Why Muslims do not eat pork: 9 reasons

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All your thoughts on how beautiful you will be in a snow-white wedding dress and what sweet life awaits you married to a beautiful Arab sheik? Well, not quite a sheikh, but a well-off "man in the prime of life" from the Emirates. ...

Not in vain did you 2 years "killed" on correspondence with him on Facebook!

Yeah, but you did not think about that, why Muslims do not eat pork and how will you live with your beloved man, but without a gram of fragrant fat?

We open all the cards: 9 reasons why Muslims do not eat pork

For those who, though not ready to participate in "What? Where? When? ", But since childhood he has become a special curious person, we will guide 9 reasons why Muslims do not eat pork:

  1. The Koran strictly forbids Muslims to eat pork:

    And for "especially gifted" this text is repeated with some variations in the holy book four times.

  2. The pig, according to the Muslims, is an unclean animal, and therefore there is absolutely no comme il faut.

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    The followers of Allah remember all the sins of the poor animal: they say, and it feeds on waste, and its young can bite, and lies in its feces. What religious ceremonies can we hold here?

  3. Pig meat, Muslims believe, is very similar to human flesh.

    Yes, we know that this phrase starts to get nauseated! But, no matter how regrettable it may be, in many biochemical and anatomical features we are similar to pigs.

  4. Muslims do not eat pork, because many "sores" can be transmitted from pigs to humans.

    With poor heat treatment and the hot climate of the East, this is fraught with big problems.

  5. Even if the pig looks quite present, there is no certainty that it is absolutely healthy, and Muslims eat the meat of any sick animal strictly forbidden by the Koran.

    What is only the recent hysteria about swine flu:

  6. Bible researchers say that by setting a ban on eating pork, Islam goes hand in hand with religions such as Christianity and Judaism ( and I want to say: all religions are equal,all religions are important!).

    And in order not to be unfounded, like our politicians before the elections, quote from the Book of Books:

    No. Quote Bible reference
    1 "The Lord with fire and his sword will execute judgment on all flesh, and many will be stricken by the Lord. Those who sanctify and purify themselves in the groves, one by one, eat pork meat and abomination and mice, - all will perish, says the Lord. " Isaiah 66: 16-17
    2 " A pig, although hooves doubles, but chews do not chew, it is unclean to you;Do not eat their meat and do not touch their corpses. " Deuteronomy 14: 8, Bible
  7. Muslims do not eat pork because they are confident( and not without reason) that this meat contributes to obesity, affects the heart and blood vessels.

    So we hear applause and glee of cardiologists! At such times they are ready to personally kiss each Muslim for the promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

  8. There are many legends in Islamic folklore about how Allah turned man into a pig, and therefore, eating pork is blasphemy of the 80th level.

    So, one ancient story claims that in the pig Allah turned the accursed person, and the other - that he did this with a young beautiful girl, to show the miracle of reincarnation and to warn the orthodox from pride.

    However, a true Muslim believer believe in these stories - a real sin( it's like a Christian to turn to fortune tellers and psychics or believe in signs).

  9. One of the many suras of the Qur'an states that Allah cursed the wicked and turned them into swine and monkeys.

    And for Muslims this is a good reason not to eat pork!

    Quote Link to the Qur'an
    "Say:" Shall I tell you about those who will receive the worst recompense from Allah? These are those whom Allah cursed, to whom He was angry and whom He turned into apes and pigs and who worshiped the tyrant. They will occupy an even worse place and get even more out of the way. " Quran, Sura 5: 59-60

9 food taboos in Islam besides pig meat: why do Muslims not eat pork and what is prohibited?

  • alcohol in any form is a taboo for Muslims.

    Well, yes, well, who needs vodka, if it can not be eaten with juicy shish kebab or a heavy pelmeni?

  • is forbidden to eat meat of sick or pregnant animals, dead meat.

    Everything is clear from the point of view of medicine( to protect yourself from poisoning), and ordinary humanity( most people even a pregnant cat can not drive from a chair);

  • Muslims do not eat animals that died from trauma, drowning, electric shock and other accidents.

    Most likely, afraid that the bad karma of an unfortunate donkey or ram will pass to them;

  • not only pork, but also any meat in which blood remained, Muslims do not eat.

    So in the East, especially "zamorachivayutsya" with the right slaughter of animals: a very sharp knife cut the jugular vein so that it does not have a drop of blood, and poor cattle did not even have time to get scared.

    Here it is - mercy in its pure form;

  • Muslims do not eat not only pork, but also the internal and sex organs of any animals.

    But we are happy to crush the liver pancakes and do not mind eating chicken hearts. We love ourselves, we indulge!

  • is prohibited from eating land animals and birds that eat carrion, waste and / or have the claws of ( donkeys, mules, dogs, bears, tigers, cats, falcons, owls, hawks).

    In principle, and we will object to infection with worms and all sorts of intestinal sticks!

  • Muslims do not eat turtles, moles, bats, hedgehogs, snakes.

    And we just dreamed of sitting at a common table with a faithful Muslim and taste freshly prepared mint( right from the grandmother's garden)!

  • is not thrilled with the Koran and from those who eat horse meat.

