How to take an analysis of feces for eggs of the worm and other parasites

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Analysis of feces for eggs worm is one of the most common and effective diagnostic methods for determining helminthiases. It allows you to identify the eggs of many parasitic worms that affect the organs and tissues of the human body or make a conclusion about their absence. During the laboratory study of stool, infection with the simplest parasites is also revealed.


How to collect and store
  • Analyzes
  • How many
  • is prepared How many
  • is valid
  • Amoeba
  • Ascaridosis
  • Bovine tapeworm or tapewormer
  • Vlasoglav( trichocephalosis)
  • Cat or
  • Lentet wide( diphyllobothriasis)
  • Lamblia or giardias( giardiasis)
  • Pinworms( enterobiosis)
  • Hepatic fluke or fasciola( fascioliasis)
  • Pig-liver( shinosis or cysticercosis)
  • Toxocara( toxocareosis)
  • Trichinella( trichinosis)
  • Echinococcus( echinococcosis)
  • When to take

    Anal parsit analysis should be given in the following cases:

    • Barrier analysis of - to prevent the spread of helminthiases among the population. This is a compulsory study that must be carried out for the registration of a health book when entering a job related to the storage and processing of food, trade and so on. Also, the screening test is submitted for admission to pre-school and school facilities, swimming pools or before a planned hospitalization in a hospital.
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    • Prophylactic - conducted in order to timely detect the presence of parasites, even in the absence of symptoms of defeat. The procedure is carried out both within the framework of medical examination and at their own will. The recommended frequency is 1 time per year.
    • By appointment of a physician if suspected of being infected with helminths. Parasitic worms( helminths) can affect various organs and tissues, such as the bladder, intestines, brain, urethra, heart, liver, lymph nodes and so on, causing symptoms of various pathologies. If the examination does not confirm the disease of the organ, from which there are pathological symptoms, then there is a suspicion of helminthiasis.

    Fecal analysis for egg worm is prescribed for symptoms:

    • anxious sleep;
    • fatigue, lethargy;
    • decreased appetite;
    • anemia;
    • weight loss;
    • gastrointestinal disorders( pain in the stomach, flatulence, constipation or diarrhea);
    • itching in the anus;
    • bruxism( creaking with teeth);
    • irritability;
    • recurrent nausea, vomiting;
    • vulvovaginitis in women;
    • lag in mass and body growth in growing children and adolescents;
    • urinary tract infection;
    • increased number of eosinophils in the blood;
    • frequent catarrhal pathologies and viral infections;
    • a slight increase in temperature( not above 38 degrees);
    • allergic syndrome of unclear etiology, in which it is not possible to identify an allergen that causes a pathological reaction from the body.

    For the severe stage, the following symptoms are common:

    • joint pain;
    • swelling and rashes on the skin;
    • enlarged lymph nodes;
    • an increase in the size of the spleen, liver;
    • significant body weight loss;
    • marked paleness and dryness of the skin;
    • loss of eyelashes, eyebrows, hair;
    • tooth decay;
    • gum bleeding;
    • mental disorders, apathy;
    • unpleasant odor from the mouth.

    In the chronic stage, there are changes in metabolic processes in the body, which are caused by the absorption of nutrients by helminths, which causes a deficiency of minerals, amino acids, vitamins and other nutrients.

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    How to collect and store

    To accurately analyze the results of the analysis, it is necessary to collect the feces correctly for the eggs of the worm, therefore it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

    • Feces should be collected in a special plastic container with a sealed lid( the container can be purchased at the pharmacy).Some laboratories take the material for analysis and in glass containers of small volumes, but on condition that the container is dry and clean. It should be borne in mind that pharmacy containers provide maximum safety of the stool and, therefore, a more accurate result.
    • The best biomaterial for laboratory testing is feces collected in the morning and delivered to the laboratory for 3 hours after fence. You can make the workpiece the night before, provided it is properly stored. The container with the sample should be tightly closed and put in a cool place, for example, in the refrigerator.
    • It is not recommended to collect feces for analysis after enema and the use of suppositories, and also after taking certain medications, which include barium, iron, bismuth.
    • On the eve of the fence, you must adhere to a balanced diet to obtain reliable results.
    • Do not shower while collecting stool.
    • In fecal masses, no admixture of urine and water is allowed, so before the act of defecation you must first urinate.
    • Women need to refrain from taking the test for egg worm during menstruation.
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    Features of the collection of feces in infants and older children:

