What should I do if I have bitten my cheek, tongue, or lip and what is the danger?

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The bite of the cheek, lip or tongue usually occurs unexpectedly: a sharp pain as if paralyzes a person, and the mood worsens for a long time.

Well, if the bite was not strong, and after a couple of hours the sufferer had already forgotten about the incident. But sometimes the bite provokes a real disaster, which then has to be treated for a long time. And regular and frequent bites of the oral mucosa or tongue can become a harbinger of a dangerous condition.

What do you need to know about "samoukus" in order to take the necessary measures in time?


  • Why do we bite ourselves for the lips and cheeks?
  • First aid - help yourself
  • What is forbidden to do
  • What are the consequences of "self-eating"
    • "Language wars"
    • Damage to the mucous cheeks
    • Teeth on the lips. ..
  • What if there were ulcers and wounds on the site of the bite?
  • 5 reasons to see a doctor
  • Folk signs of

Why do we bite ourselves for the lips and cheeks?

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Unintentional bites have many causes. Often biting themselves hasty and sloppy people. A passionate conversation with the heat of emotions plus a quick lunch - and now the man has already bitten his tongue or lip. Those who like to intercept food during physical activity are also at risk.

The brain can not simultaneously handle two complex tasks, and while the person is focused on one - the second one fails. Often cheeks bite during an active game or playing sports.

To have an accidental bite, it is not necessary to have an incorrect jaw structure or mental problems. But if there is one or the other, the risk of biting yourself rises at times, even in a calm environment or during sleep.

People with bruxism, in a dream, can jaw so hard that a loud screech sounds. In this case, the mucous cheek or tongue can be clamped between the teeth. In bruxism, in addition to the psychological cause, there is also a dental one. Those who disregard treatment, risk one day to just bite off a piece of cheek or tongue.

Some features of the dental and jaw structure can also cause permanent bite of the cheek, tongue or lip area:

  • incorrectly installed seal, the edges of which are bulging;
  • sharp protrusions on the chewing teeth;
  • incorrect jaw bite;
  • teeth growing in the wrong places of the row;
  • poor-quality dentures in the mouth;
  • "eight", which grow obliquely;
  • sharp tooth chips.

Separately it is necessary to allocate nervous people and persons with mental frustration. They can "gnaw" the mucous membranes of their mouths for a long time and even do not notice it until medical intervention is needed.

First aid - help yourself

Not every trauma after bite requires urgent treatment in a medical institution, especially on the first day. But any bite requires reinsurance - taking action at home. Therefore, if a person has bitten the tongue, the inside of the cheek or lip, regardless of whether a visit to the doctor is planned or not, he needs to follow a number of simple recommendations:

  1. Rinse mouth with cool water .The cold will provoke a spasm of blood vessels and help bleeding to come to naught, and minimizes pain. If the lip is bitten - attach a sterile bandage soaked in cold water to it and hold it for a bit.
  2. Clean teeth .Next, clean after each meal to maximize the disinfection of the oral cavity.
  3. Boil chamomile( St. John's wort), cool and use to rinse the mouth three times a day .To the bitten lip to apply a cotton swab moistened with herbal solution.
  4. Go to the pharmacy and to buy any antiseptic candy or spray ( you can take Miramistin, it is safe and well disinfects the mouth).Use these funds after each rinsing and cleaning your teeth.
  5. Exclude from the diet all hot and cold foods / drinks .They add pain, especially if they have bitten their lips or tongue and there is a sore. Irritation with high or low temperatures prevents the wound from healing.
  6. Add more fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs and meat to the menu .Especially useful are vitamins C and B. They accelerate the healing process. In the first day of such treatment, the wound should be tightened, and the pain subsided. But the procedure must be continued for at least 2-3 days.

What is forbidden to do

Self-medication can and exacerbate the problem. After biting the tongue or mucous membranes categorically it is impossible:

  • apply iodine, zelenok or hydrogen peroxide on the wound;
  • use or drink herbal decoctions hot;
  • rub the wound with a finger( tongue);
  • gnawing edges of the wound;
  • to get into the mouth with dirty hands;
  • apply to the wound crushed tablets( antibiotics).

What are the consequences of "self-eating"

If the "samukus" happens occasionally, and after that the person complies with all the rules of hygiene and oral care, the wound in most cases safely delayed. But sometimes, with careless attitude towards yourself or because of some other factors, secondary states develop - dangerous for health and life.

"Language Wars"

Better than the trauma of a language may end, this is a prolonged pain.

This fleshy organ heals long and painfully, especially if a person has bitten the tongue very hard and the wound is deep.

