How to attract the attention of a guy who really likes?

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That's why some girls easily attract the attention of guys, and others, as they do not try, can not understand this art in any way?

Of course, to be born with a natural charm and attractiveness is a serious advantage in fighting other predators for a strong sex, but such a gift at birth is given to individuals.

Most girls are looking for their own way, how to attract the attention of the guy .

They act by trial and error, repeatedly expose themselves to ridicule, win and lose, until finally they find a secret that helps to please guys.

You do not have to go through such a long and complicated path if you listen to my advice.

Why is it so difficult to attract the attention of a guy who you like?

I think each of the girls was in this situation: you very much like the guy with whom you study together at school, university, work, which you meet almost every day on the subway, which I first saw at the party( the circumstances of acquaintance do not play a role here), but he does not pay attention to you at all.

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Glezet, a bastard such, on other girls, as if you are invisible.

What should I do in this situation?

It's natural to try to interest a guy that you like so much.

You can attract the attention of a guy in many ways, for example:

  • by contacting him with some kind of request;
  • knocking something out of hand, and then apologizing;
  • laughed loudly, so everyone would turn their heads in your direction;
  • dropping a glass with a cocktail;
  • asking which hour, etc.

There really are thousands of ways with which you can attract the attention of a guy, but where is the guarantee that this is the most attention will be as you need.

How to find yourself a guy: 10 useful tips

I remember how my girlfriend complained that she was not at the point of view of a pretty boy with whom they often go together to work in a minibus.

Month girlfriend was going to ask him: "What time is it?".

The guy grunted: "Half-way" and again buried himself in his gadget.

That's like something was done to attract the attention of the guy who liked him, but this method did not bring the desired result for a friend( dating and invitations to a date).

How to attract the attention of a guy - a beautiful appearance to help you

I think no one will argue with the fact that women's beauty attracts admiring men's looks like a magnet.

Pretty women do not even have to do anything: they just need to appear in the room to attract the attention of all the guys present, while the ugly people are satisfied with ignoring or sympathetic looks.

So stop being ugly!

Become a beauty!

To attract guys, you need to fix:

  1. Face.

    Your skin should be beautiful and healthy - this can be achieved with the help of proper home care and visits to a cosmetologist.

    Sign up for correction and painting( if necessary) of the eyebrows.

    Learn how to apply makeup correctly.

  2. Hair.

    It does not matter if you have long hair or a stylish haircut( although most guys are attracted to the first option), they must be clean, healthy and well-groomed.

  3. Hands and feet.

    Regular manicure and pedicure in the salon - mast hev of every normal girl, regardless of her age.

  4. Body.

    Here it is necessary to work in three directions:

    • to lose weight( if necessary) and pumped up;
    • get rid of excess vegetation;
    • take a shower twice a day, use creams / lotions for the body.
  5. Clothing.

    Clothing should not only be clean and whole( jeans with design holes do not count), it should be still fashionable and sexy.

    Just remember that from sexuality to vulgarity - one step, do not do it.

How to attract guys - you need to love yourself!

Once I subtracted the cleverest idea that complexes and uncertainty envelop us with an impenetrable film and, the more we have these same complexes, the more these layers, and consequently - the less noticeable we are for others.

An unsure girl will never understand how to attract guys to , because it remains invisible to them.

So, in order to attract the attention of the guys, you just have to love yourself:

  1. Look at how confident confident girls behave, and learn from them.
  2. Find in your appearance and character dignity and learn to emphasize them.
  3. Correct those shortcomings of appearance, behavior, character that are amenable to correction, and reconcile with those that can not be corrected.
  4. Do not punish yourself for mistakes and misses, especially those that happened a long time ago - there are no people who would never be wrong.
  5. Enjoy what you are doing - whether it's cleaning up the house or talking with a cute boy.

Confident girls are usually cheerful, relaxed, sociable and cheerful, but these qualities attract guys.

And if you bring your appearance in order, then the representatives of the stronger sex will not give you a pass.

How not to attract the attention of the guys?

In the struggle for men's hearts, women do not stop at nothing.

If at stake is the attention of a guy who is very, very much like it, then to attract him in the course are any means.

Very often, the desire to conquer a young man forces girls to commit stupid acts, which they later regret.

Do not involve guys:

  1. Deat.

    From an affordable young lady and fast sex, few of the guys will refuse.

    But that's all you agree to be content with?

  2. Vulgarity.

    Do you spit the time to dance striptease in a crowded place, come without panties, lick off the cocktail bar, simulate an intimate act with a dance partner?

    You will certainly attract the attention of all the guys.

    And then what?

  3. The ridiculous appearance.

    Incomprehensible kind of rags with a claim to design, bright red hair, bald skull, piercing in the most unexpected places, original makeup - these girls attract the attention of the guys, but only to spoil them.

  4. Deboshes.

    Although, if you want to attract the attention of a police officer, then - please.

  5. The stupid acts of : an inappropriate loud clamor, a dance on the table, a zakom for a crazy, loud quarrel, etc.

And in the following video there are 12 funny ways,

which also do not need to be used to attract the attention of the guys:

5 ways how else to attract the attention of the guy

Guys - sometimes strange and incomprehensible creatures.

In my life there were times when I understood: he drew attention to me immediately, but waiting for the signal, a kind of green light, such as "come, we will get acquainted".

If you see that this has happened to you, then you need to better hint to this nerd.

In this case, you can attract the attention of a guy:

  1. Looking.

    Look at him furtively, and when he intercepts your eyes, do not rush to take him away.

  2. With a smile.

    Just smile at him - only a fool will not understand this transparent hint, but you just do not need a fool.

  3. Gestures: wind a strand of hair on your finger, twist the bracelet on your wrist, play with a slipper on your fingertips, turn a glass in your hands, etc.
  4. Flirting.

    Pokokeetnichayte with some young man next to a guy who you like, so that he awakens the spirit of competition.

  5. The position of the body.

    Try to copy his posture, the position of the arms, legs, tilt of the head - so he will feel that you have much in common.

If you liked such a bugger, then do not break your head too long, how to attract the attention of the guy .

Just come and meet him.

In this age, this behavior of a girl is not a crime.

  • Mar 24, 2018
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