    • In infants, feces can be collected after defecation from a diaper or a disposable diaper. It is taken from the surface of the absorbent material, not scraping from the depth.
    • If the baby has a loose stool, it is recommended to collect fecal excrement from the oilcloth.
    • No need to intensively feed the baby before giving the test and force it to empty. Cal can be collected and the night before, without disturbing the habitual regime of the baby's day.
    • To older children, fecal stool must be collected from a pot, after washing it with a neutral baby soap or soda. The pot must necessarily be rinsed well with running water and dried. Do not use synthetic cleaning agents and detergents to treat the pot.
    • For laboratory testing, you need to fill the container to collect the analysis for 1/3 of the volume. This is about 10 grams of stool or 2 teaspoons for adults and children after a year. In children up to 12 months, you need to collect about 5 grams of feces( 1 teaspoon).
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    Analyzes of

    Detection of helminths in stool samples in the laboratory is performed using methods of coprocopy( helminthoscopy).

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    Most often, three methods are used for this:

    • Microscopy of the native smear - examination under a microscope of a small drop of feces, applied with a thin layer on a slide. To do this, a piece of feces is mixed with distilled water to a consistency of sour cream and then a small amount of mass is transferred to the glass. Drip a drop of 50% glycerol and mix with the fecal mixture. After that, a wooden stick spreads the mixture over the glass surface with a thin layer, put a cover glass over the smear and examine the material under a microscope.
    • The Fülebourne test consists of mixing feces with salt water, thanks to which the eggs of helminths float to the surface. For the procedure, 10 grams of stool is combined with 100 milliliters of 50% solution of table salt( 450-500 grams of salt per 1 liter of hot water).Then the mixture of stool and water is left for 1.5 hours, so that the helminth eggs float to the surface of the solution. After the specified time, the film formed on the surface is removed with a special tool and transferred to a slide. The film is covered with a cover slip and studied under a microscope.
    • Test of Taleman - mixing of feces with ether and hydrochloric acid, due to which the presence of eggs of parasites is determined. For the procedure, the stool is placed in a container and mixed with 4 milliliters of 30% hydrochloric acid, 15 milliliters of distilled water and 1-15 milliliters of ether. Then the container is tightly closed with a lid and several times it is turned upside down, stirring the contents. Then the mass is filtered through gauze and centrifuged. The resulting precipitate is placed on a slide, covered with a coverslip and examined under a microscope.

    If at least one of the 3 samples shows helminth eggs, the result of the analysis is considered positive.

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    How much is prepared by

    Analysis for eggs of the worm is a simple and quick procedure. If you take the sample in the morning, the results will be ready the next day. If necessary, you can bring the study material to a paid laboratory, where the results will be ready in a few hours.

    The analysis is indicated on a special form. If an egg worm is found in the analysis, it is necessary to visit a doctor who will prescribe the correct treatment.

    If the worms were not found, and all the signs are present, then it is recommended to re-take the tests in 2-3 weeks, because at the time of the initial examination, helminthic invasions were at the stage of migration.

    Note the peculiarities of the use of antiparasitic drugs
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    How much is valid

    Fecal masses should be carried to the laboratory for 12-15 hoursafter excrement to avoid distortion of the results of the analysis. However, it is best, especially when passing the analysis of feces for lamblia and amoeba( protozoa), if the surrender of the test material will be carried out within 20 minutes from the time of collection. Only in feces can you find adults lamblia.

    If the analysis is done in 1-3 hours, then it makes it possible to determine only the presence of lamblia eggs. For a more accurate result, it is recommended to perform 3-4 tests at intervals of 3-4 days. Thus for delivery of the analysis on ljamblii liquid liquid feces are more preferable.