Other effects of bite are associated with infection and represent a chain of consecutive states:

  1. Glossitis. A language that is prone to inflammation changes its color and structure. There is discomfort, a slight burning sensation, a person may lose a sense of taste.
  2. Abscess .The tongue begins to swell from the inside, while the person in pain can not normally eat or talk.
  3. Phlegmon .Inflammation comes to the point that the patient is no longer able to swallow and even breathe normally. Such a person is shown an urgent hospitalization.

Damage to the mucous cheeks

Soft tissues heal quickly, but a pathogenic agent can be found in the wound. Usually injuries of the mucous cheek, accompanied by infection, lead to the following complications:

  1. Aphthous stomatitis .The disease is prone to relapse. It is a collection of small ulcers in the areas of the oral mucosa, delivering unbearable pain to a person.
  2. Herpetic stomatitis .Herpes lives in the bloodstream in 99% of people, so with low immunity there is a big risk that this virus will "wake up" and populate the wound. With such a lesion around the injured area on the mucosa, the crowded small bubbles with liquid inside settle.
  3. Afta Bednar .The disease affects mainly children. A special kind of bacteria begins to multiply in the wound due to poor oral hygiene. Mucous is covered with a yellowish coating.

Teeth on the lips. ..

There is a lot of loose fiber in the lips and a strong bite can not just cause injury, but cut off part of it. After a bite of a lip such complications can arise:

  1. Hematoma .Internal bleeding after biting can be quite strong. The lip swells, it becomes painful, its functions are partially broken. Hematoma can have a complication in the form of purulent inflammation, which is very dangerous. The temperature thus rises to 40 degrees.
  2. Inflammation of the .If the infection gets into the wound, the lip swells up, becomes filled with purulent exudate. The patient feels an unpleasant smell coming from the place of injury. The condition requires urgent treatment.

What if there were sores and wounds on the site of the bite?

If, as a result of an occlusion on the mucous cheeks, lips or tongue, deposits of ulcers or other formations that cause pain and do not give a normal meal, the first step is to contact the dentist who will determine the nature of the complication and prescribe the correct treatment.

But, what if a person bites his tongue or lip outside the city or on weekends and there is no possibility to visit the doctor urgently? Then you can try to help yourself at home by following the following procedures.

For the language:

  • , Helical gel or conventional greens can be used to accelerate the healing of ulcers;
  • dilute Furacilin in plain water in a ratio of 1: 1 and use it to rinse the mouth;
  • twice a day grease ulcers with hydrogen peroxide;
  • folk method: brew the herbal collection from the bark of oak, chamomile, thyme, sage and St. John's wort - then cool and rinse your mouth, trying to keep the broth longer on the tongue.

Assisting the mucous cheeks:

  • with moderate pain ulcers can be burned with hydrogen peroxide, Chlorhexidine or Furacilin - these drugs are freely available at any pharmacy;
  • for severe pain is recommended to buy a suspension of glycerin and novocaine( 5 or 10%) and treat painful points;
  • for ulcers to heal faster, they are lubricated with Kalanchoe juice or corticosteroid ointments;
  • folk way: stretch two cloves of garlic, add a spoonful of yogurt or curdled milk, mix and apply on painful areas for a few minutes.

If the lip is bitten:

  • lubricate the lesions with honey or soda solution;
  • handle green( but it's very painful);
  • buy acyclovir ointment and apply to ulcers located on the outside of the lip;
  • apply tea bags to the affected areas;

5 reasons to see a doctor

It's good to know the skills of self-medication, but there are situations when life is literally dependent on the help of qualified specialists. These five reasons serve as an urgent reason for contacting the doctor:

  • has gone 4 days, but the mucosa continues to ache and bleed.
  • after 2 days of self-healing wound began to increase in size.
  • if a large blue hematoma has grown at the site of the bite.
  • if part of the lip or tongue is bitten off.
  • wound is more than 5 mm in length.
You can apply to both the dentist and the ENT doctor if there is at least one of the reasons given.

Popular signs

Having bitten your cheek, tongue or lip, do not rush to panic or be upset, most likely it is a sign of the upcoming changes in your life.

They say that biting your tongue with a long conversation means a quick conflict. Therefore, it is worth slowing down the discussion, until it led to a quarrel. And the person who bit his lip is considered a detective and a chatterbox. Is not that you?

Bite your cheek - then, in a short time, get a passionate kiss. But if the bite happened during sleep, then the cherished dreams may not come true.

Whatever caused the bite, you need to take medical measures and continue to be more careful with your teeth.

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