Useful properties, contraindications and recipes for the application of anis

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Anis ordinary - one-year-old representative of the umbrella family, popularly known as "sweet cumin", "thigh-bell", "chanus".His healing properties were described by Pythagoras and Hippocrates. Wild anise is found only in Greece, but it is cultivated all over the world. With a therapeutic purpose, fruits that have a sweetish-spicy taste, and roots, and the aerial part of the plant-honey.

  • chemical composition
  • Useful properties
  • Indications
  • Formulations
  • Broth
  • Tea
  • alcoholate
  • oil
  • ammonia-anisic drops
  • anisic water
  • Application
  • In diseases upper
  • airways in chronic tonsillitis
  • When cold
  • When laryngitis, hoarsenessand dryness of the throat
  • With angina
  • With bronchitis, cold cough, tracheitis and whooping cough
  • When treating diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • To improve the appetita
  • With dyskinesia of the gallbladder and constipation
  • With gastritis and incisions in the stomach
  • With hepatitis
  • instagram viewer
  • With kidney diseases
  • With impotence
  • For insomnia
  • For increased lactation
  • With burns
  • With obesity
  • With glaucoma
  • With hearing loss
  • For improving memory
  • Fromlice
  • Contraindications and side effects
  • Procurement and storage

Chemical composition

Anise seed is its main value. Its powerful and versatile healing effect is due to the unique chemical composition. The content of essential oil in fruits varies from 1 to 6%.It contains such components:

  • Anetol( 80%) - because of it the product has a unique flavor.
  • Methylhavicol( 10%).
  • Anic acids( 10%): aldehydes and ketones.

In addition to essential oil, anise seed is present:

  • Light-melting fatty oil( 4 to 23%) is a substitute for cocoa bean oil.

  • Proteins( about 18%).
  • Furfural - aromatic aldehyde( about 7%).
  • Carbohydrates and sugars( up to 30%).
  • Water( up to 10%).

Anise is also rich in vitamins P and C, macro- and microelements( calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese and others).

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Useful properties

From the medical point of view, sweet cumin has the following useful properties:

  • Excites respiratory reflex and strengthens the mucus compartment.
  • Briefly activates the nervous system.
  • Relieves spasms of the intestines, bronchial and pulmonary.
  • Normalizes the pancreas.
  • Normalizes the hormonal background and menstrual cycle, helps with infertility, promotes conception.
  • Increases potency.
  • Stimulates lactation.
  • Cleans the skin.
  • Strengthens the action of antibiotics.
  • Its aroma stimulates appetite.
  • Has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and also anesthetic, diuretic, laxative and carminative effect.
Birch tar - medicinal properties, application inside and outside, contraindications
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Anis is widely used in folk and traditional medicine in the treatment of such diseases and disorders inbody:

  • Laryngitis, tracheitis and other complications of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Intestinal and gastric colic, flatulence.
  • Gastritis, normalization of digestion and pancreas and liver.
  • Inflammation in the kidneys, bladder, the presence of sand in them.
  • Burns.
  • Delay of menstruation and cleaning of the mucous uterus.
  • Asthma, loss of voice, migraine, heart palpitations, insomnia.
  • Weakened vision.
  • Decreased potency.
  • Weak lactation.
  • Infection with lice, mites, fleas.
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Anis is a medicinal raw material for the preparation of pharmaceutical products. Often it serves as an additive to drugs that have an unpleasant taste. There are several types of pharmacological and home-made products made from this plant.

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Widely distributed type of a healing agent from sweet cumin. It is used to treat many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, upper respiratory tract and gynecology, with colds, edema and nervous system problems.

For rinsings and inhalations the broth is made according to the following recipe: 4 tablespoons of fruits are poured with a liter of water, brought to a boil and held for 15 minutes.

For ingestion and syringing : a teaspoon of anise fruit is poured a glass of water and boiled for several minutes. Every day a new portion of broth is prepared.

With edemas , the broth is made 2 times concentrated and 2 tablespoons are drunk.

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This healing drink benefits from problems with the stomach and helps children and adults to improve their appetite. The proportion of cooking, as in the broth, only it does not need to be boiled. Healing tea is drunk in large quantities, not sweetening. Although when treating cough in it is good to add a spoonful of honey. Sometimes, to get rid of cough, you can mix a pinch of anise, caraway and fennel.

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Alcohol tincture

This drug is available in pharmacies. But you can cook it yourself. To do this, use pure alcohol or vodka. In the first case 100 grams, pre-crushed in a mortar of fruits, are poured with 600 milliliters of alcohol and kept in a closed container in a dark place at an ordinary temperature of 3 weeks.

If vodka is used to make the tincture, then the proportion of seeds and alcohol should be 1:10.In the rest, the second technology does not differ from the first one. But it should be noted that from the seeds infused on medical alcohol, the drug is stronger. And you can drink it no more than 10 drops at a time. In the second case, the dose can be increased threefold.

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oil Anise essential oil can be purchased at the pharmacy without a prescription. It is used when inhalation, preparing medicinal baths and for massage. In addition, it is added in the manufacture of complex drugs. And before quartz of affected vitiligo skin areas it is recommended to protect them by rubbing anise oil.

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Ambulatory anise drops

This is an alcoholic tincture of ammonia and anise oil, which is usually diluted with water or dripped on a piece of sugar before serving. Use drops for problems with digestion, with respiratory diseases, there are cases of successful treatment of pertussis in children. Babies are usually prescribed to drink a drop of water diluted in water for each year of life.