    The period of validity of the certificate for the absence of eggs of parasites is 10 days, at the expiration of this period, if the document was not provided at the place of the request, the analysis should be reissued.
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    Parasites in the human body

    The human body is susceptible to infection with many helminths, therefore stool analysis is necessary for diagnosing such diseases:

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    Amoeba( amebiasis)

    Worm infection occurs by fecal-oral route, after mature wormsfrom food or water fall into the human digestive tract.

    Symptoms: a sharp decrease in weight, admixture of blood in the stool, abundant mucous stool, anemia.

    For therapy, use Ornidazole, Tinidazole and so on.

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    Ascaris( ascaridosis)

    The most common types of worms are 15 to 40 centimeters long, parasitizing the small intestine of a child and adult body. Before settling in the intestine, the eggs of the parasites make their way through the entire body. After infection, the larvae enter the circulatory system, then into the heart, lungs and with sputum find themselves in the intestine. Infection with parasites occurs when the rules of personal hygiene, poor handling of vegetables and fruits and the use of raw water are not respected.

    Symptoms during the larval period of the body: increased body temperature, wheezing in the lungs, dry cough, enlarged lymph nodes, skin rashes.

    Symptoms in the period of parasitism in the intestines: dyspeptic disorders, liquid stools are replaced by frequent constipation, nausea, vomiting, pain in the abdomen, insomnia, hysterical fits, headaches, mental fatigue.

    For treatment of ascoridosis in the migration stage, patients are prescribed Levamisol, Thiabendazole. During the parasite parasites in the intestine appoint - Piperazine, Decaris, Pirantel, Mebendazole.

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    Bovine tapeworm or tapeworm( shadowiarinhoz)

    The worm can reach a size of 4 to 12 meters. Infection occurs when eating heat-poorly processed meat( veal).

    Symptoms: abdominal pain, nausea, unstable stool, urticaria.

    To remove the chain from the body, doctors often prescribe Fenasal( less often Biltricide).In addition, during the treatment the patient should observe a special diet, put cleansing enemas, take laxatives.

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    Vlasoglav( trichocephalosis)

    The disease appears as a result of infection with larvae of the whipworm( parasites of 30 to 35 millimeters in length).Worms settle in the large intestine, but first, like the ascarids, they pass the path through the entire body. They get inside with unwashed fruits and vegetables, untreated water, with dirty hands.

    Symptoms: abdominal pain, general malaise, dizziness, sleep disorders.

    To get rid of the invasion, it is necessary to take medications that disrupt the mobility of the worms, so that they leave the body naturally( with feces).

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    Cat or Siberian fluke( opisthorchiasis)

    Small worms 4-13 mm in size live and develop in the cavity of the gallbladder and the ducts of the pancreas. Worms come into the body with frozen, raw, not boiled or salted fish.

    This species is dangerous for the development of liver cancer, so timely diagnosis and medication is required to quickly remove helminth from the body.

    Symptoms: high body temperature( up to 39-40 degrees), pain in muscles and joints, cough, rashes on the skin, jaundice( not always).

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    Lentet wide( diphyllobothriasis)

    One of the longest worms, which can reach 15 meters in length. Penetrates the ribbon into the body when eating thermally untreated or raw caviar and slightly salted fish.

    Symptoms: abdominal pain, nausea, anemia, intestinal obstruction( in severe cases).

    You can get rid of the helminth with Nichlosamide or Praziquantel.

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    Lamblias or Giardia( lambliasis)

    Pear-shaped worms parasitize in the small intestine. Infection occurs in the case of the use of unwashed products, raw water, in contact with dirty things, where there may be larvae.

    Symptoms: abdominal pain, nausea, stool, flatulence, headaches, apathy.

    Treatment is carried out with the help of antiprotozoal drugs, enzymes, enterosorbents and cholagogue.