    They just did not try the amazing sausage from this meat!

    "I remember what" nuisance "came out, when I, without telling about the composition of the sausage, fed her my friend - a Crimean Tatar and a convinced Muslim. And this marvelous sausage of horse meat was passed from Siberia itself. The fact that Muslims do not eat pork I knew, but about horse meat - forgot. Therefore, if you invite a Muslim to yourself, think about how you will regulate your guest. "- Vladimir advises from Kiev.

  • any food that contains at least a gram, even a drop of the prohibited product( blood, pork, etc.) also - in the "furnace"!

    So do not try to force a Muslim to try pork sausage, saying: "How many pork are there?2 grams per kilogram of soy and a roll of toilet paper! ".

3 situations where even a radical Islamist will eat a pork cutlet and will not reflect on why Muslims do not eat pork

If you have asked yourself the question "Why do Muslims not eat pork?", It is worth knowing about the situations in which the strict prohibition of the Korancan be neglected:

  1. Threat of starvation.

    In this case, the Muslim should be content with the minimum amount of pig meat or other prohibited product, so as to say "stand day, let the night hold out".

  2. Cheating.

    Not only in our markets, but also in eastern markets, under the guise of harmless calves, a Muslim can slip pork.

  3. Coercion.

    So we imagine how someone at the ready with a bowl of holodtsa from a pig's leg runs after a Muslim and yells: "And for my mother a spoon? And for the Pope? ".

Interesting facts about animals!

Talk about "high": 5 reasons why Muslims do not eat pork in terms of spiritual development

Spiritual teachers explain why Muslims do not eat pork:

  • Islam - religion is very "clear", that is, anyone who wishes from the Koran can learn "what is good and what is bad."

    And if Allah makes it clear that pig meat can not be, then so be it;

  • Muslim, who violated the ban on pork, is robbing himself, as "the fruits of joy and love" will not be available to him.

    Of course, what are the high feelings and impulses with a full belly?

  • Prophet Muhammad claimed that the two greatest human values ​​are free time and health.

    The first is needed in order to do good deeds, and health to Allah is more pleasing than the ill, so taking care of yourself is the most important duty of a Muslim.

    And since eating pork is fraught with problems with the heart, blood vessels, liver and excess weight, is it not better to abandon the product altogether?

  • any life is the greatest gift of Allah, even if it is an animal.

    And that's why it's worse to kill a pig, bringing harm to her and her health. If you really "condemn to death" some creature, then this should at least benefit the person;

  • according to Muslims, a complete or partial refusal of meat - is already a big step in spiritual development, as it helps to cleanse not only the body, but also the mind.

    For example, growing pigs or making money for their expensive meat takes away a person's time that he could use to do charity, pray, read the Koran.

In defense of pigs: 5 useful properties of pork meat especially for those who ask the question "Why do not Muslims eat pork?" And wants to follow their example.

  1. Thanks to the large amount of fats, the pork dishes are very warm.

    A good argument, if you take into account our climate!

  2. Pork literally "swarming" with various trace elements.

    Magnesium is necessary for every "core" and those who do not want to become one.

    Zinc is especially valuable for young ladies, because it is responsible for the beauty of hair, skin, nails and men who do not want to fail in bed.

  3. Amino acid lysine, contained in pork, is responsible for the formation of the skeleton and muscle tissue.

    You do not want to be completely gouging?

  4. Vitamin B12, the record holder for which is the pork liver, is needed for anemia, nervous system disorders and exhaustion.

    Quit favorite? Schnitzel you in hand!

  5. Pork fat, which Muslims disdain, contains selenium - the main "star" among antioxidants.

    So if you want to dazzle youth and change young husbands like a prima donna, spoil yourself a few times a week with a piece of boiled pork.

5 interesting facts about pork meat and the animal itself: what else to hit at the party, besides the knowledge of why Muslims do not eat pork?

  1. How many doctors would not say that pork is a fat and "heavy" food, scientists have already proved that this meat, when used in reasonable quantities, is perfectly absorbed even by the body of older people.

    Everything, in the next weekend - to the grandmother for cabbage rolls!

  2. Pork fat is an excellent antidepressant.

    Oh, and in combination with a glass of vodka - so generally a drug that causes euphoria;

  3. The calorie content, as well as the amount of vitamins, minerals and other "benefits" in meat depends on how much pig has lived in the white light:

    No. Classification Age of the animal Calories in 100 grams of meat
    1 Piglets up to 4 months 109
    2 Caps from 4 to 10 months 347
    3 Pork from 11 months and older 510
  4. Long time farmers in France used pigs to look for truffles.

    "Piglet" find these delicious mushrooms even under the soil layer of 7-10 centimeters.

  5. No animal, like a pig, is able to devour and digest anything that falls under the snout.

    Do you want to scare an impressionable metropolitan "trick" that first came to the village? Tell her about those cases when the pigs simply ate their owners.

Is eating meat harmful or beneficial? Than it threatens our health?

Scientists of America have found the answer! However, it is unlikely that he will like meat eaters. ..

Now, if you want to pass for a well-read person, you can trump your knowledge about why Muslims do not eat pork .

But do not stop there - in life there is so much more interesting that deserves your attention.

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