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Anisovaja water

The preparation is made on the basis of anise oil and purified water. In fact, this is a 10% suspension of essential oil. It helps with problems with lactation and treatment of the digestive system. Daily dose - 1 teaspoon to 4 times a day.

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Application of

Ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans knew about the healing properties of anise. The Roman patricians at the time of feasts ate tortillas with anise to improve digestion. And Pythagoras considered this herb to be the best remedy for insomnia and a rejuvenating elixir for the skin. In medieval Europe, the anise served as a decoration for the bedrooms, as it is able to purify the air and rid itself of nightmares.

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For diseases of the upper respiratory tract

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For chronic tonsillitis

Gargle with warm, fresh decoction.

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For cold

Drink alcohol tincture on several drops three times a day. Or in a glass of broth pour a few teaspoons of lime honey and a spoonful of cognac. All this boil, cool and drink a teaspoon every half hour.

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With laryngitis, hoarseness and dryness of throat

Strain infusion drink a couple of tablespoons several times a day before meals.

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With angina

Warm infusion to drink a couple of tablespoons up to 6 times a day. Or as many times gargle.

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For bronchitis, cough, tracheitis and whooping cough

Take 1/4 cup of broth before meals, with a daily allowance of 1 glass. You can use a couple of drops of oil on a spoonful of water up to 6 times a day.

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For the treatment of diseases of the digestive tract

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To improve appetite

Drink a decoction of seeds in half a glass before eating.

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For dyskinesia of the gallbladder and constipation

Take a decoction of the fruit of sweet cumin - 2 tablespoons to 4 times before meals.

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For gastritis and cuts in the stomach

Pour a glass of boiling water 5 grams of anise seeds, infuse a couple of hours in a thermos bottle. Means to drink in equal portions for a day.

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For hepatitis

Recipe 1.

Equal amounts of buckthorn, cloves, anise, mint boil for 10 minutes and insist for half an hour. To drink before a dream half a cup.

Recipe 2.

2 teaspoons mixture consisting of 1 part anise seeds, 0.5 part clove flowers, 1.5 parts buckthorn, 2 parts peppermint leaves, insist half an hour in a glass of boiling water. The whole dose should be drunk before bedtime. This drug normalizes the stool and reduces the yellowness of the skin.

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With kidney diseases

Anise infusion alleviates suffering in seizures associated with the movement of sand in the kidneys.

Recipe 1.

Drink a water infusion of anise fruit in 1/4 cup for half an hour before meals, bringing the daily dose to a glass.

Recipe 2.

On a teaspoon of anise seeds, juniper, parsley leaves and lily of the valley to infuse 2 hours in 400 milliliters of boiling water. Drink three times a day for 100 milliliters.

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For impotence

Eat 3 grams of sunflower every day or drink anointed anise oil 5 drops each.

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From insomnia

Rub a teaspoonful of fruit and insist them in a glass of hot milk. Then strain, pour a spoonful of honey and drink in a warm form. Children reduce the dose by half.

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To increase lactation

Nursing mothers will use the same prescription that is used for kidney diseases with the addition of a spoonful of sugar.

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With burns

Healing is accelerated by lubricating the wound with essential oil mixed with egg white.

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With obesity

Aniseed seeds are mixed in equal parts with licorice and soap roots, and with grass of a lamb. A spoonful of salt is taken on a glass of boiling water and it is infused 2 hours. Drink it should be on an empty stomach in the morning and in the evening.

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For glaucoma

Warm infusions of anise grass( 2 cups boiling water 1 tablespoon) to wash eyes.

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With hearing loss

The middle of the peeled bulb is filled with anise seeds, the vegetable is baked in the oven. The juice that appears at the same time must be carefully filtered and, a little warm, bury in your ears 2 drops at night until the appearance of a positive effect.

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To improve memory

Mix on a tablespoon of seeds of ordinary and sweet cumin, and chopped nutmeg. Mix the mixture in a liter of grape wine for 10 minutes. After that, drink 50 milliliters to 4 times a day.

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From lice

Anise oil to rub into the scalp before going to bed, and then wrap it with cellophane. In the morning after washing the head, comb the parasites. The treatment session should be repeated after 3 days.

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Contraindications and side effects of

Anise and its essential oil should not be used with:

  • allergic intolerance;
  • pregnancy;
  • dermatitis;
  • peptic ulcer disease;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • intestinal atony;
  • high acidity of gastric juice.
Anise is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age.

When applying anise grass, it is necessary to take into account such limitations:

  • An increase in the concentration of drugs and their overdose is fraught with serious heart disorders, dizziness and inflammation of the stomach.
  • For the first application, the therapeutic dose should be reduced by half.
  • Weekly oil receptions alternate well with small interruptions. At this time, you can use other means of a similar action.
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Procurement and storage of

Ripened medicinal raw materials are harvested at the end of summer. For collection choose dry weather, spend it in the early morning or in the evening. His readiness is judged by such signs: the seeds are hard, brown, and the trunk of the grass is yellow.

Umbrellas with fruits are cut and, tied in bundles, suspended to dry in a room with good air circulation. Then the raw material is threshed, cleaned of litter, and dried in air or in a dryer at 60 degrees. After that, the fruit can be stored in a closed container in a dry room for up to 3 years.

  • May 22, 2018
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