Autumn diet

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Autumn comes not alone, it brings with it a lack of vitamins and solar energy. And this companion, in turn, brings fatigue, melancholy and drowsiness. Fortunately there are many ways to avoid a dull state of mind. One of them is proper nutrition.

Which products should not be forgotten in the autumn?

Vegetables and fruits. Anyway, these elements of a healthy diet will never lose their relevance, especially in the off-season. To saturate the body with oxygen and vitamins, an orange is useful. It would be nice to include in the diet and salad leaves, seasoned with unrefined vegetable oil. In addition, it's time to pull yourself together and learn advice on the right choice of plant foods to distinguish natural gifts of nature from those grown in artificial conditions.

Potatoes. This vegetable should be dedicated to a separate item, in view of its high energy value. In addition, tubers contain a wide variety of macro- and microelements, acids, vitamins. Dishes from potatoes normalize the metabolism and do not harm the figure. Belarusians did not fall in love with this plant!

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Fats. This is one of the main sources of thermal energy. They certainly will not allow to freeze in the autumn! And those who want to lose weight, you can offer fish instead of meat and vegetable oil instead of fat.

Sweet. Do not abuse desserts - it will not lead to good. But he does not care for sweets. The level of serotonin is lowered, and the body requires cakes with eclairs. The simplest solution to this problem is to accustom yourself to eating dark chocolate. The concentration of cocoa in this must be at least 70%, otherwise there can be no question of efficiency. Supplement the "sweet menu" with a mug of hot cocoa in the morning.

Hot dishes and drinks. In autumn, you need to eat more soups. So if you have not cooked this wonderful dish for a long time, go ahead and with the song! Drink it better with warm herbal teas, compotes, rose hips.

By the way, doctors recommend that you arrange a day of unloading 2 times a week. At this time you need to eat only food of plant origin. The procedure helps to strengthen immunity and improve digestion. In addition, it will be in the hands of those who want to lose weight. After all, the body is preparing for the winter, because it is trying to create a store of fat. But in the modern world this function is useless, since anyone will prefer warm clothes to fat folds.

And yet, listening to advice, do not deny yourself a favorite treat. Take from the fall just what is needed, and do not despond!

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