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    Pinworms( enterobiasis)

    Round helminths of 3 to 12 millimeters size settle in the intestine. Adult worms lay eggs in the perianal folds of the anus, on the skin of the thighs, buttocks. The deposited eggs turn into larvae and can again enter the body through the oral cavity. The most common diseases are children, less often adults.

    Symptoms: itching in the anal passage, anemia, intoxication( fatigue, exhaustion, allergic reactions), insomnia, increased eosinophils in the blood, abdominal pain.

    For treatment recommend Pirantel, Decaris, Vermox, Vermil and so on. Hygienic treatment and treatment of the whole family is also necessary.

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    Hepatic fluke or fasciola( fascioliasis)

    A worm 3-7 centimeters long parasitizes the cavity of the gallbladder and its ducts. Helminth penetrates into the body with raw water and when using plants from water bodies. In the absence of therapy, the disease can become chronic.

    Symptoms: persistent lethargy, weakness, headache, urticaria, jaundice.

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    Pork Chain( Shadowosis or Cysticercosis)

    Parasite, reaching 2 meters in length. If a patient has an adult worm, then talk about such a disease as a shadow;if in the larval stage, the pathology is called cysticercosis.

    It is possible to infect with a chain by eating heat-poorly processed pig meat. In some cases, the source of the disease is dirty hands or water.

    Sick people are an epidemiological danger to themselves( infection by larvae of the skin, brain, skeletal muscles or eyes) and others.

    Symptoms: decreased appetite, headaches, upset stomach, abdominal pain, dizziness, fainting( very dangerous eye and brain shadows).

    For the treatment of the patient is determined in the hospital, where he is prescribed anthelminthic drugs( Nichlosamide, Praziquantel), laxatives, enemas. For the therapy of shadows of the brain and eyes, surgical intervention is necessary.

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    Toxocara( toxocarosis)

    Parasites live in the body of cats and dogs and grow up to 30 centimeters. The human body penetrates after the animal releases the helminth eggs into the sand or soil, where they persist for several years. Along with the sand, parasites fall into the hands of a child or vegetables, berries that grew in the soil and further, if hygiene rules are not respected, into the oral cavity. Once in the body, the larvae of parasites are carried along the blood vessels and can settle in any organ.

    General symptoms: allergic reactions in the form of skin eruptions, edema Quincke, bronchial asthma, fever to 38 degrees, an increase in lymph nodes.

    In addition, symptoms appear depending on the site of the lesion:

    • in the respiratory tract - dry cough, shortness of breath, attacks of suffocation;
    • on the heart valves - lethargy, shortness of breath, blueing of the nasolabial triangle and fingers;
    • with dermal form itching itch, inflammation of the dermis, a feeling of stirring under the skin;
    • for neurological form is characterized by the development of inflammation of the meninges and brain tissues, which manifests itself in nausea, vomiting, headaches, cramps and other mental disorders.

    Anthelminthic drugs( Albendazol and Mebendazol) are used to treat the disease, symptomatic and pathogenetic therapy is performed.

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    Trichinella( trichinosis)

    Round parasitic worms that live in the larval phase in the muscles( masticatory, oculomotor, diaphragm muscles), in adulthood they migrate into the lumen of the small intestine. Infection occurs when you use poorly processed or raw meat of domestic and wild animals.

    In the absence of treatment, the disease can end fatal.

    Symptoms: decreased appetite, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, skin rashes, fever up to 40 degrees.

    For therapy use Vermox, Mintezol, Albendazol. At the same time prescribed antihistamines and corticosteroids.

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    Echinococcus( echinococcosis)

    Larvae afflict internal organs, forming echinococcus cysts in them. At risk are people who have constant contact with animals.

    Symptoms may not appear for many years. When the asymptomatic stage ends, in the area of ​​penetration of the larva there are skin itching, pain, urticaria, the work of that organ, inside which the helminth parasitizes, suffers. With suppuration of cysts, body temperature, chills, convulsions increase.

    Complete cure of the parasite is possible only in an operative way.
    • Apr 06, 2018
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