The test for menopause: how to determine the onset of menopause (frautest)

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  1. The essence of the test for menopause
  2. When to use test
  3. How to use menopausal tests
  4. Popular tests
  5. What do the test results

menopause period sooner or later overtakes every woman. On average, it falls at the age of 45 years, someone notices at an early menopause for 35 years, some - late, to 50. When manifest certain symptoms of menopause, you should consult a specialist to determine the clinical picture and the correct destination therapy. And what if the time very little, or busy schedule does not allow frequent visits to the doctor? In this case, a modern pharmacy and medicine are tests for menopause, which are suitable for use in the home.

The test for menopause

The essence of the test for menopause

Extinction of reproductive function means the beginning of drastic hormonal changes in the body, which is especially marked during menopause.
In pre-menopausal body is still preparing for the end of fertility, so menstruation in women remains, only the regularity of it is broken. There may be a delay of critical days up to several months, and the discharge becomes noticeably smaller. It is at this stage is gradually reduced production by the ovaries of the female hormone - estrogen on the brain responds to enhanced release of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH).

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With the end of menstruation - or rather, a year after its completion, menopause. FSH levels increased significantly, whereas there is an acute shortage of estrogen. This leads to disruption of the work of all body systems. Noticeably manifest psycho-emotional and autonomic changes, and mainly - not for the better. Begin to overcome neuroses, insomnia, hot flashes, pain and other troubles.

The first two stages menopause can last about 15 years. After that comes the postmenopause. The symptoms gradually disappear, but the level of FSH and remains elevated.

That is a common feature of all menopausal phase is to change the level of follicle-stimulating hormone. And if you regularly watch him, it is possible to determine the onset of menopause. For continuous monitoring does not necessarily refer to the laboratory and diagnostic centers, it suffices to use a test for menopause. As a rule, it is a small device, which determines the level of urinary FSH. To obtain reliable results, it is necessary to use it several times at regular intervals. These tests are widely available due to its ease of use, compact design and affordable price. You can use it in any convenient location. He has no contraindications and side effects.

When to use test

When you are standing on the threshold of menopause, a cause for concern could be any violation and uncomfortable feeling. On every occasion to address to the doctor - is not a way out. Come to the aid tests for menopause. In what case it is appropriate to use them?

The symptoms of menopause are of a different nature, because at that point disrupted almost all body systems.

The main symptoms are:

  • Firstly, often manifest themselves in the form of psycho-emotional disorders climacteric neuroses, increased fatigue, mood swings, depressive state, depression, distraction, sleep disturbance, feelings alarm.
  • The most common symptoms are hot flashes, which can be overcome with a frequency of up to 30 times a day, and in their place come the sharp chill. These are typical violation of thermoregulation, which occurs due to the receipt of spurious signals in the brain department, responsible for the normal body temperature. It can also set the sweating or rapid changes in body temperature.
  • Begin to disturb pains of different nature and location, often - it's lower abdomen, lower back, headaches, muscle cramps, Numbness of extremities.
  • Reduced quality of sexual life, sexual desire drops, annoying dryness in the vagina, and other organs of the intimate area.
  • It suffers from cardio - vascular system, which makes itself felt tingling in the heart, palpitation, blood pressure, heartbeat and number of exacerbations ailments.
  • Appearance changes significantly: the skin becomes less elastic, dry and thin, denoted rashes and wrinkles.
  • And the most important feature - is a violation of the menstrual cycle, and with the onset of menopause - and at its complete cessation.

Of course, these symptoms may be a manifestation of certain diseases, disorders in the body or hormonal failure. However, if these symptoms bother you started in the designated age, should have recourse to the test for menopause.

How to use menopausal tests

To get the most accurate results, it should be carried out on the morning urine test because it is in it is the largest concentration of FSH. Try to refrain from urinating at least 2-3 hours before the test, as well as to limit fluid intake.

Menopausal Tests - disposable, so before use, make sure that the package is sealed and not damaged. The procedure should be done with clean hands.

As a rule, the tool shows the test strip, which must be freed from its packaging and immerse in a container of urine up to the mark, and left there for 10 seconds. Next, remove the strip from the liquid and place it on a dry surface and wait for the time specified in the instructions to the occurrence of a positive or negative result.

Each manufacturer produces tests with their features, and the time and manner of the manifestation of the results are different. Therefore, before using certain tools, carefully read the instructions.

If you suspect the initial stage of menopause and menstruation you still have, then it is desirable to carry out testing in the first week of the cycle, and again - a week later. If this test is already on the menopause in the absence of critical days for several months - you can perform this procedure on any day repeated every week.

Popular tests

Recently, these devices are becoming extremely popular among the representatives of the female. Foreign and domestic market presents a number of such tests.

One of the most common is Frautest at menopause. Axiom is presented by the German manufacturer in the line of tools, which includes pregnancy tests and ovulation. He reacts instantly to increase the level of follicle-stimulating hormone, clearly displaying visual signals. The package has two test strips for the first application and the second (after one week). Studies show that this tool gives 95% accuracy of the result. Compact, easy to use. It has an affordable price and is sold in almost all drugstores.

You can also select among other MiraTes Menopause HomeTest and Premium Diagnostics. The principle of operation they have the same as the previous one. However, there is not so widely spread in the local pharmacies.

What do the test results

In fact, how to determine the onset of menopause using menopausal tests, we understand. It remains to understand what actions to take, to obtain positive results.

The following is to see a specialist for a full diagnosis and the establishment of a hormonal background. As characterized by means indicate the level of FSH alone, the complete diagnosis will help to establish the amount of estrogen, progestins, and other important hormones.

Large enjoyed popularity in menopause hormone therapy, in which are introduced artificially into the organism substance simulating actions deficient hormones. But such therapy has an impressive number of contraindications.

It is also sufficiently effective plant hormones - preparations on a natural basis, homeopathy, dietary supplements. In any case, Menopause will not pass unnoticed, and even a slight manifestation of symptoms requires relief, and the set before the onset of menopause and pre-menopause, the greater the chance that you will suffer menopause and painlessly comfortable.

If the definition of climax given a negative result, but the symptoms still present, it may indicate certain diseases or any disturbances in the body.

Listen to your body, especially if you have reached menopause, and for any changes, refer to the diagnosis. Tests for menopause will be a lifesaver in determining your current status. And good luck!

  • Oct 18, 2019
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