How to deal with fatigue: 3 recipes

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Today I will share with you my own recipes, how to deal with fatigue .

I understand that every busy person works a lot, which means he's tired.

Sooner or later he comes to the line when the fatigue that has accumulated literally shouts to him: "That's it, enough! Spit on everything and have a rest! Run for a week at the resort! ".

But there is really no time to rest at the height of the working year, because the stop sometimes can throw you back far and destroy all previous achievements.

How to deal with this?

And I'll tell you now.

What is fatigue and how to deal with it?

I think for you it will not be a secret that there are two types of fatigue:

  • physical;
  • emotional.

People mistakenly believe that physical fatigue is inherent only in those who work hard physically: builders, farmers, cleaners, loaders, etc.

However, this opinion, although widespread, but very, very erroneous.

Even if you are a man of mental labor, but do not sleep very much, eat poorly, work for 10-12 hours, then you will experience physical exhaustion.

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I remember how my friend-copywriter recently complained:

"I spend 8-12 hours every day at the computer, I print tens of thousands of characters of the text.

By the evening I feel absolutely broken: my head hurts, my neck and shoulders ache, my limbs swell.

I complain to my husband, and he told me where you could get tired, you'll think - she prints, so I really get tired in the furniture shop.

And this despite the fact that I earn three times more than it!

Where is the gratitude of this drone? !

No, to advise, how to deal with fatigue , or at least just sympathize. "

Emotional fatigue occurs as a result of constant stress on your nervous system.

"He went to bed and fell asleep with all his might."

You probably will quickly feel emotional fatigue if:

  • Live in a constant state of stress.
  • You are experiencing great emotional turmoil every day.
    For example, beginners, teachers, TV journalists, drivers, etc., suffer from emotional fatigue.
  • Should every day rake up a bunch of accumulated cases and solve many problems.
  • Experiencing pressure and hassle, for example, from the boss or spouse.
  • You have more responsibility on your shoulders than you can carry.

How to deal with fatigue with nutrition and day regimen?

You will not know what fatigue is if you stick to the correct regime of the day, which necessarily consists of:

  1. A healthy sleep of at least 8 hours.
  2. Morning charging or jogging.
  3. Cool or contrast shower.
  4. Nutritious and healthy breakfast: oatmeal or other cereal, muesli, cottage cheese, eggs, cheese cakes, etc.
  5. Writing plans for the day with an indication of the time frame for their implementation.
  6. Slow gathering for work or study, not half-naked running around the house with shouts: "Damn, where's the arrow on pantyhose? !", "Where's my bra? !", "I'm already late!".
  7. A normal dinner, not a five-minute snack in a hurry.
  8. Several rests-fifteen minutes during the day.
  9. Drinking water( 2-3 liters!)
  10. Refusing bad habits.
    Yes, when will you throw out those cigarettes? !
  11. A light supper no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

The presence or absence of fatigue depends largely on what you eat.

A person crammed with huge hamburgers, fried potatoes, pastries and other favorite but very harmful products will be constantly sluggish and tired.

Products for the brain: TOP-10 products for the brain

In order to feel vigorous, you must eat:

  • sour-milk products;
  • fatty fish;
  • seafood;
  • "light"( rabbit, chicken, turkey) or red( veal) meat;
  • beef liver and kidney;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits( a lot!);
  • greens( very much!);
  • cereals and cereals( especially buckwheat);
  • black chocolate, honey, nuts( these products should not be abused if you do not want to eat a couple of sizes).

In difficult periods( late autumn, spring), it is necessary to drink pharmacy vitamins, use phyto-products from rose hips, lemongrass, St. John's wort, hawthorn, yarrow, hops, leaves of strawberries and other vitamin herbs.

3 effective prescription for fighting fatigue

Nutrition and the regime of the day are not so much recipes to combat fatigue as preventive measures that will not allow you to bring the body to complete exhaustion.

If fatigue rolled around with a snowball and screwed you to the floor, then you need to act radically.

Such recipes help me:

  1. Rest day.

    When I feel I have reached the handle and are no longer able to do anything, I arrange a day of rest.

    I plan it for tomorrow, even if I feel tired already this morning.

    You will not believe how the body mobilizes, when you promise him a whole day of rest, how much work he is ready to remake.

    And spend the rest day, as inspiration tells me: sometimes I turn off the phone and lie in my pajamas all day, sometimes - I go on a picnic with friends, sometimes - I retire with my lover.

  2. Taking care of yourself.

    Sometimes, in order to relieve the symptoms of fatigue, you just need to take care of your body, face or hair.

    How to become the most beautiful?

    I go to the beauty salon( they work until 20.00-22.00, so excuses about "I'm at work" or "no time" throw in the trash).

    There I do or cosmetology procedures, or any masochki for hair, or I order massage, or - manicure with a pedicure.

    In the cold season, the sauna or hammam relaxes well.

    Time such therapy takes a little, but it is very effective.

  3. Sleep.

    I'm trying to move most things to tomorrow and go to bed early.

    Take a bath at night with fragrant foam and sea salt, light a few candles or aroma lamp.

    To make the dreams serene, you can make yourself tea with mint, melissa or other soothing collection, you can drink a glass of wine( one glass!), You can read something light( some women's magazine will fit perfectly).

    Usually after such therapy I wake up early and full of energy.

    I do not think that your effect will be so much different from mine.

And one more recipe, how to remove fatigue,

from psychologist Stanislav Bodyagin.

Watching the video:

Perhaps you have your own recipes, how to deal with fatigue .

Share them in the comments, and suddenly, they will not only help me, but also other readers of the site.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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