Hypersalivation - increased salivation

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Increased salivation is associated with an increase in secretion of the salivary glands. Hypersalivation or pseudalism is often associated with dysfunction of the swallowing reflex, dental problems.

Such a defect often brings a lot of discomfort, so do not hesitate with the survey. To treat hypersalivation, you must first identify the causes and eliminate them.

Contents of

  • Causes of Adult Disorder
  • Why does it leak from the mouth at a certain time?
  • Diagnosis of the disease
  • How to reduce salivation?
  • Consequences and prevention of

Causes of impairment in adults

Up to six months, excessive salivation is considered the norm, in the elderly should be wary of this process. In adults, increased salivation can accompany diseases such as:

  • stomatitis and other dental diseases;
  • Aphthous stomatitis

    Parkinson's disease;

  • stomach ulcer;
  • is a disorder of cerebral circulation;
  • neuralgia;
  • poisoning;
  • is a side effect of certain medications.
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Pregnancy and toxicosis may also show strong salivation. Sometimes a false disease is observed.

In this case, after revealing the reasons, the increased disorder disappears, but this happens extremely rarely.

Often this is observed in adolescence. If the child does not complain about the state of health, it is not worth worrying about. Such an organism reaction can be caused by hormonal reorganization. Saliva can be abundantly allocated to people with established dentures.

Why does it leak from the mouth at a certain time?

Excessive salivation can occur at a specific time.

  • daytime - most often observed due to inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx;
  • morning;
  • night;
  • paroxysmal hypersalivation.

Separately it is necessary to allocate a plentiful allocation of a saliva at night. Hypersalivation at this time can be accompanied by nausea, sometimes vomiting.

The cause may be worms, gastrointestinal diseases, decreased acidity. In this case it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Diagnosis of the disease

Initially, the doctor must collect an anamnesis, analyze the complaints, duration and manifestation of the disease. Separately, chronic and hereditary diseases are identified, which may be the cause of pauperism.

The physical examination is an important stage in the diagnosis of the disease. At this stage, the amount of saliva secreted, the presence of skin lesions near the lips and on the chin is determined.

It is also necessary to conduct a full examination and consultation with narrow specialists: a therapist, dentist, psychiatrist and neurologist. Only a comprehensive examination will help to identify the true causes of the disease and effectively get rid of it.

How to reduce salivation?

An important stage in treatment is conducting a complete examination and finding the true causes of the disease. It is necessary to treat the cause, it is necessary to eliminate all chronic and acute diseases that lead to increased salivation.

If, for example, hypersalivation is caused by dental problems, it is necessary to take appropriate medications, rinse the mouth with sage infusion, which effectively reduces the formation of saliva.

If the illness is caused by mental disorders, a specialist consultation can help.

In the treatment of violations often prescribed holinoliticheskie drugs( Riabal, Platifillin).They block the high activity of the parasympathetic nervous system.

What if all this did not help to get rid of increased salivation?

In very rare cases, a surgical method of treatment - removal of the salivary glands can be prescribed. In this case, only large glands are removed. This method has significant drawbacks, with an incorrect operation, facial nerves can be damaged, symmetry of the face is impaired.

If it is not possible to perform a surgical procedure, irradiation may be prescribed. With this method, there is a risk of rapid development of caries in the oral cavity, since saliva is not enough to fight microorganisms.

Treatment with botulinum toxin can also be performed. In this case, the effect is short-lived - for about 6-8 months, large salivary glands slow down their work.

The simplest, but rather ineffective method to combat the strong salivation is special gymnastics. This exercise for the muscles of the face, most often appointed after strokes and with diseases of the nervous system.

The complex of such gymnastics see in this video:

Consequences and prevention

Increased salivation can be dangerous due to its complications and consequences. These can be infectious complications, psychological discomfort, dehydration, allergic rash.

Treatment of the disease should be carried out only after a complete examination by highly qualified specialists.

If surgical intervention is prescribed, then give preference to those specialists who have extensive experience and know all the details of the operation. The consequences of an incorrect surgical operation are very difficult to remove.

Prevention of hypersalivation can be primary and secondary. The primary is to prevent the development of diseases that can cause increased salivation. Secondary prevention is carried out after the detection and treatment of the disease. Is the timely provision of medical care and removal of the causes of the violation.

Remember that we need saliva for normal life. Without it, it is impossible to chew food, with the help of harmful toxins.

This is not all the functions of saliva, but its abundant secretion can be a symptom of other dangerous diseases.

Treat this carefully and do not delay the visit to the doctor, because timely and professional treatment is the key to a quick and successful recovery.

  • Mar 18, 2018
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