea, vomiting, imbalance, drowsiness or insomnia, weight gain, bleeding, dermatitis, urticaria and others.

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The drug for the removal of spasms.

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to components included in the drug, hepatic, renal or heart failure.
Side effects: allergic reactions, palpitations, headache, dizziness, insomnia, nausea, vomiting, constipation.

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Antidepressant, which has a pronounced timoanaleptic and sedative effect. It also has analgesic, antiulcer and anti-bulimic action, it is quite effective in bedwetting. The antidepressant effect develops within 2-4 weeks, beginning 1 with admission.

Contraindications: heart failure, myocardial infarction, cardiac muscle conduction disorder, stomach and duodenal ulcer, prostatic hypertrophy, atony of the bladder, pregnancy, lactation period, age to 6 years, hypersensitivity to amitriptyline, simultaneous administration of MAO inhibitors.

Side effects: paresis of accommodation, increased intraocular pressure, blurred vision, dry mouth, constipation, intestinal obstruction, urinary retention, fever, headache, ataxia, fatigue, weakness, irritability, dizziness, tinnitus, drowsinessor insomnia and others.

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This is a combination of 3 interchangeable amino acids - glutamic acid, glycine and cystine. These compounds act as regulators of metabolic processes in the human body. Eltacin is prescribed to restore and prevent overvoltage in adolescents with vegetovascular dystonia.

The drug improves physical and mental performance, normalizes the psycho-emotional background, promotes social adaptation, improves mood, depresses feelings of aggression and a tendency to conflict.

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to components included in the preparation, age up to 11 years.
Side effects: not detected.

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Vitamins of group B

Vitamin complexes help the body to adapt to psychophysical loads, improve metabolism in nervous tissue and has a detoxifying effect, contain natural antioxidants, increase strength and endurance.

Contraindications: individual intolerance.
Side effects: not detected.

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Wellness therapy

The medication is not the only way to treat vegetative dysfunction. Simultaneously with the drugs, and in the mild cases of manifestation of the VSD and instead of them, prescribe a purely complex rehabilitation exercises, courses of psychotherapeutic therapy, autogenic occupations.

In the vegetative dystonia of any type are shown:

  • massage( general or with emphasis on the neck and back);
  • compliance with the daily routine;
  • adapted diet: milk and sour milk, oatmeal or buckwheat cereals, nuts, fruits( grapes, apricots, plums), dried fruits( raisins, figs, prunes), vegetables( cabbage, beets, potatoes, tomatoes, beans, dill, soy,carrots), seafood;
  • swimming, water aerobics;
  • winter sports;
  • walking tours in environmentally friendly areas.

There are exercises that should not be done with vegetovascular dystonia. For example, before the complete cure of the VSD, it is desirable to abandon the classes:

  • bodybuilding,
  • any jumps( somersaults, somersaults included);
  • power gymnastics;
  • martial arts.

The recommended comprehensive classes are conducted with minimal load, the frequency of repetitions and the duration of the procedures increase gradually.

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Folk remedies

Without the opportunity to undergo a course of sanatorium treatment, all patients can use the simplest folk treatment in the form of regular two-hour outings to the street, moderate sunbathing, swimming in nature or in pools, normal nutrition and adequate sleep( from 8hours per day).

This cheap method helps to get rid of the symptoms of vegetative dystonia, if those who are treated do not get lazy, use outings for nature not for activities with drinking alcohol, but for a full rest, alternating the latter with moderate useful work.

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Herbal infusions of

To speed up the results, useful drinks are added to the diet, helping to withstand VSD.You can prepare a healthful mono or blended teas with the addition of:

  • Schisandra;
  • of ginseng;
  • aira;
  • lemon balm;Motherless
  • ;
  • Rhodiola rosea;
  • thyme;
  • valerian;
  • of hawthorn( fruits and inflorescences).

If it is not possible to prepare a herbal infusion, take a water based product with the addition of Eleutherococcus drops. Like medicinal preparations, herbal teas are consumed taking into account contraindications.

Recipe 1.

A beverage that boosts the tone but calms the nervous system from:

  • of the golden root( rhodiola);
  • of hawthorn fruit;
  • of hips;
  • inflorescence of calendula.

Components are taken in equal parts, insist in boiling water for about an hour. Take a third cup, three times a day, before eating for 30 minutes.

Recipe 2.

For a therapeutic drink replacing regular tea, you will need:

  • leaves of strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, currants of dark varieties;
  • St. John's wort.
  • of the Blessed Virgin Herb( thyme).

Components take one part of each. A teaspoon of blend is poured into 200 milliliters of boiling water and allowed to stand for 20 minutes. The filtered infusion is drunk with honey or without, twice a day in a glass.

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In the store you can not buy juices useful for vegetovascular dystonia, the conclusion is to prepare yourself.

Recipe 1.

Take cucumbers, beets and carrots in the proportion: 1x1x3 and squeeze out the juice from them. For future use, juice is not prepared, prepared for use in the morning.

Recipe 2.

Fresh parsley to squeeze a tablespoon of juice and drink before meals for 30 minutes( three times a day).

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From a headache with vegetovascular dystonia, a fresh and clean tuber is divided in half, the parts obtained are applied moist side to the temples. After 10 minutes from the same vegetable juice is squeezed to wet cotton swabs. The two compresses are laid one by one in each ear.

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Prevention of

Avoiding the decline in vitality and the problems that vegetative vascular dystonia brings will:

  • exercise, regular physical exercise;
  • daily fresh air outlets with a mandatory promenade;
  • mode of the day and sufficient sleep;
  • the desire for a quiet perception of life and problems;
  • reasonable approach to the diet.

Ignoring each of the items leads to a person becoming nervous. A natural consequence of this is the emergence of the need to treat emerging problems. It is better to revise one's lifestyle if it turns out that there are all the prerequisites for the development of the IRR, and first to arm against a disease that can strike anyone.

  • Mar 18, 2018
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